Coconut Oil as Deep Conditioner


New Member
Many of us use coconut oil in our pre-poos... but do any of you use it as a deep conditioner (after shampooing)?

I'm considering using coconut oil as a deep conditioner as it is one of the best oils for penetrating the hair shaft.

Your thoughts?


P.S. I did a search and I don't think I came across any other posts that talked about using Coconut Oil specifically as a deep conditioner...
Thanks! Do you use it with any other product or just the coconut oil?

I'm considering using just the coconut oil with about 20 minutes under the dryer.
Coconut oil moisturizers hair? I thought all oils were sealers because their particles or something are too big to penetrate the hair shaft. So is coconut oil the exception?
Virgin Coconut Oil is one of the few oils that is scientifically proven to be able to penetrate deep inside the hair shaft and carry nourishment along with it.

Sometimes I deep condition alone ...but I always mix it in my conditioner when I deep condition
I do this and I'm obsessed with it. I started only using it to prepoo but now i'm DCing with it and I love it. NO matter what product I use afterwards, I let it airdry in 4 braids and I feel like maxigliding it afterwards is so much easier/faster when I DC with coconut oil.
Coconut is a light oil ...It rinses out well....You can always deep condition on dry hair...b4 shampooing

Thanks Traycee. I almost always pre-poo with coconut or some other type of oil to counter-act the effects of shampoo. I can't wait to try it as an after-shampoo deep conditioner.
Ladies thanks so much. I can not wait to try. I have been using coconut oil on my skin, in my hair, and taking internally as well. I love the stuff.
I always put coconut oil on my hair after washing and conditioning it. I don't rinse it out I just leave it in.
I do this and I'm obsessed with it. I started only using it to prepoo but now i'm DCing with it and I love it. NO matter what product I use afterwards, I let it airdry in 4 braids and I feel like maxigliding it afterwards is so much easier/faster when I DC with coconut oil.

I remember you telling me to pre-poo with oil on dry hair, since oil and water don't mix (thanks again for that tip!:yay:)

But do you dc with the oil on wet hair after the shampoo or on dry hair before the shampoo (I know some people do this, so I wanna be sure).

I wonder how I can work this into my regimen since I don't use shampoo....:rolleyes:

Either way I'll be using almond oil instead because it definitely makes my hair the softest :lick:
I have some Vatika in my stash tonight I'm going to do a massage with it and see how it turns out.

When you DC/pre-poo with the coconut oil, do you apply heat?
I remember you telling me to pre-poo with oil on dry hair, since oil and water don't mix (thanks again for that tip!:yay:)

But do you dc with the oil on wet hair after the shampoo or on dry hair before the shampoo (I know some people do this, so I wanna be sure).

I wonder how I can work this into my regimen since I don't use shampoo....:rolleyes:

Either way I'll be using almond oil instead because it definitely makes my hair the softest :lick:

I would like details step by step details also.

For the past 2 weeks i have been sealing with castor and coconut oil. My hair has never been this soft. Except when i was in moisture overload. I may have to go back to air drying with this much softness.
Hey ladies!

I'm glad we are having this discussion.

I need a google search and came across this article which highlights the benefits of using coconut oil on dry hair or after shampoo:

I'm definitely adding coconut oil to my (post-shampoo) deep conditioner. I will continue to use it in my pre-poo mixtures and to seal my moisturizer in at night too.

Happy hair growing!
Hey ladies!

I'm glad we are having this discussion.

I need a google search and came across this article which highlights the benefits of using coconut oil on dry hair or after shampoo:

I'm definitely adding coconut oil to my (post-shampoo) deep conditioner. I will continue to use it in my pre-poo mixtures and to seal my moisturizer in at night too.

Happy hair growing!

Thats an excellent article...I'm going to try that my next wash:yep:
Thank you BabyShaq
I too use unrefined coconut oil on my hair nightly and my hair is extremely soft when i wake up. I feel that it helps my hair stay moisturized throughout the day better than any other daily leave-in!
By itself? No how! This might work for Indians, but I'm of African descent! Sorry Charlie, but that dog don't least for me! :lachen::grin:
I've been using coconut oil for ages now! I make my own and I love love love it!

Nothing softens my new growth like coconut oil.
Right now coconut oil is the only oil I use, for pre-poo's, DC with a heat cap, or as a leave in or with my leave in it's great.
The good thing about coconut oil is that it's light enough to penetrate and rinse out easily when conditioning. I've also been using coconut oil when I shave and the results are tremendous!
The good thing about coconut oil is that it's light enough to penetrate and rinse out easily when conditioning. I've also been using coconut oil when I shave and the results are tremendous!

I want to try this, do you just smooth it on your legs straight? No mixing?
I use this stuff called shea-co smoothing custard... the results were amazing when I was natural... I used to use it on dry crusty 3 day old presses lol, it would smooth everything out and my hair was soft all day with no buildup... and the main ingredient is cocunut oil... its good stuff