Coconut Oil Challenge!! Can you DO IT????

Dcing with Nutiva coconut oil right now. I immediately noticed stronger hair once I applied it after washing with Afroveda's Ylang Conditioning shampoo. It has been on my hair for about an hour now. I think I will give it another hour to marinate:lick:
Ok...So i did my EVCO pre poo on friday night....rinsed for a few minutes in the shower saturday morning, followed by my protien shampoo. Applied more EVCO to my hair and DC for about 15 minutes w/heat and 1 hour without (while I did some cleaning around the house).......rinsed with a small amount of HE HH.......results

SUPER SOFT/SHINY HAIR!!!!! and this was all before I added my leave in.

I will def give this another go this weekend, when i wash my hair again and take some pics far so good.

Checking in;

I used my powders and deep conditioned with amla and coconut oil. I still sheded a lot of hair so I'm going to try something different. I will still deep condition with my coconut oil. I going to try adding honey and shea butter to the mix.
I'm in :) I'm in crochet braids right now but my ends are out (I usually soak them in coco oil and tuck them in) i'll try this when i take these out (I redo them every 2 weeks)

how are you ladies doing? I'm going to start pre-pooing with evco but I want to continue to DC with regular conditioner... Why do you choose not to DC with regular conditioner? That makes me nervous lol.
So ladies what are your finding from this challenge? Are you abandoning the conditioners for EVCO? Please let us know? TIA
I still use my coconut oil I just mix it with my cheep conditioner and leave it in for a little over an hour for my pre-poo.
I'm not in the challenge but i'd like to comment.

I have been using unrefined coconut oil for the past two weeks as both a pre-poo and a sealant and also as a moisturiser inbetween washes. I have decided to stop using it so much. Just a little here and there.

I found it was making my hair hard. The moisture benefits i saw when i first started using it have subsided and now it seems as if my hair is hard and an oil slick - like its not being absorbed.

I think its a great sealant - a little everyday maybe but not a replacement for all your other products.

Maybe i was too heavy handed so just use a small amount if you're not liking it.

I did find it was great on my scalp and its no longer itching.
I wasn't in this challenge but I've been using virgin coconut oil to pre-poo with since the beginning of January I think. It's great in detangling and softening my new growth and the only other difference I've noticed is that I don't need to use as much protein. I used to use a light protein once a week and DuoTex every month but now I don't feel like I need it at all. I do however still use DuoTex once a month-every 6 weeks just because I'm not TOTALLY convinved that the coconut oil is doing all the work. I haven't tried it as a sealant because the weather in Michigan is still being dumb but I plan to this summer.

If you check out Nina Pruitt on youtube, she has a video talking about coconut oil. She doesn't deep condition or protein or anything just coconut oil once a week (I think) and it's working well for her. There was also a challenge on Hairlista and now they're doing a part 2 so you could check over there for results.