Coconut milk= hard hair?


Well-Known Member
I washed today, got Pantene Clarifying Shampoo and lathered twice (been using cones and wanted them all gone). So obviously my hair was stripped. No big deal I thought, it was so my coconut milk recipe (canned coconut milk, no preservatives, honey, and olive oil) could really work into my hair, and leave it soft and moisturized.

yeah right...

It was the HARDEST my hair had ever been,:nono: and it could not be combed properly, even under running water (which usually works a charm for my DRY hair). So I lathered again with CON (volumizing one), and let a cheapie condish sit on my hair for a while as I combed it out with my Denman.

Can somebody tell me where I went wrong?!
Have you tried coconut milk and lime?

You might also want to try coconut milk alone next time. If it works out, then try adding something else. That way, you can pinpoint exactly what your hair likes/dislikes.
Nah, I haven't tried the coconut and lime before, because I heard it straightens hair. Good idea about the coconut milk alone ... I was just going to drink it and call it a day lol...
I used to swear by the coconut milke but I had the same reult even after letting it wit with the hone and olive oil for hours.Now I alleviate the coconut milk and just do the olive oil and honey as a prepoo. I shampoo with moisture line of Aveda and I have been using Aveda's hair reconstrucuring conditioner. Works well. I also find that if I prepoo then use the ****ake bar soap shampoo my hair is really soft. So just try different things.
I was wondering if it was a protein treatment... It was recommended to me as a moisturizing treatment... with other ingredients like wheat germ oil, molasses, olive oil and honey. I didn't have the wheat germ oil or molasses, but thought it should still work....
Sorry you went through that Aviah. Maybe you should try your ingredients mixed with a moisturizing deep conditioner with heat, and if that doesn't work, still mix it with conditioner, but use it as a prepoo.
Put on a plastic cap and warm it a little with a hand held blow dryer, then wrap in a scarf and let sit 30 mins to an hour before shampooing. Follow with your normal DC.

I those fail, unfortunately your hair just may not like it. I use coconut milk, olive oil, and honey both ways (as described above, and my hair comes out soft. But, everything is not for everyone.

Hope this helps.
Sorry you went through that Aviah. Maybe you should try your ingredients mixed with a moisturizing deep conditioner with heat, and if that doesn't work, still mix it with conditioner, but use it as a prepoo.
Put on a plastic cap and warm it a little with a hand held blow dryer, then wrap in a scarf and let sit 30 mins to an hour before shampooing. Follow with your normal DC.

I those fail, unfortunately your hair just may not like it. I use coconut milk, olive oil, and honey both ways (as described above, and my hair comes out soft. But, everything is not for everyone.

Hope this helps.

I'm currently looking for a no-cone conditioner that doesn't cost me alot so I'm looking at natural stuff... But my hair gets dry easily, so I need something that works, because I'm convinced that is part of the reason I have "holey" hair that splits when you cut it... Thanks anyway...
I see... Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner and Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner, and I hear are good. There are many posts about them if you do a search. Neither has cones. I want to try those. Maybe you could look into them?
I've been thinking about trying the coconut milk, banana, honey and oils mix as a conditioner... but as a MOISTURISING conditioner, now I am reading it might be protein? Nooooooooooooo! Lol.

Now I'm scared!

I want to try out Aubrey Organics HSR, ingredients look good... if the coconut milk mix doesn't work, I'll just get it.
EVOO perhaps? I know when I first heard of putting EVOO in conditioner or using it as a pre-poo, I tried it. :nono: My hair got so hard that it put me off oils. I've been eying coconut oil and have tried it once but not on its own. But it's on my list of things to try. So I wonder if EVOO did that for you.

I ask that coz I tried coconut oil on its own this weekend (following my idol Msa) only I got the one with guar gum :look: It seemed to work OK although I was not too much into the oily feeling (I'm so used to having clean bare hair that I got irritable feeling the oily slipperiness). So I shampooed with Organics Red Grape sth or other, then used Organix Pomegranate.

But I will admit, coconut oil left my hair feeling soft. I will have to try it with the pure coconut w/ no bloody guar gum to see how I like that.
Coconut milk works more like a protein treatment.

What she said. I use coconut cream concentrate when I'm out of AO GPB and I end up with the same result. Follow-up with a moist. condish and you should be fine.
Maybe your hair just doesn't like it. I always mix coconut milk with a bit of moisturising conditioner (like Body Shop's honey conditioner), honey and oil. Works really well for me. Coconut oil, on the other hand, my hair hates.
Coconut milk definitely feels like a protein treatment on my hair but if you look at the can it doesn't actually have any protein in it. Same with molasses.

My hair hates molasses but loves the caramel treament with molasses in it and I also do a ACV rinse with molasses sometimes. So I am still hoping that I can find some way to make coconut milk work for me. I bought some coconut cream if anyone has any suggestions for that and I also bought some irish moss and I am going to try a recipe I found for soaking the moss in hot coconut milk.
I don't like to use coconut milk as my final conditioner. I'll wash, pour coco milk/cream over hair & let sit, then rinse and apply my moisturizing cond and DC. It's like an in-between. I usually warm mine then mix w/honey, a smidge of evoo, castor oil and some conditioner. Then again, I also use it straight up (warmed) poured over my hair and skin. I still rinse and follow w/a moisturizing dc. That stuff is wonderful on my skin!
the coconut milk honey and evoo really makes my hair soft but i only use it as a pre co wash never as a deep conditioner.