Goya Coconut Milk

Have you ever used Coconut Milk as part of your Hair care regimen?

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how do you use the sugar, when you poo or dc?

I haven't experimented with adding it directly to my own products, but I know it is used in a lot of home recipes for conditioning. Burt's Bees Super Shiny line has sugar beets in it because of the high sugar content, and the Kim Vo line I use has some Vietnamese botanicals in it that are high in sugar.
Maybe some kitchen chemists will do some more research/experiments...
I LOVE IT. I brought some cheap coconut cream from Wal-Mart. ( under $1; in a little white box) My hair has been breaking for a while now and I'm about 11 weeks post. So I mixed the coconut cream with Mane and Tail Original for a protein tx. I put it in a bowl and just eyed a good amount of MT to the cream; maybe about half and half. Put this in my hair and braided in two braids. After about 10 mins, I pooed and conditioned. No more breakage at all and I lost no hair when I combed. My new growth was soft and easy to comb thru for the first time ever. I will continue this once a month.
Im so glad i saw this thread. Ive been using coconut milk in my pre poo concoction ( coconut milk, avocado, honey and oliveoil) for the past few months and I was counfused as to how to store it because I don't know how long it keeps in the fridge. Now i'll just freeze whatever is left over.

Is anyone using coconut milk on their hair post wash?
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Im so glad i saw this thread. Ive been using coconut milk in my pre poo concoction ( cocnut milk, avacado, honey and oliveoil) for the past few month and I was counfused as to how to store it because I don't know how long it keeps in the fridge. Now i'll just freeze whatever is left over.

Is anyone using coconut milk on their hair post wash?

i voted can't live without it but i can. it works well for my hair but the storage thing is just time consuming for the thawing. to answer your question tho PuddingPop, i have used it post wash as a heat protectant. i just let some of the water in it evaporate so it becomes more of a cream and then put the coconut milk on my hair directly with some giovanni leave in and blow dry. it worked well when i was using heat to style my hair.
This thread was so very helpful, i was doing a coconut cream and banana dc awhile back and hated it, well I didn't love it, I used the whole can so maybe that was the problem. I still have a can in the cabinet so now, I know how to store it and save some money. I don't think I'll do bananas anymore though, maybe with honey yogurt, some jojoba, castor, coconut, and grapeseed oils, as a pre-poo. I've really been without a protein treatment for like 4 months now smh so I hope this works for me. I use AOHSR poo and co and I think this would help with the stripping effect of the poo, I can only poo twice because my hair feels so brittle afterwards, I'm too chicken to poo again lol, but I truly hope this helps.
I've been using coconut milk for my DCs for maybe 2-3 yrs now. I skim the cream off the top and mix it with other stuff. I used to use olive oil and water. Now its mango butter, various oils, and aloe vera juice. Last time I used it with the turbie twist steam method and I really liked the results.

ETA: I never knew coconut milk had protein. I use it for moisture. It doesn't make my hair hard like the yogurt/egg treatment.

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I voted can't live without it although I'm a newbie to conditioning with this ingredient. I tried the coconut with lime treatment that was much talked about on this board years ago and I like it. This stuff tastes good - to me anyway. Almost too tastey to "waste" on dead keratin fiber :). I'm sure it can be mixed with many other things for conditioning so I'm excited about the possibilities. If you have 4b/c hair I recommend it. I'm pretty sure I've seen coconut powder at the Indian store and for all I know I may have some in my kitchen somewhere. If not, I'll pick up some next time I go coz it's more convenient than working with the canned kind coz you don't have to worry about it spoiling.
I recently added warmed coconut milk to my henna/water mix/conditioner mix and I'm in love. My hair was so soft and manageable after rinsing out the henna. I did DC after, which was even better. It didn't "relax" anything :lachen:, but my hair was very soft and frizz free.
I never tried coconut milk, but I have used Goyas Cream of Coconut. It gets pretty solid in the fridge so I microwave for about 2 sec as it melts fairly easily. Or alternatively I just let it sit overnight so it can become room temperature. It has soften my new growth and leaves my hair soft. I use this when I am several weeks post relaxer and it has minimized breakage.

In a bowl I mix a teaspoon of Cream of Coconut, Olive oil, honey, and my DC. My hair loves this so far.
My DD mixes her coconut milk with pureed avocado and coconut oil. She uses this as a DC.

I mix my Goya coconut milk with amla and avocado oil. It temporarily gets rid of the frizz and makes my hair feel like BUTTAH. I love coconut milk and wish I had used it years ago.
I use full fat coconut milk weekly as a prepoo or dc. Tried it several ways:

-with pureed avocado and other oils
-with pureed banana aand other oils

Alone is fine and moisturizes and softens. With avocado I got protein overload and my hair is crips up and dries out. With banana it makes my hair soft, moisturized and glossy.

So for me coconut milk with banana for the win. :-)
Ive used coconut milk mixed with a heavy oil like evoo, amla, or avocado several times over the past few yrs, and it is very good for my hair (and skin). Made my hair strong, yet soft and silky. I always keep a can on hand of either Goya or Thai Kitchen coconut milk.
Ive got about 2tsp mixed in my dc right now with a few drops of kemi oyl it smells soooo good I hope my hair likes it
drinking a coconut milk and strawberry smoothie right now :giggle:

dont use it much in my hair .... but I cook and drink it in some form just about every day
Thanks for reminding me about Goya coconut milk. I'm about to wash my hair and I'm going to grab a can to DC. I looooove the coconut milk. I add it to my deep conditioners and my amla treatments.

My daughter does an avocado+coconut milk treatment and her hair comes out silky.

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Did I mention I loveee the smell??

Yeah, lol :lol:

I have a tin of this in my cupboard, might get it out tomorrow and try it with the lime (concentrate, in a plastic bottle) for a straightening effect tomorrow. Will update with results and pics if possible. Great thread OP
coconut milk also has a tendency to relax your curl pattern. for most it reduces frizz but depending on your hair type it can temporarily alter it with continued use

Now I'm all conflicted inside :lol: My hair's curl pattern gets affected so easily, especially when I flat iron or anything like that. On the other hand, it's also tends to frizz easily too.
I sat with it for 4hrs 45mins with heat and I didnt really notice any change so I probably wont use it again unless im cooking:)
I wanna try my hand at making my own avocado and coconut deep conditioner. But after reading through the thread (and the issues some have with storing it). I'm planning to search my local Indian grocery store for coconut milk powder.

I figure that the powder would keep longer than milk or cream and I could reconstitute it as needed (I occasionally used regular powder milk for cooking and I assume the coconut version would work the same).

I'm planning to pick some up today. Has anyone else tried it this way?
