Coconut milk + conditioner = soft, healthy hair

preciousjewel76 said:
I have Thai Kitchen too, and there is some thick creamy stuff in there, it's just at the bottom of the can. If you drain out the more watery liquid, you can scoop out the thicker stuff. I find that if I refrigerate the watery liquid for a day or so, it thickens up some, and I can use the rest of it.

Oh okay. When I opened the can last night, I was like :perplexed . But I used it anyway. I did put the remainder in the fridge so next wash it should be good to go. Thanks PJ:) why did I go to the store to get the White Rain Tropical Coconut conditioner and every scent was fully stocked but this one:confused: It was cleaned out! I'm thinking........lurkers:sekret: :lol:
Lavendar said: why did I go to the store to get the White Rain Tropical Coconut conditioner and every scent was fully stocked but this one:confused: It was cleaned out! I'm thinking........lurkers:sekret: :lol:

:lol: Apparently, somebody else wants to do a coconut smoothie too!
e$h said:
So I purchased some Thai Kitchen the other day and opened it up last night and it wasn't thick and creamy like some of you described. It looked just like regular milk. Did I get a bad can? can was thick and creamy. I just went to the site and in the FAQs it states that ithat the milk seperates and solidifies because of the "high fat" content..come to think of it my was kind of solid, yet creamy texture.

I did get the organic version of it though but I don't think it makes much of a difference in consistency of it...
Divine Inspiration said:
Hey ladies,

I've been using coconut milk in my DCs the past month or so, and my hair has changed for the better. It's much softer and smoother, and it seems healthier in general. I've noticed less breakage, and my ends are in great shape.

I know some ladies add coconut milk into their henna mixes, but it also works well mixed into conditioners.

Just wanted to share my experience and hear others. :)


I've been mixing coconut milk into my Cholesterol conditioner (in which I also add EVOO-or Amla Oil- and honey) for nearly two years now, and the difference is noticeable, namely: softer hair,
looser wave pattern- not surprising as coconut combined with lime is said to do this...
easier detangling when rinsing out under running water
easier blowdrying
stronger hair.

You've got beautiful hair Divine Inspiration
Glad you've discovered the benefits :)
Summa Bliss said:
I've been mixing coconut milk into my Cholesterol conditioner (in which I also add EVOO-or Amla Oil- and honey) for nearly two years now, and the difference is noticeable, namely: softer hair,
looser wave pattern- not surprising as coconut combined with lime is said to do this...
easier detangling when rinsing out under running water
easier blowdrying
stronger hair.

You've got beautiful hair Divine Inspiration
Glad you've discovered the benefits :)

I'm doing almost the exact same thing for my DC this weekend. With the coconut milk/cholesterol. I need some EVOO or soemthing though I realized I don't have any.