Coconut milk + conditioner = soft, healthy hair

Coconut Milk in my cholesterol is a staple for me. :yep: I use it to slick my edges down. I've even use it as "leave-in". I use a whole can, a small-medium lime to one tub of Lekair Cholesterol and add honey. Honey gives it holding power when I use it to slick my hair. If I want to use it as a leave-in I leave honey out the mix. I keep my mix in the fridge and it lasts a long time.
adw425 said:
Thai Kitchen is the best; it is very thick and great for when you want to use it straight because you can scoop it right out the can.

I heard about this brand before. I'm going to pick some up next time I'm in Whole Foods.
I picked up some a couple of weeks ago since it was on sale and I know it had been mentioned here before. Thank you for sharing! :)
adw425 said:
I've been doing this for several months now and coconut oil is one of the very best things I have done for my hair. At one point I was using it in my CO washes three or four times a week. I use it in my conditioner, sometimes alone and I also add to my bath water from time to time. It makes my skin very soft. It is the very best detangler there is in my opinion and leaves my hair very soft and strong. Thai Kitchen is the best; it is very thick and great for when you want to use it straight because you can scoop it right out the can. However, Publix carried three different kinds, so sometimes I just go there and get the cheaper brand for 89 cents. It is considered a mild protein.
Thanks to you,alundra and of course Divine:)
I have heard rave reviews about coconut milk, but haven't gotten around to trying it. I'll pick some up and add to my cheapy conditioners.

I am on a quest to find a decent conditioner that will actually work with my hair, but until then I'll continue adding my olive oil. But the coconut milk might work too!
hOnii said:
I find mine in the ethnic foods isle..

your hair is so healthy and pretty!! Im hopin my siggy will look like this soon :)

and do you guys think that coconut milek would work in coarser hair like mines? Im scared to try all these different things cause everyone always seems to have a different hair type than mines :D
For my pre poo sometimes, I add coconut milk and some white rain coconut conditioner to my hair. I let it sit for an hour then wash it out. It always leaves my hair reallly soft. Next time I am also going to add some honey to my mix.
natstar said:
For my pre poo sometimes, I add coconut milk and some white rain coconut conditioner to my hair. I let it sit for an hour then wash it out. It always leaves my hair reallly soft. Next time I am also going to add some honey to my mix.

we are the same hair type, only im not natural. do you think that coconut can work with any conditoner? and how much do you mix in yours?
mzhotniz86 said:
we are the same hair type, only im not natural. do you think that coconut can work with any conditoner? and how much do you mix in yours?

It probably can be used w/any conditioner- I just thought figured since I had the cheap coconut conditioner on hand I would use it w/the coconut milk. I use the entire can, but that's probably not needed. I just didn't wnat any milk left over. Any way I use the entire can on my hair and then I add my conditioner. I don't measure anything I just use enough conditioner to coat all of my hair. It worked really well for me.
natstar said:
It probably can be used w/any conditioner- I just thought figured since I had the cheap coconut conditioner on hand I would use it w/the coconut milk. I use the entire can, but that's probably not needed. I just didn't wnat any milk left over. Any way I use the entire can on my hair and then I add my conditioner. I don't measure anything I just use enough conditioner to coat all of my hair. It worked really well for me.

Oh ok thanx. ill have 2 try it out one day and see what happens
dstdiva said:
do you guys think it will work with dominican conditioners too? or should it be used with the rinse?

probably. alot of the dom con have natural ingredients so adding another shouldnt hurt.only thing is im not sure if the coconut is just moisturizing or if it has protein qualities too? :confused:
i was just thinking this morning about coconut milk. it makes my hair soooooo soft. i had stopped using it so often because i noticed a change in my hair and the only different thing in my routine was coconut milk. i was assuming this was a protein being milk and all and my hair DOES NOT like protein. i'm sure its not a lot of it but i was using it once or twice a week. i had to stop. i love it though. i'm just spreading the use out over time:grin: it loosened my curl pattern a little bit and was just so soft!!!
great thread! it has been at least three months or so since i have used it, but i LOVE coconut milk. i used it has a prepoo with coconut or jojoba oil, honey, and/or a condish.

LOVE it. thanks for reminding me. i need to add it back into my regimen. why do we stop using things that work great???
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Coconut Milk is one my staple products, I mix mine with cholesterol conditioner. I let it thicken up for at least 2 days before I apply it to my hair. After I apply it, I let it sit in for 60+ mins, it leaves my hair extra soft and extra moisturized, love it! :up:
I tried it once as a pre poo. I made a coconut hair smoothie with coconut milk, coconut oil and suave coconut conditioner, the results were soft and moisturized hair.
I will have try it again as a dc.
aliajp said:
I tried it once as a pre poo. I made a coconut hair smoothie with coconut milk, coconut oil and suave coconut conditioner, the results were soft and moisturized hair.
I will have try it again as a dc.

That sounds REALLY good. I tried White Rain Tropical Coconut for the first time the other night and WOW, it was wonderful.

I think I may a coconut hair smoothie a try. I think my hair would like that. :)
aliajp said:
I tried it once as a pre poo. I made a coconut hair smoothie with coconut milk, coconut oil and suave coconut conditioner, the results were soft and moisturized hair.
I will have try it again as a dc.

That sounds really good! I'm gonna look for some coconut conditioner and give this a try.

DI, thanks for starting this thread. I had a can of Thai Kitchen coconut milk in the cabinet just for this purpose, but never got around to trying it. I mixed half a can with half a pack of shikakai and 2 T of Euro Oil. Best DC I've had in a long, longggggg time!:grin:
That's a great idea, aliajp. I think I'm gonna have to try this smoothie. I used my vatika oil for the first time this morning and it smelled so GOOD, just like the real thing.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but it seems like many of the conditioners mentioned (Nexxus Humectin, Suave, White Rain) already have coconut as an ingredient. I was thinking maybe that's what's enhancing the slip you get from the conditioner...:look:
I took out my cornrows today and did a prepoo with 1/2 can coconutmilk and I poured some evoo and squeezed a little strawberries & cream vo5 in also.

I like it.
Got a question - are ya'll using coconut milk without sugar in it?

When I first got on the board I remember making a coconut milk/conditioner concoction and my hair feeling hella sticky with no slip. Anybody have this happen or was I just on the small yellow bus by myself?:D
JCoily said:
Got a question - are ya'll using coconut milk without sugar in it?

When I first got on the board I remember making a coconut milk/conditioner concoction and my hair feeling hella sticky with no slip. Anybody have this happen or was I just on the small yellow bus by myself?:D

Scootch on over I'm in that bus with you:lachen:

I've used coconut milk + conditioner too (no sugar), it was ok. I didn't really notice a heck of a lot of slip so you're not alone. Matter of fact, I used it with an Avenda con that I bought and didn't do too much for my hair (shampure) it made it marginally better but still there are things that work much better for me.



I'm sooo taking your puff! :p
JCoily said:
Got a question - are ya'll using coconut milk without sugar in it?

When I first got on the board I remember making a coconut milk/conditioner concoction and my hair feeling hella sticky with no slip. Anybody have this happen or was I just on the small yellow bus by myself?:D

:lol: Mine doesn't have any sugar in it. It doesn't make my hair sticky at all.
adw425 said:
Thai Kitchen[.b] is the best; it is very thick and great for when you want to use it straight because you can scoop it right out the can.

I have some of this...I used it for my curried chicken dish a few months ago. You are right in your's very rich and thick (so creamy :lick:). I have another can and I *thought* about using in some sort of hair treatment but haven't decided yet.
So I purchased some Thai Kitchen the other day and opened it up last night and it wasn't thick and creamy like some of you described. It looked just like regular milk. Did I get a bad can?
e$h said:
So I purchased some Thai Kitchen the other day and opened it up last night and it wasn't thick and creamy like some of you described. It looked just like regular milk. Did I get a bad can?

I have Thai Kitchen too, and there is some thick creamy stuff in there, it's just at the bottom of the can. If you drain out the more watery liquid, you can scoop out the thicker stuff. I find that if I refrigerate the watery liquid for a day or so, it thickens up some, and I can use the rest of it.