co-worker comments about hair , what should I do?


Hi guys I'm sorry to start venting so early during the week but I need some advice. I have a coworker that happens to be a so called friend and somewhat supervisor, she has a lot of issues of her own, has to sell her home because her husband refuses to work, cant pay her bills etc, etc. Well this morning I dressed up in a black business and white blouse with some black necklace and I just had my hair done on Saturday. Well when I came in this morning she stares me up and down talking about how she knows I went on a job interview and that I probably got the job. I laughed her comments off because I was feeling oh so happy today and I am very satisfied with the progress I am making with my hair courtesy of the advice of you ladies here on LHCF. ;) Thank you so much guys. :kiss:. Next thing you know she starts making a comments about how she cant believe how much my hair has grown and she keeps staring and me. Then she makes a point of pointing out that I have the same problem she has at the back of her hair. And I was like :eek: what are you talking about? She is like oh you have the breakage on the top of your head like I do. I told her I don't know what your breakage is from but mine is from my hair being braided too tight and the hair she is talking about is hair that is actually growing back from this. Now I'm thinking you come in here looking busted 4 days out of 5 and I never make a comment so I would'nt hurt her feelings but do you think she thought twice. NO. She is the first to comment on how she doesn't like braids or phony ponies. I'd rather come in to work with a nice looking braiding style or phony pony than walk around looking like who done it and ran :ohwell: . Well sorry for the long post, but I needed to vent. Do you think I am wrong for feeling a little offended??
No IMO she sounds totally jealous and just a sour person based on her life right now. So anyone that she finds she can target, she will, just so happen she decided to pick you. I would ignore her and keep on progressing girl. I haven't seen any pictures but if your hair is long enough I say swing it all up in her face ;)
Don't worry about her....she's just having a bad day....or maybe a bad month...ok, so maybe most of her adulthood has been crappy and she doesn't want to see a pretty young lady with nice hair and a promising future in her face. Don't be mad at her, your hair is looking great and she's just mad at the world and a bit jealous. If anything try to be sympathetic towards those kind of ppl.and be thankful that you aren't them. :look:

It helps keep your blood pressure down :D
I have never (that I can remember) said anything negative about someone's appearance to their face. If I don't like a certain hairdo or outfit...I smile!
I live by the rule, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!" Why can't everyone live by that rule??? Ignorant people always lurk.

I would move on and don't stoop to her low level. Don't let anyone still your joy. Go head on with your bad self! Today is your day! :)
thanks girls I am going to take your advice . I knew I could depend on my LHCF girls. I will be posting pics very soon as soon as I learn how to get them from my camera to post onto this site :look: .
first off, you looked really nice. and she was just hating on you. She just wanted to point something out that would bother you.
Yes, it sounds like she is just having a big day. Since you two are friends, I doubt she was trying to offend you. She just didn't think before she spoke, that's all. I would have been a little offended though. But I wouldn't take it personal...just stay out of her way until she resolves some of her issues ;) .
Life is too short to expend energy on negative things other people say. Accept criticism only from people who love you and truly want the best for you, other than that...out the door it goes. Evaluate the intent behind what people are saying to you at all times.

This woman deserves your pity, if you inclined to give it. It sounds to me as if you behaved very graciously in laughing it off. Good for you!

Oh please, she's totally jealous girlie. Just shake it off. I always say that insecure people do either one of two things to make themselves feel better:

They either:

1) Brag/talk about themselves in order to make themselves feel better, OR
2) They talk badly about you and/or try to make you feel bad in order to make themselves feel better. This can be done either by giving a back-handed compliment (much like the one your supervisor gave you), or by finding something wrong (anything!) with what you have/what you look like. Insecure and jealous people just LOOOOVE to find something wrong with you so that they can nit pick.

I wouldn't even give her comments the time of day.... :nono:
Oh she is just one of those people who try to look for a flaw to talk about in people. You said she is going through issues in her life and like you know misery loves company so if she is feeling like a mess, she wants everyone around her to feel bad too. Just ignore her.
i hate people like that...they point out things that arent there...i hate when someone points out something that isnt..when she said oh you look like you have breakage like hers that is so much jealousy there...that just irks me when women do things like that..
She a hater fo real girl! Don't listen to her! Haters don't like when you make progress...I just don't listen to haters I refuse to understand their language.;)