Co-Worker and her hair


New Member
I work with a lady and her hair is all natural and dry as hell:wallbash:. We were takling about our hair and I asked her what she's used. She told me all she used was BLUE MAGIC HAIR GREASE in her after she washes and conditioners. I hate to be mean but I can't sy this to her. That's crap looks like a monkey's butt:perplexed. I want so bad to make her a moisturizer and give her the address to this board, because believe me she could use yall's help. Heck i still need it and I've been natural for 2 years. I mean everytime I see her walk aorund the office I wasnt to say dangif you gonna wear it natural please for the LOVE OF GOD make it look good. I'm saying my hair is always on point but GOD knows when I go to work it has to be. And I'm not putting her down i just I could help her. but I don't know her like that so it's best for me kept my BIG mouth closed. Thanks for letting me vent.
Try to bring up hair like maybe on a lunch break or something, and be like: "I heard about this great hair website called LHCF" and "they share lots of helpful tips to women, I think yall should check it out" . So just slide it in a conversation during lunch or something,start off by talking about hair,lol.
I would casually bring up hair or something and maybe then she will feel comfortable asking you what you do for yours. You never know, she may be really dying to know.

Hopefully she will take heed to what you say and won't be like my co-worker. :ohwell: I have a co-worker whose hair seems like you just described and I swear to you just about right before every payday she comes to ask me AGAIN about products. I have written them down for her (coconut oil, giovanni direct leave in) and even offered to PURCHASE them for her. (I gave her my sample size of mixture I keep in my purse before - water, conditioner, coconut oil, giovanni direct- and she swears it is magic). I've even offered o do a braidout for her. Even after going through all of this every 2 weeks, I just come to the realization that she really does just like to hear me talk about hair and doesn't think that there is a product in the world that can help her hair. (her hair is a tightly coiled 4ish pattern, but with the right products, I will lay that sucka out!!!!:grin:)
I would casually bring up hair or something and maybe then she will feel comfortable asking you what you do for yours. You never know, she may be really dying to know.

Hopefully she will take heed to what you say and won't be like my co-worker. :ohwell: I have a co-worker whose hair seems like you just described and I swear to you just about right before every payday she comes to ask me AGAIN about products. I have written them down for her (coconut oil, giovanni direct leave in) and even offered to PURCHASE them for her. (I gave her my sample size of mixture I keep in my purse before - water, conditioner, coconut oil, giovanni direct- and she swears it is magic). I've even offered o do a braidout for her. Even after going through all of this every 2 weeks, I just come to the realization that she really does just like to hear me talk about hair and doesn't think that there is a product in the world that can help her hair. (her hair is a tightly coiled 4ish pattern, but with the right products, I will lay that sucka out!!!!:grin:)

Girl i just don't know how to approach her and I got a butter that would make hair so soft she'd kissing me. But alas I'm trying to keep this job so I don't wanna offend no one.:grin:
Does she comment on your hair? If she does you could use that as a way to talk more about hair care and the products that you use.

Girl i just don't know how to approach her and I got a butter that would make hair so soft she'd kissing me. But alas I'm trying to keep this job so I don't wanna offend no one.:grin:

I know, I know hun............but I betcha she is looking at your pertty hair and wondering :sekret:what you use and maybe she doesn't have the courage to ask you. You GOTTA find a way girl!
