Co-Washing Cult ((Summer 2007 Edition))


New Member
Anybody been co-washing for over 3 months? 6 months? Years!!!
Are you an avid follower of the co-washing method?
I'm going into my 4 month of daily co-washing...
I know they have that water works challenge,
but have any of you adopted daily co-washing
as a lifestyle change???

Tell me why it works for you?
How long you been doing it and why you're never
gonna stop?
I was just gonna PM you...

Dont mean to hi jack your thread but you said you co wash daily, do you always wet style in your bun or do you roller set afterwards. Whats your weekly style of choice when you are co washing.

I was thinking of co washing but was stuck with the after style ...
i've been co-washing weekly for almost a year and a half now (i moisturize daily though). let me just say it has helped kill my dry hair problems. i wished i'd done it sooner. i probably would't have cut off 4 years worth of natural hair -- the dryness & tangles just became too much :grin: no more poo for me.
Well, I just started my hair journey
4 months ago... I planned to only
rollerset for my progress pics that
I do every 3 months. So in 4 months,
I've only rollerset twice... but I usually
only wear the rollerset for 3 days and
then go back to daily co-washing...
I co-wash daily in the shower and bun/ pin in up
while wet and then wrap in a scarf until it's not
dripping wet anymore... and then go... I only wear
my hair like this because I really need to take care
of my ends... I live in Miami and I'm paranoid about
my ends so they need to be wet and pint up at all
times or else... well no or else... it's not happening.
I can't wait for my natural hair to grow out then maybe I
can do the "Co-Wash & Go"... skipping the whole bun thing.
But for now my roots are very wavy and my ends are stick straight
so it looks a hot mess... and braidouts tangle my hair... so...
I have been cowashing daily or every other day for over two years now. I love it and what it does for my hair. I need to detangle regularly and doing that during cowashing every day reduces the stress/damage I used to get back in the day when I'd comb and brush my hair dry. :perplexed

I love that my hair stays moisturized and clean.

But really, as my hair gets longer and I go through so much conditioner, I'm starting to think about stretching out the time between cowashes. I'm going to try for every third day. I know from past experience that going longer than that is not good.
Well, I just started my hair journey
4 months ago... I planned to only
rollerset for my progress pics that
I do every 3 months. So in 4 months,
I've only rollerset twice... but I usually
only wear the rollerset for 3 days and
then go back to daily co-washing...
I co-wash daily in the shower and bun/ pin in up
while wet and then wrap in a scarf until it's not
dripping wet anymore... and then go... I only wear
my hair like this because I really need to take care
of my ends... I live in Miami and I'm paranoid about
my ends so they need to be wet and pint up at all
times or else... well no or else... it's not happening.
I can't wait for my natural hair to grow out then maybe I
can do the "Co-Wash & Go"... skipping the whole bun thing.
But for now my roots are very wavy and my ends are stick straight
so it looks a hot mess... and braidouts tangle my hair... so...

Oh okay, makes sense...Thanks!
I've been co-washing for about 7 months and I love it. It keeps my hair very moisturized and soft. It really helps make my hair and newgrowth easier to manage. I usually wash once a week but with the weather hot weather I am up to twice a week now.
I co-wash at least once or twice a week. My hair is never dry, and it stays really soft (since I've been co-washing). I also love the smell of my VO5 Strawberries and Cream! :lick:
I co-wash daily I keep trying to not do it but I love love the feel of the water as it hits my head love it can't get enough of it and hate when I can't do it. I dred putting on a shower cap. I co washed just about all year how can I stop now. I can't I have to have my hair wet. I am trying to hide my hair and not watch it grow but I need to be able to stand under water so I have to continue this way. I am to use to it. plus its the number one reason why my hair took off like it did. I am hoping it will get me to Armpit by Christmas. We will see because for now I am not ever going to stop.:drunk:
I am a co washing machine. Its the easiest way for me to get through my stretches. I do it everyday in the summer months and let it airdry in a loose ponytail during the day. I do it a couple of times a week in colder months and put it in a bun or braid and let it airdry overnight. My hair grows more (seemingly) this way.
I havent been co-washing for as long as most people but I see myself co-washing daily for years to come. Here's why?

I've been co-washing daily to fight my breakage & other problems, and it's been working very well. But I decided to try people's suggestion of co-washing every 3 days. MY HAIR HATED IT. I lost too many strands to ever wanna try it again.
I'm becoming a co washing addict! I was doing it every 5 days or so then washing on the 7th day. Since June, I have been co washing like every 3 days. My hair seems to loooove it! I don't even want to wash with shampoo anymore lol. I washed today with shampoo only to De-gunk all the products I've been using. Funny thing though my hair doesn't even feel weighed down since i have been cowashing more often.
Southern tease, I tried co-washing in sections 2ce and I LOVED IT!!! Unfortunately because I do my co-washing in the morning, before work, I dont have the time for that. But i'll incorporate it into my weekend washing....
I co wash 3 up to times a week when I'm in twists because I workout a lot but I still wash with poo once a month. I don't think I could totally give up shampoo I go for the milder formulations.
daily cowasher checking in!!... i've been doing it daily (except when i'm blown out) for over two years now... that's what i contribute most of my growth to... i do go through a lot of conditioner though, but that's ok... i used cheap stuff so it's not a big loss.. what i gain in moisture can't be compared to what i lose in money...

as far as daily styles, lately it's just been wash and go... when the cooler weather starts, i'll be back in buns...
Anybody been co-washing for over 3 months? 6 months? Years!!!
Are you an avid follower of the co-washing method?
I'm going into my 4 month of daily co-washing...
I know they have that water works challenge,
but have any of you adopted daily co-washing
as a lifestyle change???

Tell me why it works for you?
How long you been doing it and why you're never
gonna stop?

I've been CW for about 5 months and I love it! I sort of had myself convinced that I couldn't do it because I airdry, didn't have time, blah, blah. Then I found out that one of my favorite ladies here does it regularly and since my hair is sooo trying to be like hers when it grows up, I tried it and loved it instantly!

The Pros are that my hair is always clean and moisturized. I can't remember the last time I saw dandruff. It always smells good. It's less tangled.

I can't really think of any Cons off the top of my head. I CW every day but I may slow down a little when cold weather comes, we'll see.
I've been CW for the past 3yrs and will never stop. It has saved my hair from excessive breakage. I'm prone to have dry hair and it really with moisture.