CO washes and dandruff?


I haven't been on the board in a minute, but since I've recently stopped by, I've been hearing some buzzing coming from the screen about conditioner washes, so....I have a few questions for the newbies and veterans of CO washes...

1. What are the benefits for conditioner washes?
2. Will it cause product buildup, if so, will it cause scalp itchiness and weigh my hair down?
3. I have dandruff, but I feel I need to shampoo first, do I shampoo? Or will the CO wash take care of the flakes sitting on top of my tree?
4. What are some of the favorite conditioners being used?
5. How often is enough for CO washes (ie. once or twice a week, everyday?) and how many times should the hair be washed in one sitting?

I know I tired you ladies out with the number of questions, but I've never heard of such a thing and was considering trying it for myself, but wanted advice on the how tos.
1. Softer,stronger, easy to comb hair.
2. I havent had any build up, I have 4-5 diff bottles so this doesnt happen. Try mixing ACV in your shampoo to help with build up. I shampoo my hair once a month.
3. CO should help out, my mommy has flakes and the CO washing really help!
4. Try VO5.
5. You can CO wash your hair every day if you wanna, I wash my hair 3 times in one sitting.