Co-Wash Challenge Spring/Summer '09: Who's Down?

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Ok, I'm going to give cowashing another try. I think I will cowash with my hair in four or more plaits because I can't cowash, wash or anything while wearing my hair loose to shrink up. I've lost so much hair that way, so maybe my new idea will work.
Count me in, I just did a co-wash with Giovanni tea Tree, very cool, I might have to go buy a few more bottles, lol
OMG, I was thinking of starting a thread like this if Tiffers didn't!

I am definitely down. However, in 2 weeks I'm getting a relaxer (after 20 weeks :lachen:) so I'm gonna need to let my hair blow a bit. Then 2 weeks later, color touch up.

I'll make up for it though by cowashing at least 3x week in the meantime. :wink2:
I'll join! I've cowashed daily (except from Dec-Feb) for the past 2 years and plan to continue to do so. Right now I'm using HE hello hydration
OMG, I was thinking of starting a thread like this if Tiffers didn't!

I am definitely down. However, in 2 weeks I'm getting a relaxer (after 20 weeks :lachen:) so I'm gonna need to let my hair blow a bit. Then 2 weeks later, color touch up.

I'll make up for it though by cowashing at least 3x week in the meantime. :wink2:
I was waiting on Tiffers too but I went ahead and started it because I hadn't seen her around then lo and behold, I get an e-mail telling me she saw this thread :giggle:

:bump: to the top...anyone else interested?
I'll subscribe to this thread.

Currently I'm transitioning and I cowash at least once a week, I have been thinking about stepping it up to 2ce a week because my hair seemed to do better when I mistakenly cowashed 3 consecutive times without a shampoo bar wash and I think I've found a new thing my hair loves :-)
I'm in, I absolutely have to wash on my Ashtanga and Bikram yoga days, between the heat in the class and the heat outside, my head is a sweaty mess.
Count me in too please. I planned on co-wahing 3x's per week but this cold weather made it impractical. But during the summer, the way my scalp sweats, I'll need to co-wash at least 3x's a week.

maybe i'll try this condition washing thing out again?

once a week for me
since i'm low manipulation.

probably tuesday.
seems like a good inbetween day
i might try that stocking cap method
where you put a stocking cap over your head
and let the water soak through and then let conditioner soak through
i wear my hair in a protective twist style that i'm trying to keep in tact for a minute or two.

hopefully that works out for me. haha
I'm in, however, because I am in Albany, N.Y. and the weather tends to stay cold for a longer period of time, I probably will not start until mid April
I will do it! But I will be starting a little later, when school gets out (May 18th) So I guess I am just doing summer??

I will try to use up my Moisture 24/7 and Moisture PRO bottle that I have sitting around
I'm in! I just started co-washing after joining LHCF and I love it:yep: Trying to get to full and healthy BSL by the end of August for the 2009 Miss Universe...hopefully co-washing, bunning, stretching and a few other 'lil' things will get me there!!!
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