Co-Wash Challenge Spring/Summer '09: Who's Down?

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I'm in. I was planning on adding a co-wash to my weekly routine when it gets warm outside anyway. So it will be one DC and one Co-wash for me
I am in. I always cowash anyway. I will still likely flat iron my hair once a month during this time though. I can't wait to get home tonight and cowash and do me a twist out :yep:
I'm in! Already cowashing 3-5 times a week, so I can success with this. I'll be continuing to use Wen.
I'd love to join. I'm transitioning, and I was thinking about cowashing every day. I do it every other day now.
i'm in. i was unofficially in it last summer and i learned soooo much. i can cowash once a week in these twists, and come warm weather it is ON like donkey kong. :look:
I'm in! I'm planning to go for the gusto this summer. I'm down to once a week now because I'm so busy with school. I'll have time to kick up my hair game when school's out.
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