Christelyn Karazin Of Beyond Black & White On Marriage

I don’t know if I’m being petty but if I am I own it. When she started going on about not being on the pill because she’s married, I just :rolleyes:. I guess she doesn’t know there’s a lot of options besides the pill. I’m not married but if/when I am, I would think being on BC would be my primary concern assuming I trust my husband isn’t stepping out. It’s just weird that she went on and on talmbout “I’m a married woman! Married people use condoms.” o_O Or maybe she knew about all the options but couldn’t use BC at all because of her health risks.

But otherwise good video.
@PeaceLover she said she suffered from lots of side effects from the pill. But I hear you. I was thinking the same thing. I really enjoyed her thoughts on marriage otherwise.

I had bad side effects with the Mirena at the very end of my 5 years. I didn’t have problems with the pills except for the fact that I didn’t take them right & ended up getting pregnant lol