Chris Rock's "Good Hair"

Yeah, I think Almaz posted a thread about this a few days ago. It does look very interesting. It even won an award at Sundance.
I cant wait for this! I love the good hair debate as there are extreme views on both ends, where i am from we dont talk about our own hair, I think this will be a nice ice breaker :)

I wonder if anyone will find it offensive?

I'd like to watch this, not sure if this will be shown in the UK.

LOL @ Raven Simone (I think?) shifting her wig and LOL @ 'Weave-Sex'! :lachen:
It looks funny and educational but it also made me feel very emotional about myself and the hair decisions I am making and the outcome they will have on any future children I have. Ok I know, it is just hair but woman & hair are big and Black woman and their hair are even bigger.
i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad another hair movie is finally coming back out. i'm glad to see celeb females keeping it real about weaves and hair in general. i'm looking forward to this one!!!
It looks good and funny. Thanks for posting this. I hadn't heard of this movie before now. I'm gonna have to see it.
I'm really excited for this. I will be going to the black theater for this one. I alreaddy have enough non-black ppl staring at the back of my head as it is.
I'm looking forward to seeing this one. The trailer had me LOL about the weave-sex and watching Raven shift her hair too! :lachen:
Thank you! I was hoping to see a trailer for this. I really want to see the movie. I heard about it when Tyra did the "What is Good Hair?" segment on her show a few months back.
All right ya'll I'm a little nervous about this one. Be clear I am proud of my hair care journey but I think this is really opening the lid tooooooo far. I know it is common knowledge 'Sistahs are serious about their hair" But to let everyone see exactly how serious may be a little to much for some to handle. I can't stand when someone touches my hair now and questions me but Chris Rock is bringing his entire diversified audience with him??? I'm going to see it, can't wait but I'm feeling open & exposed.

All right ya'll I'm a little nervous about this one. Be clear I am proud of my hair care journey but I think this is really opening the lid tooooooo far. I know it is common knowledge 'Sistahs are serious about their hair" But to let everyone see exactly how serious may be a little to much for some to handle. I can't stand when someone touches my hair now and questions me but Chris Rock is bringing his entire diversified audience with him??? I'm going to see it, can't wait but I'm feeling open & exposed.


Hmm...I think it will be a learning experience. I'm actually glad that he's able to poke a little fun, and bring amusement to this. I really was in shock when my daughter asked me for straight blonde hair...and when I told my mom, she told me I did the same!:blush:

I'm hoping that this will shed some light to those who don't know...whether it be black, white, asian, hispanic, one-eyed-one-horned-flying purple people eaters...whatever. This is one of those "wounds" that heals better when it's able to breathe, you know? I feel that the reason so many of us are ignorant about our hair, is because we've kept a lid on the discussion for TOO LONG.
All right ya'll I'm a little nervous about this one. Be clear I am proud of my hair care journey but I think this is really opening the lid tooooooo far. I know it is common knowledge 'Sistahs are serious about their hair" But to let everyone see exactly how serious may be a little to much for some to handle. I can't stand when someone touches my hair now and questions me but Chris Rock is bringing his entire diversified audience with him??? I'm going to see it, can't wait but I'm feeling open & exposed.


:lachen: So you actually think it's a SECRET to the non-black community about how SERIOUS we are about our hair?! :rolleyes: Puh-leez.
I am excited and afraid to see this film lol. Excited because I love Chris Rock and the subject matter is interesting as I feel it pertains directly to the black female community, but afraid because I get a relaxer and, although I know how harsh the chemicals are, seeing that man burn through that soda can with that stuff almost gave me a heart attack! :eek2: I was thinking " that why so many unfortunate women with relaxers end up balding later on in life? is that going to be ME?". Regardless, I am going to see it for educational and entertainment purposes. :)
Thanks for posting; I've been waiting for this ever since it debuted at Sundance. And I'm glad that finally this can of worms will be exposed...
I have been soooooo looking forward to this! It looks informative as well as entertaining. I can only imagine the news coverage from this documentary. The cat is being let outta the bag.