Child Support and current spouses income


New Member
My girlfriend just called stating her husband has received child support increase papers from child support. Her husband is really sweet he pays his support and keeps his son everyother weekend. Apparently the courts atomatically reveiw the cases every so often.

Well she says one of the questions ask if they have minor children in the home then her income needs to be provided along with employeers information.

Has any1 every heard of this? Why would her income be counted or even referred to if she is not the biological mom. Her husband just got a new job and so did the ex-wife. Now will the ex's husband's income be counted also or because he has no children in the home it will not? Will this be based on if the child support will increase or decrease?

This is the first I heard of this!
By the way I know child support threads can get really heated so this is not a thread on his not paying or how much he is paying just about counting the new spouses income, and please don't bash her for marrying a man with children it is not like that!:yep: be nice PLEASE!
From what I understand, I believe a spouse's income is considered when determining CS payments. Maybe someone with more experience in this area can chime in.
Thanks but I wonder will it be my friends income and the ex's new husbands income. I have been tryng to find it online but can't.
YES, depending on the state, a spouse's income can be factored into determining child support payments for a non constodial parent.
Only the absent parents spouse not the parent that has the child their spouses income will not be counted if they are married. WOW!
Here they look at the income of the noncustodial parent and that person's spouse. So the new wife could end up helping to pay for the children that came before her.
I can't answer for the US but in my country I was shocked to find out that my semi-new, not even then-husband, income was factioned into account.

I send my children to summer camp every year, their father does not want to pay for half so I turned in the form with my income alone (the fee is income based). I received a letter back stating that I was to include all adult income of my household.

I pay for my children by myself, I've never questioned it nor discussed it with my "new" husband but the state seems to think that he has an obligation to contribute to my children so my fee went up with 100%.

My ex is making out pretty good if you ask me. He makes 50% more than me, his new wife and him have no children together and her kids are grown. He can choose what to pay for, my new husand and I are obligated.

Makes little sense.
I know a couple (well, older sister knows) this couple and the wife is helping to pay CS. To make a long story short, the "now" wife and another woman got pregnant at the same time. Wife (at the time just girlfriend) told her husband (bf at the time) that he had to choose between the two of them. Well, he chose her and he signed his rights away for the other child. Well, its going on 17 years now and guess what - they BOTH are paying this woman $1700 a month in CS. Yes, they factored in both of their incomes.:yep: So basically, this man and his wife are paying all this money for a child that they never saw.:nono:
From what I understand, I believe a spouse's income is considered when determining CS payments. Maybe someone with more experience in this area can chime in.

In my state, my income was NOT figured into my exhusbands when we were together re: CS issues. I guess it varies state to state.
We got another friend on the phone that has no children and neither does her husband. Of course my friend Sara was called stupid and eveyother name u could think of for marrying a man with children. This what u get kinds thing.

I do understand the concept of supporting ur children. I know I may get screamed at for this one but so are the courts basicaly saying screw the new family and kids as long as the 1st is taking care of. The 2nd can live in poverty. Y not split the support. If one makes more thenyes increase. U do have some good men. We wonder y marriage is failing!:nono:

I feel bad for both sides. I told my bf I hope things work out and they do not count her income or by all means if u will count one source of income then count both sides. If the ex remarries I think it is only fair they count both new spouses income.

Sadly the kids hurt because then u get well I am paying I am gonna run type of thing. Then the kids wind up marrying their sister or brother cause daddy never saw them and had other kids and they feel in love. That was a lyf time movie and it was so good! LOL:grin:
Here they look at the income of the noncustodial parent and that person's spouse. So the new wife could end up helping to pay for the children that came before her.

Reason number 185 I refuse to date/marry a man with a child. Call me stingy, but I work too hard for my money to be siphoned off to some child I didn't have any parts of birthing. Sorry, not signing up for that.:ohwell:
Someone mentioned this to me last week. She this one lady does not work because her income would be incluced to pay for cs for husbands two college age children. The older people talking thought cs ends at 18 I told them it does not end till college.
I don't think it is fair to consider the non parent's income. When I get married, I still expect my son's dad and me to contribute to his expenses. If hubby wants to help out that is fine but I don't expect to take on the financial burden.
In NC when the child is 18 they no longer get child support social services says that even if they go to college.
Thats how it is in Los Angeles County but I was told by a child support rep that if my child was in trade school for 6mo to a year I could have gotten it pass 18. I sent my child to a 4 year university so 18 it was.
IMO you should not start another family unless you can take care of the responsibilities that you already have (previous children).

We got another friend on the phone that has no children and neither does her husband. Of course my friend Sara was called stupid and eveyother name u could think of for marrying a man with children. This what u get kinds thing.

I do understand the concept of supporting ur children. I know I may get screamed at for this one but so are the courts basicaly saying screw the new family and kids as long as the 1st is taking care of. The 2nd can live in poverty. Y not split the support. If one makes more thenyes increase. U do have some good men. We wonder y marriage is failing!:nono:

I feel bad for both sides. I told my bf I hope things work out and they do not count her income or by all means if u will count one source of income then count both sides. If the ex remarries I think it is only fair they count both new spouses income.

Sadly the kids hurt because then u get well I am paying I am gonna run type of thing. Then the kids wind up marrying their sister or brother cause daddy never saw them and had other kids and they feel in love. That was a lyf time movie and it was so good! LOL:grin:
We got another friend on the phone that has no children and neither does her husband. Of course my friend Sara was called stupid and eveyother name u could think of for marrying a man with children. This what u get kinds thing.

I do understand the concept of supporting ur children. I know I may get screamed at for this one but so are the courts basicaly saying screw the new family and kids as long as the 1st is taking care of. The 2nd can live in poverty. Y not split the support. If one makes more thenyes increase. U do have some good men. We wonder y marriage is failing!:nono:

I feel bad for both sides. I told my bf I hope things work out and they do not count her income or by all means if u will count one source of income then count both sides. If the ex remarries I think it is only fair they count both new spouses income.

Sadly the kids hurt because then u get well I am paying I am gonna run type of thing. Then the kids wind up marrying their sister or brother cause daddy never saw them and had other kids and they feel in love. That was a lyf time movie and it was so good! LOL:grin:

They have no reason to consider the custodial parent's spouse's income. Their marriage means it's pretty much understood that the custodial parent's new spouse is contributing to the household where the child resides. :ohwell:
I've been through this, they considered my son's stepmother's income was factored into the CS equation, when it came to the amount awarded, as it should be..the premise is, the child is to have an equivalent lifestyle to the noncustodial parent..hence if the noncustodial parent has a million dollar lifestyle, the child's lifestyle should reflect that with the custodial parent, when it comes to paying child support..
These threads about child support are missing the point. The custodial parent is paying rent/mortgage, utilities, food, clothing, childcare, healthcare, transportation and educational expenses for the child out of 100% of their income. In my state the non-custodial parent pays a maximum of 17% of their income for child support. Just because a few celebrities are paying large amounts of child support, the average custodial parent is still paying the bulk of their child's expenses.

They have no reason to consider the custodial parent's spouse's income. Their marriage means it's pretty much understood that the custodial parent's new spouse is contributing to the household where the child resides. :ohwell:
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I've been through this, they considered my son's stepmother's income was factored into the CS equation, when it came to the amount awarded, as it should be..the premise is, the child is to have an equivalent lifestyle to the noncustodial parent..hence if the noncustodial parent has a million dollar lifestyle, the child's lifestyle should reflect that with the custodial parent, when it comes to paying child support..

What if boyh lyfstyles r equal or the ex's lyfstyle is better than the absent parent because of her new spouse is that considered?
What if boyh lyfstyles r equal or the ex's lyfstyle is better than the absent parent because of her new spouse is that considered?

If the custodial parent has a better quality of life than the non-custodial parent, that does not ( and should not ever) negate the responsibility of the noncustodial parent. :nono:
These threads about child support are missing the point. The custodial parent is paying rent/mortgage, utilities, food, clothing, childcare, healthcare, transportation and educational expenses for the child out of 100% of the income. In my state the non-custodial parent pays a maximum of 17% of their income for child support. Just because a few celebrities are paying large amounts of child support, the average custodial parent is still paying the bulk of their child's expenses.

I do understand that. That was y I said they can get really heated sometimes. I just wanted to know of the new spouse income. Also if the custodial parent remarries will both new spouses income be counted. Both of these ex's remarried. I don't know about both income I know that both houses work and they do a good job in taking care of the children. From what I am gathering only the absent parents spouses income will be counted.

Also I was told it depends if the children in the homes are biological to the absent parent. If not then the income may not be counted.

I also agree I think because it is in the news alot of $50,000 cs payments we get side tracked. There are alot of women that do it on the their on and men also.
I also did not know if u have 10 children u don't have to pay child support! Why should that take away from u paying if u have 1 or 10?