Chicoro. WOW!!!


New Member
Your hair is sooo beautifull,

do you have a regime, i couldnt belive what I saw, how did you go from relaxed to natural did you cut your hair?? or what?

and what is your hair type??

i cant stop watching your hair its so beautifull:eek:
Yes, her hair IS beautiful!

I believe she does the baggie method, moisturizes twice a day, and washes once a week. She transitioned for a while and then cut her relaxed ends off back in 2001 (it wasn't the big chop... her natural hair was at her shoulders I think).

Hope that helps. ;)
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Yes, I love her hair too, its gorgeous! :love:

If I remember correctly she puts castor oil on her hair too when doing the baggie method. HTH ;)
Poohbear said:
Yes, her hair IS beautiful!

I believe she does the baggie method, moisturizes twice a day, and washes once a week. She transitioned for a while and then cut her relaxed ends off back in 2001 (it wasn't the big chop... her natural hair was at her shoulders I think).

Hope that helps. ;)

i love your hair tooo, its beautifull, yes thanks for her regime,
wow Poohbear.. stalk much!?!?! LOL you knew that girls regimine in and out!! but yea, her hair is A-mazing
Thanks caligirl and Saida! :)
tuffCOOKiE said:
wow Poohbear.. stalk much!?!?! LOL you knew that girls regimine in and out!! but yea, her hair is A-mazing
Yep... :sekret: Heehee! Plus, I've PM'ed her several times beforehand. ;)
I know, her hair is absolutely beautiful, I have her album saved as one of my faves and during the depressing hair moments I look at her album for inspiration. When my hair grows up it wants to be like Chicoro's.
I m so in loooooooooooove with CHicoro s hair. She s one of my longtime ultimate hair inspirations back to when i was lurking. i remember seeing that fierce long natural ponytail and ever since i fell in love with waistlength hair lol:lol: she has the ultimate length i want and she s gorgeous and nice!!!!!!!!:D :) :p
Oh yeah, Chicoro's hair is off the hook. I am one of her album stalkers. I don't even care that she has not updated it in ages, I am always stalking it, just to drool over her hair.
I'm not natural, but Chicoro makes me wanna be. She's a natural hair diva. I'm so in love with her style.

Peachtree said:
Chicoro is one head of beautiful thhhhhick hair!

Did she move her album? I can't seem to find it :(

After reading all of the wonderful reviews I had to search to see for myself. Her hair is beautiful! I hope she updates soon. Her album is:
Thats what i said! She has the thickest most beautiful hair. She and Sistaslick are my hair idols.
Chicoro makes me wish i hadnt relaxed my hair:(