Charlotte Ladies- Are There Any Good BSS out here??


Well-Known Member
I've been to about 5 BSS since I've moved here and they have all sucked!! It's like if you not looking for a weave, wig or something to lay down you edges then you're out of luck.

Could any of you ladies help me out?? I like variety when it comes to BSS I want to be able to get the pricey products and the cheapies. I love a BSS that's always updating their inventory with new products. TIA!!
The best one I've been to is E C Beauty Supply. They are Asian owned and on south blvd and tyvola (on the corner). They have a huge selection of products and hair. They also have a lot of natural hair products. Customer service is usually not great (most of the time you are never greeted even as a repeat customer) but product selection is very good.

The one right down the street from them, Ann's beauty supply, also has a huge selection of products, high and low pricd. They also have better customer service.

If you are near university there is one on N Tryon right behind UNC-Charlotte and next to kohls. They are African owned with pretty good selection of products and a large store layout.
TYSUNS on N tryon

this is my favorite bss :look: <--- bc this forum looks down on those who shop at korean owned Bss's
I'm not going to be much help but... I go to E C, like what was already mentioned. I bought weave from there... it wasn't that great... it was a while ago, so don't press me on details... sorry! I think for quality weave you should just order it online.

As far as wigs go.... E C has a large selection--at least comparing it to other BSS I've been in. I bought a half wig a few years ago and was pleased with it. The customer service was good too. The girls were very helpful.