Challenges 2018

Thanks for starting this thread, @faithVA. :smile:

I'm just thinking aloud and brainstorming. These may already exist in some form.
  • Hair Care Consistency Challenge
    What (all) do you want to be consistent about in 2018? List it, and report back every week, two weeks, or month, as appropriate.

    Example: A poster lists the following consistency goals.
    -- Quarterly trim
    -- Monthly henna treatment
    -- Weekly DC

    So this poster would return and post to the thread every week, every month, and every quarter to update on all 3 consistency goals.

  • Hair Photo Documentation Challenge
    Photograph your hair every month, two months, or three months (you choose). Beneath each photo, list the hair-related challenges you are involved in (as this may evolve/change, and also to remind yourself of what you have committed to). Discuss what you see in your photos and what your evolving goals/changes are as a result of what you are seeing.

  • Nutrition, Water, and Exercise for Hair Growth Challenge
    Initial post: In an initial post, list what you think you need to eat (food and vitamins), drink, and do (exercise) for optimal hair growth. Include a length shot photo if you desire.
    Once-a-week: Each Sunday by 12 noon EST, download this simple check-off form. All week on paper, check off whether you've had the water, nutrition, and exercise you deem required for optimal hair growth. Each Saturday by 12 midnight EST, upload a photo of your check-off form for accountability. If desired, beneath the photo type a reflection note about what went right and what's working, how you plan to improve or maintain, what you plan to eat, what you're drinking, how you can get more water in, etc.
  • Use up Your stash challenge ( This is a MUST)

  • Protective Style/Hide Your Hair/Wig It Up/Sew In challenge- Please combine these challenges, they all fall into protective styles or Hide your Hair....why separate them?

  • Deep Conditioner Challenge

  • Inversion Method challenge

  • 12 Inches in 12 months (I have always shyed away from these type of challenges because I don't like the pressure, but I would like to grow out my tapered TWA just to see my hair potential now that I understand my hair much better. A challenge like this might be fun for me to see what I can accomplish in 12 months!)

  • A personal challenge of mine is to "Simplify My Stash". This challenge will help me to zero in on what products really work for me and encourage consistent use of them.
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  • Hair Care Consistency Challenge

  • Nutrition, Water, and Exercise for Hair Growth Challenge

I'd do these. I would also be interested in:

  • Healthy Ends 2018
  • continuing Hip/Tailbone Length Challenge
  • Ayurveda/Curly Proverbs Challenge. I hope we combine these two because they are essentially the same thing.
  • Twist/Braid/Bun 2018
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Use up the stash (I'm always in this one)
APL length
Protective style/hide your hair

Even though I'm wearing a wig now, I don't think the wig challenge is good for me.
I'd do these. I would also be interested in:

  • Healthy Ends 2018
  • continuing Hip/Tailbone Length Challenge
  • Ayurveda/Curly Proverbs Challenge. I hope we combine these two because they are essentially the same thing.
  • Twist/Braid/Bun 2018

Yes, that makes sense. I didn't realize that, but I see what you mean! :up:
The usual length challenges always give folks a goal to strive for! I'll be joining the DC challenge to keep me on track with my weekly 1hr long sessions...those ladies always give good reviews and they're up on the latest products too!

Oohh I am going to join that one.
BSL/MBL length challenge as that's my goal
Healthy ends challenge
Thanks for starting this thread, @faithVA. :smile:

I'm just thinking aloud and brainstorming. These may already exist in some form.
  • Hair Care Consistency Challenge
    What (all) do you want to be consistent about in 2018? List it, and report back every week, two weeks, or month, as appropriate.

    Example: A poster lists the following consistency goals.
    -- Quarterly trim
    -- Monthly henna treatment
    -- Weekly DC

    So this poster would return and post to the thread every week, every month, and every quarter to update on all 3 consistency goals.

  • Hair Photo Documentation Challenge
    Photograph your hair every month, two months, or three months (you choose). Beneath each photo, list the hair-related challenges you are involved in (as this may evolve/change, and also to remind yourself of what you have committed to). Discuss what you see in your photos and what your evolving goals/changes are as a result of what you are seeing.

  • Nutrition, Water, and Exercise for Hair Growth Challenge
    Initial post: In an initial post, list what you think you need to eat (food and vitamins), drink, and do (exercise) for optimal hair growth. Include a length shot photo if you desire.
    Once-a-week: Each Sunday by 12 noon EST, download this simple check-off form. All week on paper, check off whether you've had the water, nutrition, and exercise you deem required for optimal hair growth. Each Saturday by 12 midnight EST, upload a photo of your check-off form for accountability. If desired, beneath the photo type a reflection note about what went right and what's working, how you plan to improve or maintain, what you plan to eat, what you're drinking, how you can get more water in, etc.

I would be down for all of these
Thanks for starting this thread, @faithVA. :smile:

I'm just thinking aloud and brainstorming. These may already exist in some form.
  • Hair Care Consistency Challenge
    What (all) do you want to be consistent about in 2018? List it, and report back every week, two weeks, or month, as appropriate.

    Example: A poster lists the following consistency goals.
    -- Quarterly trim
    -- Monthly henna treatment
    -- Weekly DC

    So this poster would return and post to the thread every week, every month, and every quarter to update on all 3 consistency goals.

  • Hair Photo Documentation Challenge
    Photograph your hair every month, two months, or three months (you choose). Beneath each photo, list the hair-related challenges you are involved in (as this may evolve/change, and also to remind yourself of what you have committed to). Discuss what you see in your photos and what your evolving goals/changes are as a result of what you are seeing.

  • Nutrition, Water, and Exercise for Hair Growth Challenge
    Initial post: In an initial post, list what you think you need to eat (food and vitamins), drink, and do (exercise) for optimal hair growth. Include a length shot photo if you desire.
    Once-a-week: Each Sunday by 12 noon EST, download this simple check-off form. All week on paper, check off whether you've had the water, nutrition, and exercise you deem required for optimal hair growth. Each Saturday by 12 midnight EST, upload a photo of your check-off form for accountability. If desired, beneath the photo type a reflection note about what went right and what's working, how you plan to improve or maintain, what you plan to eat, what you're drinking, how you can get more water in, etc.

I would be here for all of these. I’ll be joining the BSB and MBL challenges, twist/braid/bun, use up your stash, vitamin challenge, and use 1/ buy 1.

I would love to have some kind of healthy scalp challenge as well.
I wish the Protective Style/Hide your hair include the wig challenge. Sew ins, wigs, crochet, etc are all the same...Protective Styles.

Oh I know, it's just I was supposed to be doing the wig challenge this year and rotating my wig styles. But I always end up in the same wig. And I'm not sure it's helping my nape and front hairline.

Would it work if the Use Up Your Stash challenge was simply the Use Your Stash challenge?

I've dropped out because my stash will not be used up.

But it would be great to simply be endeavoring to use my stash whenever I do my hair.

I think this is a good idea. I do want to use up a good portion of my stash next year. In addition to using up stuff, I'm on a strict no buy for most hair products. I seriously have enough shampoo to last until the end of 2019 probably. But I will need leave-in/moisturizers. I'm down to my last 3 now.
Oh I know, it's just I was supposed to be doing the wig challenge this year and rotating my wig styles. But I always end up in the same wig. And I'm not sure it's helping my nape and front hairline.
Are you using the wig combs? Have you tried the elastic band method? It really helps the wig to stay put, that way it isn't rubbing on your hairline. And by not using the combs you prevent breakage. Also, you can purchase a Wigrip, which further protects your edges.

Edited: As for the nape area, a satin wig cap did the trick for me. I purchased mine from They have been out of stock for a while. When I was without my satin cap I would use a thin satin scarf and tie it strategically so it would allow my hair to lay flat. But really, taking combs out of the wig is the best thing you can do (if you haven't already).
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Are you using the wig combs? Have you tried the elastic band method? It really helps the wig to stay put, that way it isn't rubbing on your hairline. And by not using the combs you prevent breakage. Also, you can purchase a Wigrip, which further protects your edges.

Edited: As for the nape area, a satin wig cap did the trick for me. I purchased mine from They have been out of stock for a while. When I was without my satin cap I would use a thin satin scarf and tie it strategically so it would allow my hair to lay flat. But really, taking combs out of the wig is the best thing you can do (if you haven't already).

I don't use the combs but I haven't been using a specific band for hairline. I will look into the sites you mentioned for the caps. I have mostly been using LottaBody edge control and a mesh elastic band, but I still sometimes feel the cap rubbing.
Again, just thinking aloud.

Stay Within a Hair Budget Challenge
Initial post: Think through how often you need to purchase whatever you use for your hair. Include ingredients (oils, powders, etc.), disposable processing caps, vitamins, shipping fees, etc. Based on these purchasing needs, ballpark a monthly budget. Have a monthly reward for staying under budget (massage from spouse, favorite meal, "coupon" from real-life accountability partner to purchase "dream" product, etc.). Determine what your emergency pass is (1 product, an amount such as $15, etc). You get one pass per month.

Monthly end-of-the-month-posts: Post how you did and where you're at.

Example format for the monthly post
  • Did you stay within your budget these month? (yes or no):
  • Did you use your monthly pass? (passes don't factor into the calculation of amount spent):
  • By how much are you over or under budget YEAR-TO-DATE?: -$5.27 means that accounting for the year so far, you have spent $5.27 less than your monthly budget permits and can use it in the future . . . But +$3.21 would mean you spent $3.21 more than you budgeted, and you need to try to amend it the next month (i.e. spend at least $3.21 under budget).
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Im personally looking forward to the the annual:
52 Mondays
52 Books in 52 Weeks
Kid Challenge

I like these aforementioned ideas:
Hide Your Hair (wig inclusive) challenge.
Nutrition, Water and Exercise (Not weight loss but FITNESS!!!)

Random Thought:
Just throwing this out there but I wonder if there are any small business owners on here that would like to do a challenge/accountability/group thread.
Would it work if the Use Up Your Stash challenge was simply the Use Your Stash challenge?

I've dropped out because my stash will not be used up.

But it would be great to simply be endeavoring to use my stash whenever I do my hair.
Don't take it literally. You don't have to use up your stash. Just list what you want to use up. If you don't want to use up anything just post randomly. I've been in that thread forever and after the first year I haven't had a stash. Besides my staples, I probably have 5 products in my stash. :ohwell:
Again, just thinking aloud.

Stay Within a Hair Budget Challenge
Initial post: Think through how often you need to purchase whatever you use for your hair. Include ingredients (oils, powders, etc.), disposable processing caps, vitamins, shipping fees, etc. Based on these purchasing needs, ballpark a monthly budget. Have a monthly reward for staying under budget (massage from spouse, favorite meal, "coupon" from real-life accountability partner to purchase "dream" product, etc.). Determine what your emergency pass is (1 product, an amount such as $15, etc). You get one pass per month.

Monthly end-of-the-month-posts: Post how you did and where you're at.

Example format for the monthly post
  • Did you stay within your budget these month? (yes or no):
  • Did you use your monthly pass? (passes don't factor into the calculation of amount spent):
  • By how much are you over or under budget YEAR-TO-DATE?: -$5.27 means you accounting for the year so far, you have spent $5.27 less than your monthly budget permits and can use it in the future . . . But +$3.21 would mean you spent $3.21 more than you budgeted, and you need to try to amend it the next month (i.e. spend at least $3.21 under budget).
Keep on thinking out loud. You have some great ideas.
I want a Can't Bun to Can Bun Challenge.

I would also like to do another Milestone Challenge but I need to figure out how to explain it. Had too many in the last challenge that didn't understand what a milestone was.
I actually enjoyed that challenge. I think towards the end I was one of the few still posting.

eta: just went to look at that thread and yeah a lot of us were all over the place. At least I know I was :lol: It was hard coming up with stuff after the 2nd quarter maybe. But my hair did improve from that thread.