Umm, Oh my, what support! I'm honored...Thank you.
Lasmom - You asked what I'm doing... Well I think for me as a Natural 4ab, my progress can be attributed mainly to my 2 hour DC's under a hood dryer and/or heat cap.
Val - Yeah, it feels like it's taking forever! you know I'm stalking you and love your recent pics. Lovely.
Lady Esquire - I am one those to watch the pot til it boils. It really helps to see growth from a fresh objective perspective. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
DaniGurl - Firsty YOU have beautiful hair and your post was the sweetest.
Ebonimama - Another sis with fierce hair that is lovely to the very ends. I envy it.
Nonie- Your kind support means a lot to me...especially since we both share similar passions, one being face exercises. Date with my waist?
God Willing.
PraiseDancer - Honey this growth journey seems like it's taking EONS.
HighlyFavored - appreciate the nod of progress. Means a lot to me.
CarabeanDiva - Your comment got me thinking about my ends. Always have wished for thicker ones. Back in the day, I would impulse reach for scissiors, now I do the best I can with what I've got. I guess I'm getting more patient.
LynnB - Thanks for your comment. It made me feel good about trying so hard. Oh and your hair rocks.
Sunshine and Strive2Win - my natural sisters. It means alot from me to have your support as we share the same journey.
Iris - Waist? Soon?
Me? Coming from one of my very favorites on this board, I will take your forecast to heart and run with it. Oh and did I tell you how much I love your new siggy. Hot mama.
Platinum - Wouldn't be quite the same if I hadn't heard from you. Means a lot to me.
You guys are all the BEST. Nothing works unless there is teamwork and I get it here and hopefully you'll see me on your threads supporting your journeys also. Peace.