Different Faiths or No Belief In God

if i dont marry a man of the same faith as me (who only practices our traditions) i dont plan on having kids....i can live with a man with a different view on life BUT i cant have kids with him.
I've been dating this guy now for three weeks, and found out that he's Muslim. I grew up a Catholic, but converted to Baptist last year. This guy seems really great, but as far as I'm concerned, I want my fh to be the same faith as me. I feel like I've just begun my spirititual journey and I don't want to be with anyone that can impede that.
I just typed this really long response which was so in depth and precise in explaining our way of doing things and of course I lost it :wallbash:

Really I want to say is that as an agnostic married to a Christian we work it out through compromise and respect.

I think it's important that the kids learn some of the basic tenants of humanity taught by Chrisitan religion. (We do it at home but it's sorely missing in today's society) I go on non-significant Sundays. I NEVER go on Communion Sunday.

At dinner we talk about the service and the efects it had on all. A lot of times I tell my family that I think the sermon was hooey. I always go last and then we talk/debate.

I know DH is biding time hoping I'll change and who knows but for now, through compromise and respect, it's all good.
Ladies you make interesting and valid points. I date to narrow down to the one. If you don't believe in God or the same God as me, it is an issue.

For me when I feel down and out, I prayer and I am optistimic because of my belief in God. I don't want to be with someone who belittles or laughs at me when I say I need to prayer over a situation.

A man that doesn't fear G*d much less acknowledge G*d is too dangerous.:nono:
It seems I always date guys that are sketchy when it comes to proclaiming a faith or being Christian. I am Christian, it seems I end up being unequally yoked. I started dating someone and he doesn't have any religious ties. Another guy I date, doesn't believe in Christianity. :perplexed My last boyfriend only went to church because I go to church.

How have you dealt with dating or marrying someone of a different faith or an atheist?

I knew I could marry my husband when we were able to kneel down and pray together. Although we practice different religions we both believe in Christ and our therefore able to talk out our differences with love and respect.
I knew I could marry my husband when we were able to kneel down and pray together. Although we practice different religions we both believe in Christ and our therefore able to talk out our differences with love and respect.
Is he/are you a muslim? They do believe in Christ, as a prophet but certainly not in the way we do, the son of God. So if he is/you are, you're still not praying to the same God.
i'm athiest and its something i let a man know from the start so there won't be ANY confusion , and i hate for a man to act like they can accept that and then two or three months later come tring to convert somebody bible intow :nono: kick rocks sucka , not tring to hear that !:rolleyes:
can two walk together unless they be agreed?
picture a donkey and horse yoked together---it ain't gone work. And you can be the same religion and still be unequally yoked--especially if the religion is more of a lifestyle religion or maybe Protestant vs. Catholic. Of course, each person has to strongly stand for their religious principles.
My ex-husband was an atheist. He felt like the Bible was a really good FICTIONAL book. Luckily he let me do what I wanted with our girls. The first thing at the very top of my list after I got divorced was to find a man who had accepted Jesus Christ as his savior and his faith had to be as strong as mine. I wouldn't even date a guy if I found out we weren't on the same page. I need a man who will not be afraid to pray for us, our family, etc. No exceptions! :yep:
It amazes me that some of you believe you can't be with someone just because of their faith. Even though I am young, I've been heartbroken before and I prayed for God to send me someone who would truly loved me and He did, and the guy just happened to be a Muslim. We've talked about religion before and have never had any disagreements. We aren't getting married for MANY years but we've talked about how we would raise our children. He's never even MENTIONED me becoming a Muslim cuz it's not happening. I'm glad I found him and it does not bother me. If I'm having a problem, I'll tell SO about it and he says, Just pray about it, baby. God will take care of it.
I don't. How am I going to date a man who has no respect or recognition for the God I serve as my all and all? "Yeah, God, I love and respect you, you are the driving force in my life. Oh, James? Yeah, he doesn't believe in you or respects you, but I'm going to date him anyway."

I agree with this post 100%. If your faith is important to you and if your devotion to GOD reigns number one in your life... how can one compromise all of that? I cannot begin to imagine being with a man that did not share my faith. I honestly cannot imagine it. It is so central and core to my life that it is not an option.
I would never date a man, nor marry one who wasn't a Christian. I am Catholic and my husband is Baptist. We alternate services each week - and have been doing that for over 10 years.
What about those that share the same faith/believe in God but doesn't participate in church, read the bible etc?

I ask this because our history shows that women are more active in church while many fathers sit at home on Sunday watching sports.
i believe in god but not organised religion. however, the religion that closest matches my beliefs is buddhism. i could deal with an atheist if he respected that i did believe in god and was not constantly vocal about his lack of faith. i have atheist friends but i don't care for frequent discussions on why god supposedly doesn't exist.

likewise, i could deal with a man of a different religion so long as there was not constant discussions on why his religion was "best" and he didn't question my own faith. i was almost involved with a christian and he understood my beliefs perfectly so religion was not even an issue. however, i think when you're seriously involved with someone whose beliefs differ wildly from your own, issues have a high chance of arising (especially if things lead to marriage and children).
I haven't read through this entire thread, so I apologize if I duplicate anything that other have already said, but if you are a practicing Christian, I would strongly discourage you from marrying/dating a person of a different/no faith.

My mom is a strong Christian my dad is something different. I have spent my entire life watch them struggle to keep their marriage afloat because of this fundamental difference in values. Even more heart wrenching is the effect that multi-faith families can have on the children. Think about your *future* children before you get into a relationship with a man who is not of your Christian faith. My brother is still VERY confused as to where he stands with God because while my mom was showing us the way to Christ, my dad was counteracting her advice with his own beliefs.

I dont want to make this post any longer, but I hope I have said just enough to help you see the problems that may arise in the future for your potential marriage and more importantly for any children that comes out of such a union.
