Casting Call for "MTV's True Life: The Big Chop"


Well-Known Member
Didn't see this posted. Jacked it off BHM. This natural thing has really grown, huh. Makes me wonder when did all this media attention start? Does this mean its a fad or its just the way its going to be? What yall think?

MTV Casting Call: Are You Ready For the Big Chop

Monday Dec 5, 2011 – by Thembi Ford

Have you ever considered how much fun it could be for you or someone you know to appear on a reality show about going natural? MTV’s True Life is looking for such a person, so lower your reality TV guard just a bit and think about it!

Is your hair your obsession? How are you struggling with your hair? Do you feel natural hair would let you embrace your true self, and you want to go for the “big chop?” Why now? What has held you back up to this moment?

We would like to follow someone who is ready to do the “big chop” and follow them on their journey as they transition into their natural hair.

If you appear to be between the ages of 15 -28 and would like us to document your transition to natural hair, email us at and tell us about your story. Please include your name, location, phone number and recent photos of yourself.
I gave this a serious side eye when I read it on clutch. I am so tired of black women being fodder for the masses.
Well I don't particularly care for this show or Mtv, but if anyone gets it I hope she's at least someone from LHCF or a member of a hair forum.
Didn't see this posted. Jacked it off BHM. This natural thing has really grown, huh. Makes me wonder when did all this media attention start? Does this mean its a fad or its just the way its going to be? What yall think?

MTV Casting Call: Are You Ready For the Big Chop...

The answer to your question is - both.

It's a fad AND it's the way it's going to be.

"The natural thing" got this same amount or air time in the 60's.

Highlighted fashion trends are cyclical. And just like last time - the ones who want to will remain natural while those who were going through a phase will move on (along with the hyper-focused media attention).

And then *gasp*.....30 years from now our kids will suddenly "discover" the natural thing all over again and swear it's groundbreaking. :rolleyes:

Rinse, wash, repeat.

Bill Clinton's right - History is like a pendulum that swings back and forth; wherever we are, we've been there before.
This is MTV. One step up from VH1. So you know they'll pick the most ignorant black girl they can find. Maybe she'll talk about people like Chili being her hair inspiration and cry when she chops and she doesn't have 2b waves. I only see bad press coming from this. By that I mean, more white people thinking we have to "struggle" for everything in life on top of wanting to be like them all the time. I hate this idea. So now instead of people quoting Chris Rock's mockumentary, they'll have an extra source, MTV.
Didn't see this posted. Jacked it off BHM. This natural thing has really grown, huh. Makes me wonder when did all this media attention start? Does this mean its a fad or its just the way its going to be? What yall think?

MTV Casting Call: Are You Ready For the Big Chop

Monday Dec 5, 2011 – by Thembi Ford

Have you ever considered how much fun it could be for you or someone you know to appear on a reality show about going natural? MTV’s True Life is looking for such a person, so lower your reality TV guard just a bit and think about it!

Is your hair your obsession? How are you struggling with your hair? Do you feel natural hair would let you embrace your true self, and you want to go for the “big chop?” Why now? What has held you back up to this moment?

We would like to follow someone who is ready to do the “big chop” and follow them on their journey as they transition into their natural hair.

If you appear to be between the ages of 15 -28 and would like us to document your transition to natural hair, email us at and tell us about your story. Please include your name, location, phone number and recent photos of yourself.

Someone from on here with very long hair and that is transitioning should apply because I know they would take you because they want to see all that hair cut. I have seen on here where you have grown your hair to waist or longer and then decided oh I don't want to perm anymore lets cut it off. So why not get paid for it??
I'm all for people embracing natural hair but it just seems like they're reaching with this one. They couldn't find another topic?
this is for MTV true life.
That show is usually pretty good. They don't usually pick the crazy of the crazy to share their story. I don't feel any type of way about this. They have showcased all kinds of people with problems on that show. And races. It would be one thing if they asked for BW who hate their hair, or wish they were white. But they want to record your journey. The same thing that yall do on here but in writing/blog form. I say go for it
This natural thing has really grown, huh.

Yep sure has.

Makes me wonder when did all this media attention start?

About ten years ago. This board, nappturality and naturally curly, etc., were all pretty new then but they got media mentions.

Does this mean its a fad or its just the way its going to be? What yall think?

Don't know what the future holds, but unfortunately MTV attention usually means fad. There were black women who didn't straighten their hair before the fad and there will be black women who don't straighten their hair after the fad. But I suppose the term "big chop" is about done for.
Am I the only one excited to watch this? lol I had been wondering when they would finally have a True Life about natural hair. I loves me some True Life :3 I don't see what's so bad about it. They usually follow 2 ppl, so chances are one of them will have some sense lol. Have faith people!!
Am I the only one excited to watch this? lol I had been wondering when they would finally have a True Life about natural hair. I loves me some True Life :3 I don't see what's so bad about it. They usually follow 2 ppl, so chances are one of them will have some sense lol. Have faith people!!

I agree. People are quick to pre-judge this just cause it's MTV but the True Life series has consistently covered MUCH more sensitive topics than this with surprising integrity.

I'm 100% gonna be watching this. Have no shame or qualms about admitting that. I just hope they get high quality participants during their casting. The series tends to serve as a blank slate so the casting will be everything.
Its a decent idea but the amount of misinformation and bad hair practices will piss us off. I can feel it. A girl is gonna complain about detangling her 3b/3c hair because she doesn't have a clue whats shes doing. One girl will hate her type 4 hair and run back to relaxers because no one told her about moisture and this will be portrayed as good. I will watch and I will be annoyed by every "grease your scalp", "nappy", "hard to manage" comments , and dry head I see.
Or it will be all about Miss Jessie's saved my life stories...Idk I guess I'll calm down and hope for the best.
Really!?!?!?!? If you were going to BC anyway, making YouTube videos or though about, putting pics on hair boards, and on LHCF or BHM for more than an hour a would be crazy not to apply.

While looking at the K Federline, I said to myself, I would love to get paid while I lost weight :yep: I would do it for my health first but the paycheck would be an added bonus.

Y'all it's ok for black women to get paid for their hair journeys :yep: We have made so many non black people millionaires trying to grow our strands for decades.

So if you think black women should not be paid, than tell YOUR boss you are willing to work for free.

If I hadn't just turned 29 :look: What?
I would do it in a heartbeat. Wouldnt give it a second thought. Even though I'm already natural, I wonder if they would still take my story? :look:
Yea I am not understanding the anger over a BC episode of true life, don't yall watch youtube vids read hair bc threads on hair forums, (looks at url) we are on a hair board right..a documentary about hair especially bcing since I am transitioning will be interesting to me and many others. They might not pick a hair board alum and show someone who has struggles but so what....
this is for MTV true life.
That show is usually pretty good. They don't usually pick the crazy of the crazy to share their story. I don't feel any type of way about this. They have showcased all kinds of people with problems on that show. And races. It would be one thing if they asked for BW who hate their hair, or wish they were white. But they want to record your journey. The same thing that yall do on here but in writing/blog form. I say go for it

+ 1

Am I the only one excited to watch this? lol I had been wondering when they would finally have a True Life about natural hair. I loves me some True Life :3 I don't see what's so bad about it. They usually follow 2 ppl, so chances are one of them will have some sense lol. Have faith people!!

Yeah True Life is more documentary and can be interesting. I don't think its meant to make a spectacle nor will it.

I also think it will show natural hair as something that "just is" rather than a fad.

Really!?!?!?!? If you were going to BC anyway, making YouTube videos or though about, putting pics on hair boards, and on LHCF or BHM for more than an hour a would be crazy not to apply.

While looking at the K Federline, I said to myself, I would love to get paid while I lost weight :yep: I would do it for my health first but the paycheck would be an added bonus.

Y'all it's ok for black women to get paid for their hair journeys :yep: We have made so many non black people millionaires trying to grow our strands for decades.

So if you think black women should not be paid, than tell YOUR boss you are willing to work for free.

If I hadn't just turned 29 :look: What?

+1 I'd be considering it to if hadn't just big chopped in February...
My Friend
it says "appears to be 28" i am sure you don't look your age.

i believe if they get someone from one the hairboards who has long healthy relaxed hair and obvious healthy hair practices this could be a great show!

i will send up prayers that they pick an LHCFer with at least 2 years of LHCF experience. A solid regi that has proven success, mbl hair or longer. and a solid backstory for why they are going natural. :yep:
I think BuildableBeauty would be perfect for this. She's not that far in her transition, she's already used to being in front of the camera and I like her personality.
This is MTV. One step up from VH1. So you know they'll pick the most ignorant black girl they can find. Maybe she'll talk about people like Chili being her hair inspiration and cry when she chops and she doesn't have 2b waves. I only see bad press coming from this. By that I mean, more white people thinking we have to "struggle" for everything in life on top of wanting to be like them all the time. I hate this idea. So now instead of people quoting Chris Rock's mockumentary, they'll have an extra source, MTV.

I don't think this one will be like that. I had a friend who was on True Life years ago for a college-related topic. They really presented it in a positive light, though they talked the good and the bad. He had a positive experience. They just follow you around...then they present your story. Not much to it. No set-ups, fake recaps, or cat-fighting. I think they channel that persistently presents us as 'ignant is Bravo.

Am I the only one excited to watch this? lol I had been wondering when they would finally have a True Life about natural hair. I loves me some True Life :3 I don't see what's so bad about it. They usually follow 2 ppl, so chances are one of them will have some sense lol. Have faith people!!

I'm looking forward to it. I don't think I would apply, though, because I'm a pretty private person and MTV replays those shows ad nauseum for years.
Yea I am not understanding the anger over a BC episode of true life, don't yall watch youtube vids read hair bc threads on hair forums, (looks at url) we are on a hair board right..a documentary about hair especially bcing since I am transitioning will be interesting to me and many others. They might not pick a hair board alum and show someone who has struggles but so what....

I don't get it at all either. Some people just want something to complain about. And I notice people tend to have an UE attitude towards those who aren't on hair boards like this is the only place you can get info, or as if no one else but us are in te know.
I see both sides and understand

This could be very nice and cool, showcasing natural hair and get people to maybe understand more and all that jazz.

On the other hand we have been let down before by Chris Rock, Oprah, Tyra show, and more. The Good Hair mockumentary was just a nono a big nono and something about Dr Drew thing (I haven't watched it)

so you can see why many people do not want to get their hopes up and why people think this is just peachy.
MTV is going to make it an official fad but like all fads it will die off. Once people see how the hard work that goes into growing it and making it more luxurious and wonderful than it already naturally is, they will go back to whatever it was they were doing before. You can already tell that now, lol. But if that's what they wanna do, it's their choice!
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my issue is the possible misinformation that is already standing strong in our communities. So a show that seems official can make misinformation seem like good information to those who have no clue. Its all good to get an opportunity to be on television but not every one on the show will know what they are talking about and what they will do and show and talk about could be just as bad as '"Good Hair" and the rest.
Yea I am not understanding the anger over a BC episode of true life, don't yall watch youtube vids read hair bc threads on hair forums, (looks at url) we are on a hair board right..a documentary about hair especially bcing since I am transitioning will be interesting to me and many others. They might not pick a hair board alum and show someone who has struggles but so what....

I can understand why people are angry/skeptical. If we look at past history and the way this issue has been addressed in the mainstream media, more likely than not this episode will be a H.A.M. Now, if it turns out to be a positive that's good. But people have ample reasons for thinking this will not end well.
man so i should have refrained from trimming over time. I don't have much hair left to take off. oh well

i don't think anyone is wrong for being skeptical.
I think the problem with the big chop being on True Life is that this show typically deals with those who have "problems" or live on the fringes of society. These episodes typically document someone getting over some kind of illness/quirk/hardship.

Why does natural hair/going natural have to be a problem or something we have to get over? IMO... This kind of behavior needs to be normalized, and shows and specials on them don't help achieve that. It's kind of ironic.
I think the problem with the big chop being on True Life is that this show typically deals with those who have "problems" or live on the fringes of society. These episodes typically document someone getting over some kind of illness/quirk/hardship.

Why does natural hair/going natural have to be a problem or something we have to get over? IMO... This kind of behavior needs to be normalized, and shows and specials on them don't help achieve that. It's kind of ironic.

I was trying to think of how it would play out. I think they'll pick someone who has an unsupportive group of friends and family.
I would love to see an episode of True Life about doing a BC. I am curious what products, techniques, hairstyles, online forums, and support groups they showcase.

I find the support around the people always to be fascinating on the show. And I hope they show women who have gone through a transition or BC and have grown their hair long. Shoot, I hope they show women of color with long hair relaxed or natural on the show even if just in passing.