Carrot Juice Challenge Fall 2007


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, at your request I made a new thread for the carrot juice challenge. (This is also my first challenge so bear with me, lol)

The rules are simple, drink a minimum of 2 oz. (1/4 cup) daily. (You can drink as much as you like, there is no limit, drink it all day if you want, but you have to at least drink 2 oz. which is a very small amount) We will report back here as often as we like to discuss progress and results and for questions/etc. You may also eat carrots if you'd like.

The Challenge officially started on August 19, 2007 (although anyone can join at any time) and it will officially end on December 19, 2007. That should give everyone an ample amount of time to notice any benefits, it will be the day when we report our final review of the benefits of the challenge. Do you think it was it worth it, did it speed/help with growth, help with skin, will you continue to drink carrot juice, etc.

Participating members: Since so many ladies are responding (and thats a good thing!), I cannot keep up with adding everyone's name to the list, so a more efficient way is to keep track of it yourself. Sorry if this poses an inconvenience for anyone, if it does, seriously, let me know. :)

Okay ladies, like I said this is my first challenge so everyone double check behind me and let me know if I missed anything. HHG

Also the link to the original challenge is here:

This should answer the majority of questions. Again, HHG!!
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Alisha08, I'm so glad you started this new thread. I am sure the other ladies who are participating will be posting to this thread sometime soon. For the record, I started Sunday (August 19, 2007) with Bolthouse Farms carrot mixed with apple. Later this week, I will buy strictly carrot and stick with that for a while.
Thanks for starting the challenge thread!!
How long do you think the challenge should be?
I bought my Odwalla carrot juice yesterday, though I haven't had any. I am about to go measure my 1/4 cup right now!!
We forgot to add Isis. I know there are tons of other people who want to join. C'mon ladies, a 1/4 c. is not that much....:lachen:
I'm in!

I just came from wholefoods with 3 bottles og 32 oz. pure carrot juice.

I didn't read all 400 pages but why only 2oz.?
Me too! Me too! I'm on day 2 and I wasn't even aware there was a challenge goin on :D

But yall I'm gonna be one of those that turn orange 'cause I bought a couple of bottles of bolthouse farm carrot juice yesterday(33 oz. each) and how come 1 of my bottles is already gone? That stuff is kinda addictive
I'll try to tone it down from here on out tho :D
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From your experience, is prepared carrot juice just as good/effective as freshly juiced? I know that vegetable juices tend to lose their medicinal properties soon after they're juice and when exposed to air.
I drank my CJ this morning! Turns out the 64oz I bought on Mon expires in on the 25th so I am definitely drinking more than the 2oz required for this challenge.
Thanks for starting the challenge thread!!
How long do you think the challenge should be?
I bought my Odwalla carrot juice yesterday, though I haven't had any. I am about to go measure my 1/4 cup right now!!

Hey sugarose, I just updated the main thread and the challenge is now officially 4 months. Do you (and the other ladies of the challenge) think that that is a good time period? Is it too long? too short? Just let me know. :yep:
From your experience, is prepared carrot juice just as good/effective as freshly juiced? I know that vegetable juices tend to lose their medicinal properties soon after they're juice and when exposed to air.

Hey shakesha22, I absolutely have no idea. lol I'm by no means an expert on this subject. Maybe you should check the link provided in the first post of this thread. :bookworm: It may answer your question. :)
I'm in!

I just came from wholefoods with 3 bottles og 32 oz. pure carrot juice.

I didn't read all 400 pages but why only 2oz.?

The member Isis, who started the original challenge stated that she noticed that this amount was all that was needed daily to reap the benefits of drinking carrot juice. Also, drinking a lot of carrot juice or eating a lot of carrots will turn you orange, lol, because of the beta-carotene.
i'm in!!!!
i hit booster juice on the regular for a carrot/apple/ginger drink that i drink straight down (about 12 ounces) with a shot of wheatgrass juice, too.
I've got to get back into my carrot juice not just for the hair... becuase my skin is a mess again! I want my clear smooth porcelain skin BACK! Carrot juice was the only thing that cleared up my horrible breakouts last year. Not Proactive, not "every acne product under the sun"...

It was carrot juice!!!
Hey sugarose, I just updated the main thread and the challenge is now officially 4 months. Do you (and the other ladies of the challenge) think that that is a good time period? Is it too long? too short? Just let me know. :yep:

That's basically until the new year which is fine for me!! That will give us time to really see the benefits. :yep:
I've been drinking Lakewood Pure Carrot Juice (100% Organic) for three days's not the best tasting juice but it's available at the only health/food store in my area. I'm not sure I will be drinking this for four full months though.
Carrot juice has always been in my regimen and I drink at least 8 ounces a day and nothing less. I don't turn orange. Two ounces is a waste of time for me.