Carrot Juice Challenge Fall 2007

Ok, it looks like I'll be getting a Jack Lalanne juicer. Besides hair and skin, has anyone noticed any weight loss as well?
Well, I washed my hair last night and let it air dry. I noticed my lil mini fro hangin out by my scalp.:afro: My newgrowth feels softer and thicker than normal....I like that:)
Wow... I'm really late on this but I want in too...
I drink carrot juice every blue moon...
I'm going to drink ½- 1 cup per day and
it's going to be ORGANIC.
I have been drinking the carrot juice for several weeks now and I have recently switched to the Bolthouse brand. I can't say I've noticed anything different with hair or skin. In fact, my skin is acting up right now. :nono: I usually don't have skin problems so I'm not sure what's up that. I will continue drinking it for as long as I can afford to buy it. :look:
My mom has been buying Bolthouse for the longest and literally begging for me to drink a cup a day just to maintain health. Needless to say, I started drinking it last week upon seeing this challenge. Tastes very good actually!
It's hard with natural hair..but I had twists for a couple of weeks and when I stuck my hand in my hair at the root it was thicker than we will see. Anybody else?
I ran out and forgot to buy more :(
But now that I just remembered the challenge Im on my way back to Wally World right now lol

Anyone know if carrot juice gets old? I had some in the fridge for 2 weeks and still drank it up, but the color had gotten lighter (maybe just my imagination?) and it tasted a little... tart. Did I drink some rancid orange stuff and not even know?:ohwell:
I ran out and forgot to buy more :(
But now that I just remembered the challenge Im on my way back to Wally World right now lol

Anyone know if carrot juice gets old? I had some in the fridge for 2 weeks and still drank it up, but the color had gotten lighter (maybe just my imagination?) and it tasted a little... tart. Did I drink some rancid orange stuff and not even know?:ohwell:

The type of carrot juice I buy comes frozen. The lady at the store told me it was because it would add a longer shelf life. Though, I'm not sure how long it takes before it actually goes bad (I always drink it up!) But I'm guessing if it didn't smell bad, it should've been alright. (That's how I test for milk anyway:grin:)
I'm going on a month with the carrot juice.
It works... I think...
It's not like a miracle... I'll give it more time.
I switch between Odwalla & Bolthouse.
I would like to juice my own carrots... eventually.
It's good for breakfast.
I'm going on a month with the carrot juice.
It works... I think...
It's not like a miracle... I'll give it more time.
I switch between Odwalla & Bolthouse.
I would like to juice my own carrots... eventually.
It's good for breakfast.

Yep! That's when I have mine too.:lick:
Until I get a juicer (not anytime soon) and make my own *carrot juice,* I'm done with the carrot juice challenge. The last two brands got kind of gross before I even finished the bottles! The expiration dates were good too so I'm not sure what happened...but I am completely turned off right now. :barf:
I have noticed my nails and my skin has greatly benefited. I not sure about my hair since I use MTG, but my hair is getting thicker and it's growing. I had damaged it with color but I can tell it's finally trying to bounce back.

Off to drink some juice now.:lick:
I dont remember if I jumped on this challenge on here but I have been trying to incorporate carrots into my diet everyday. I drink the bolthouse farm passion fruit one which is made with carrot, apple and passionfruit...but you can definitely taste the carrots! This is a great option for someone who cant stand the taste of regular carrot juice ( I cannot!)...there is another brand I get from the health food store that has carrot pineapple and carrot orange juice (all natural)..can't remember the name now.

I just purchased a pack of carrots yesterday, so I'll be snacking on those..A cheaper alternative since I couldnt get the juice
Wondering if anyone has any long-term results with drinking carrot juice.

I'm drinking the Odwalla brand, taking Biotin, and doing low-manip in hopes of slowing down my post-partum shedding.

Did carrot juice do anything for you?