Carrot Juice Challenge Fall 2007

Have you seen a difference in your growth rate??

Lets just say that my new growth is THICKER and my skin is nice!:grin: These are the only things I drink it for: new growth thickness and skin. I never get an inch a month unless I'm consistently drinking protein shakes or anything with a lot of protein in it otherwise its .5-.75 a month.
greeaatt!! another carrot juice challenge!

I'm in on this one too! Actually, I already juice carrot/apple juice almost daily, so hopefully this will help me to stay on track!

add me please!!! :) I'm starting NOW!
Count me in too! Although I eat about four big carrots a day I will try and juice some in the morning and up the scale and see if the I can push my growth rate to 1" a month!!! Let the growing begin:drunk:
Count Me In ! I just started drinking Carrot Juice Last Wenesday. I can't seem to stomache drinking it by itslef,:barf:. I've been surviving with getting down atleast a cup full each morning mixed with Apple, or Strawberry Juice. :yep: I can't wait to see the benefits!:gorgeous:
Count me in too please. I'm on day 4.

On another note, for Southern Cal LHCFers doing the challenge, be careful of eating certain carrots. There's been a recall on some brand here, baby carrots I believe.
Me too! Me too!:clap: I started drinking CJ yesterday. I figure that I will drink at least 6oz a day.

Did any of you notice a difference in your skin the next day? I sure did! My face feels smoother and softer:)
My mother has ordered me to stop this :perplexed
she says that I am overdosing on Caroteen (I drink 8-10 oz per day). Luckily I'm stopping anyway because I am going off to school and have no way to juice the carrots. My palms are slightly yellow/orange and she is a nurse so she spotted.
Does anyone know the same about of Vit A you can take per day? What does that equate to in oz of carrot juice????
:lick::lick::lick: Carrot juice is soo yummy! My little sister got me into carrot juice. I used to drink it daily but now I just keep some in my fridge and drink it as a normal beverage. This thread is inspiring me to get a little more consistent again...

Good luck with the challenge ladies!!
I'm in too! This is my first challenge! I already drink carrot juice for 2 months. I'm in braids and I plan to hide my hair until december...
I hope this is not a problem for this challenge!!!!
My mother has ordered me to stop this :perplexed
she says that I am overdosing on Caroteen (I drink 8-10 oz per day). Luckily I'm stopping anyway because I am going off to school and have no way to juice the carrots. My palms are slightly yellow/orange and she is a nurse so she spotted.
Does anyone know the same about of Vit A you can take per day? What does that equate to in oz of carrot juice????

Thats about how much I drink and I've been drinking carrot juice. I'm healthy and clean as a whistle. Might be different strokes for different folks though!
Thats about how much I drink and I've been drinking carrot juice. I'm healthy and clean as a whistle. Might be different strokes for different folks though!

According to Jay Kordich " The Juiceman" ,

"If you ingest Vitamin A supplements, your body can store too much and toxicity can occur. When you consume provitamin A through vegetables (carrots) overdosing is impossible. If your skin becomes orange due to excessive carrot juice intake do not be alarmed "

-The Juiceman's Power of Juicing by Jay Kordich


How are you guys coming along? I'm on day 6 and my skin is looking really good. I'm not sure about my hair yet. I'm already 9 weeks post so I already have a bit of newgrowth, but it feels softer:) But the outcome with my skin thus far has me wanting to see more results! :grin:

How are you guys coming along? I'm on day 6 and my skin is looking really good. I'm not sure about my hair yet. I'm already 9 weeks post so I already have a bit of newgrowth, but it feels softer:) But the outcome with my skin thus far has me wanting to see more results! :grin:

Yeah, there's nothing like nice hair and skin. Truly a sight to behold!!!
According to Jay Kordich " The Juiceman" ,

"If you ingest Vitamin A supplements, your body can store too much and toxicity can occur. When you consume provitamin A through vegetables (carrots) overdosing is impossible. If your skin becomes orange due to excessive carrot juice intake do not be alarmed "

-The Juiceman's Power of Juicing by Jay Kordich


I've been drinking carrot juice for a while ma so I'm no stranger to it. I'm aware of toxicity levels when you drink too much but like I say, I drink 8-10 ounces a day and I'm fine so tell that to the juiceman!!!:p!!!
I think I'm going to dust off my juicer and try this..I use to juice daily with carrot juice and I had wonderful skin...I stopped during pregnancy
I'm still in there!!!:clapping: Skin justa glowin and thangs! Again, I'm not sure about my hair yet...I don't have any visible evidence...but my scalp has been doing the growth tingly thing for the past few days. So I'm thinking that's a good thing.:yep:
This is an interesting topic. We give our 4 year old son Odwalla and other natural carrot juices. He's been drinking since age 2. He loves it and his hair does grow really I never made the connection:spinning:. He also takes B-Complex and a good multivitamin too so I'm sure it's a combination of each of these things. We can cut his hair today and literally by tomorrow his hair has already started to grow back and by the 7th-12th days after a cut he REALLY needs another cut.

Yep, I think you ladies may be on to something. As for me..I can't stomach the carrot juice alone. Maybe I will try mixing it with other juices. I like to drink and eat healthy this wouldn't be so bad for me to try.
I agree with Divine_Order I have noticed some nice skin improvements but can't say I have noticed new growth yet. My 6 year old has jumped in with me she only does a little juice(1 oz). She said she likes the taste.
I've been drinking my carrot joice for about 3 weeks, and I really do believe it's making a difference! :grin:
My skin looks so much better, and hopefully it will help my hair thicken up.

Bottoms up ladies!
I wanna do this too! Is daily carrot juice consumption safe for pregnant women? Should I do like only a couple of oz a day instead of 8-10?
I mix my carrot juice with apple juice, to cut the taste and to stretch, Costco has the best price 4.99 for 2 16 oz bottles or trader far so good, I am trying to stay nails are improving(thanks biosil)!
Can someone recommend a good juicer? I'd like to make my own carrot juice.:lick:

I don't personally own a juicer, but I hear that Jack Lilane (sp?) is suppose to have a really good one:) I've just been buying mine at the health food store. They sell it frozen (I guess because it can go bad quickly). I just finished my serving now....:lick: My skin is looking GREAT!!! I think my hair is finally starting to benfit from it. I'm still getting those "tingles". I can't wait to relax! I have 2 more weeks:) (I go for 13 week stretches)
I have a little one and it works fine so if you are going to buy one dont think bigger is will just give you lots of little parts to wash which may discourage you to use it all the time in the long run.... I used to just eat whole carrots before but but juicing is nice and easy to down it....sometimes I add a bit of cucumber or apple.:spinning:
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DDtexlaxd- I have a Jack Lalanne Juicer I love it..,etc you don't have to chop up apples or cucumbers into small bits to juice you can just drop them in same with the carrots. I also have a Juiceman which I enjoyed but I hated doing all that chopping into small bits. I don't have a probably cleaning them as long as I do it right then even if I don't clean up is easy.

godzooki- I consumed carrot juice when I was pregnant but had to stop because I couldn't stand the smell or taste anymore. I believe it's fine as long as you don't consume too much.