Caring for blunt v. layers


New Member
I'm in LOVE with the look of my new blunt ends...:cloud9:

But my question do I keep them that way... I've ALWAYS had layers, and now my already thick hair seems UBER thick and heavy...Esp. after air-drying yesterday...I flat-ironed and it took me LONGER to flat iron my hair than when I was APL!! (my hair is SL now)

I guess my question is...Are there any different styling techniques, care methods that you ladies use when ALL of your hair is the same legnth vs. layers?
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i just think you would do the same thing as if it were in layers... actually it should be WAY easier having a blunt cut than a layered cut. Just moisturise and deep condition as usual.

are you sure you aren't being paranoid that it took you longer to do ? :perplexed
You'll have to trim often if you want to keep the bluntness. The fastest growing areas will change the shape of your cut, but it depends on how your hair grows.

Caring for your hair should be the same, past trimming.