Can't Sleep :-(


Yes I'm up....sorry guys but I just can't sleep! My mom passed away yesterday morning and my mind is just running 100 mpm. Does it get any better/easier!?!


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
My condolences. Do you have anyone around you? Maybe you can meet them and have a good talk about all of your funny stories involving mom. I wish you the best of luck during this time.
So sorry to hear about your loss. It will get better with time, just take it one day at a time.
I'm so sorry to hear this. It is tough and hard to keep it altogether. Stay faithful and when you feel your mind racing uncontrollably, pray for strength. When you don't know what to do, pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you. I have prayed myself to sleep countless times. God will...
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a mother is very hard and harder still if you had a close relationship. I'll keep you in my prayers. I lost my mother 12 years ago and I still miss her terribly. You will be able to smile again even though it doesn't feel like it now.
I'm so sorry for your loss. The loss and hurt never goes away but it gets better. Perhaps reading some posts and venting in the 'motherless' thread will help you. I hope you feel better soon.
I'm so sorry for your loss HairPleezeGrow

Grief often includes physical reactions such as feeling very cold/shivering, lack of sleep, lack of hunger etc. They are all normal reactions and they will go away with time.

The feelings of sadness and pain will subside, but it goes in stages and it might take a while.

Take good care of yourself now and be kind to yourself.
I am also sorry to hear of your loss. It took me a long time to get over the passing of my father. I thought heartaches were just figurative and only existed in songs. But my heart literally ached for a long time. As the others have mentioned up-thread, it gets better day by day. It took me years to be able to see the "sunshine". But we are all different. No matter how long it takes, whether you grieve for days or years, allow yourself to grieve in a way that is best for you. Before my dad passed he told me, "I will always be with you." At first I thought he was just saying it to make me feel better. Then I realized that what he said was very true.

As long as you are alive, your mother will always be with you.

She will continue to live and exist in your thoughts, your heart and of course in your DNA. May peace be with you.

Oh....I am so sorry. I lost my Mother in 2006 and it still seems like yesterday. We were best Friends.

Not a Day goes by that I don't think of something funny she would say or do or something that we shared.

I will definitely keep you in prayer. That right there is unconditional Love.

For me, nothing will ever replace that loss.

Be Encouraged.

Thank you ladies for your kind words. Everything you all say is so true...I know I will get through this eventually. I will take the advice and look into the support thread for sure. I wanted to come here and gain some support from my sisters. What's so real is that I'm a nurse and I know the grieving process and am experiencing all of the loss of appetite, lack of sleep and everything but it's feels some kind of way that it's me. I'm the one who usually is helping others and now I'm the one in need. I'm just not used to that at all. Okay I will stop rambling thank you again ladies.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
i pray for comfort in your time of need and sending a hug your way. bless you and your family. please try to take care of yourself.
I'm so very sorry for your loss of your mom. I lost my brother (my only sibling) in 2010. Not a day has gone by where I don't think about him. Three years later, it still hurts, but the overwhelming grief, sadness, aches have subsided, but it was a process to get the a new "normal" of today. I wish you comfort and the best care possible during this time. :hug2:
So very sorry for your loss OP - my deepest condolences to you... May you find strength in the days ahead.
I'm so sorry for your loss. You are not rambling btw. You should talk about it and express yourself here and anywhere else you find it helpful. Its perfectly normal to be feeling the way you are feeling. You did the right thing... Support is a good thing even from "strangers" in the computer. Sending you lots of love and hugs. My condolences.
HairPleezeGrow - my utmost sympathy to you and your family. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom's HomeGoing. But if you will think of it in those terms, a HomeGoing, you may find comfort. Even nurses need a
in difficult times.
I lost my Mom last year and like IDareT'sHair, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her, something she would do, or say. I still cannot bring myself to give some of her shoes and purses away. It takes time - you just have to go at your own pace.

The thought that Chicoro father left with her "I will always be with you" is so true for all of us who have experienced the loss of a loved one.

Be assured your Mom will always be with you!

It is OK to cry, it is OK to be sad and it is OK to miss her. But know that we all belong to God the Almighty and He wanted our Moms and loved ones to rest and sleep in preparation for His Great Return!
HairPleezeGrow my condolences to you and your family. I lost my mother 2 years ago and yes it does get easier. Sometimes I still choke up. I mostly keep having a lot of flashbacks. I received a little counseling from our Bereavement Minister at church which really helped a lot. We have a whole ministry, but after speaking with the minister once or twice I was much better.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Be comforted and heal. She is just a veil away. God didn't shut the door. He just put up a curtain. She'll always be with you. I learned this when my mother went on to Glory 41 years ago.
So sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope your family structure is good and you do have us. Repost when necessary!:bighug: