Can't Sleep :-(

My condolences HairPleezeGrow! I lost my father last is getting better as far as the crying fits in the middle of doing something or watching tv (that last glee episode jacked me up).

You have to try to take care of yourself as best as possible. I drank lots of peppermint & chamomile tea to help with my nervous & jumpy stomach. I also used Nature Made B stress helped to calm me a little. I prayed alot and talked to my Dad alot (still do). And TBH it has gotten a little easier...when i need to i take a break and look at pictures and specifically focus on good times or funny things that happened. But yeah you do have to navigate your own process...everyone isn't the same. Most important if you feel a need to let it out just do it. If you don't feel you want to talk to anyone just journal about it. But don't bottle up has to come out.

You can pm me anytime if you wish and I really mean that.

ETA: Just went back and read that you are a nurse! With me I had to tell people that I was not a nurse right now, I'm a person who just lost their beloved father....for some reason people assumed I wanted to talk medical details and I did NOT. If you are also feeling that way too it is ok to say so!
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I am so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine what you are going through right now, but remember ...Ps 30:5 Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Hold on to the sweet memories and the good times. I am praying that God continues to hold you and your family in His hands and grant you and your family peace and comfort.
<HUGS> ETA: Although you are a Nurse...this doesn't make the pain easier.
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Again thank you ladies and I'm sorry for all of your losses as well. I would love to respond to everyone individually but please take it as a whole. You ladies have comforted me so much and it's really appreciated.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I'm so sorry for your loss! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. :bighug:

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Hugs to you OP. I hope you find peace and that you know your mommy is in a better place free from the strife and struggles of this world.

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Bless the memory of your Mom and remember she left the best of herself in you.

Take care of yourself and your family.
I want to thank everyone again for their well wishes and prayers. The last two days were so peaceful and serene. My mom's obituary was really lovely. Everything turned out extremely nice and I know she would be proud.
I am glad that everything worked out well. The obituary being lovely gives comfort. I am glad you are feeling better!