Cant it be done w/ a simple routine?


New Member
What broke my back is, my family and i are about to travel, and i have about 20 things in a bag for my hair....
Im sick of all these products, all of this crazy routines, cant you reach your goal and keep it simple like they did back in the day or like old women and little kids do it?
Im thinkin about having about 7 products under my cabinet at the most and nothing else after i use all the junk i have
Does anyone think it could happen
heres how mines is going to go-

Im gonna use 2 brands only and heres my list-im gonna try it:look:
-Shampoo- Mane n tail shamp.
-Condioner- Mane n tail cond.
-Protein- Mane n tail reconstrucor
-leave in, detangle, heat protectant- Mane n tail strength
-Moisture- Profective breackfree/Long n Heal.
-Seal, Shine- Mane n tail shine
( And u know, a comb, silk scarf, and flatiron,)

Has anyone made it w/ a simple cheap routine?
I'd add a clarifying poo to your list. I'm sure your routine will work well, the key is consistency, being gentle with your hair, moisture, eating and drinking healthy and "listening" to your hairs needs. Good luck!
I'm with you...after suffering from serious PJism - I think that's an immediate sympton of LHCF addiction - I stremlined my routine. My products:

Shampoo: Formula's by Ecoly Papaya Dry Hair Shampoo
Conditioner: Formula's by Ecoly Sage and Wheat Detangling Conditioner (I also don't leave this in for more than 20 minutes)
Deep Conditioner: Formula's Tri-Wheat Reconstructor

Moisturizer: Elasta QP Oil Moisturizer
Leave-In Conditioner: Abba Nourishing
Oil: Jojoba Oil (100% pure from Trader Joe's)
Gel: (to make the frizzies lie down only when necessary). Formula's Cherry Bark Setting Lotion and Gel

C'est tout (that's all).

And it's not to say that some ladies haven't found sccess with the more detailed regimens - I just don't have the time and energy for all that mess...
Catina72 said:
I'd add a clarifying poo to your list. I'm sure your routine will work well, the key is consistency, being gentle with your hair, moisture, eating and drinking healthy and "listening" to your hairs needs. Good luck!

Thanks on the good luck, ima need it when yall talk about new stuff. I was thinking about that (clarify) , i dont know if i should add that or not because of how much i wash my hair and because i got that dry stuff -
I'll see after the first month
MsNadi said:
I'm with you...after suffering from serious PJism - I think that's an immediate sympton of LHCF addiction - I stremlined my routine. My products:

Shampoo: Formula's by Ecoly Papaya Dry Hair Shampoo
Conditioner: Formula's by Ecoly Sage and Wheat Detangling Conditioner (I also don't leave this in for more than 20 minutes)
Deep Conditioner: Formula's Tri-Wheat Reconstructor

Moisturizer: Elasta QP Oil Moisturizer
Leave-In Conditioner: Abba Nourishing
Oil: Jojoba Oil (100% pure from Trader Joe's)
Gel: (to make the frizzies lie down only when necessary). Formula's Cherry Bark Setting Lotion and Gel

C'est tout (that's all).

And it's not to say that some ladies haven't found sccess with the more detailed regimens - I just don't have the time and energy for all that mess...

Me do you do w/o a clarifyer?

And im glad to hear caramela say simplicity works wonders,oh yes im encouraged now:)
I have a simple routine. I don't run out and try every product that is a LHCF must have. I use what works for me. I try new stuff only when I am out of my old stuff. My routine is really simple. Conditioners for conditioner washes, a good moisturizing shampoo and a good leave in.
IMO, a simple routine is the best for hair. I have 2 products that I use daily. And another 2 or 3 for occasional and infrequent use. My hair does best this way. Yes, it is definitely possible. I'm going overseas next week and I'm bringing just 3 hair products with me. :)
I don't put a lot of product in my hair in the first place, so the build up factor isn't a problem with me. Also, my hair is thick, but not so coarse so it's not as difficult for the shampoo to penetrate the hair shaft.

I typically shampoo twice - once to first break up the nonsense that's in my hair and the second time to remove all dirt and excess oils.
Simple is always best for me. Find what REALLY works and stick with it.

I was a product junkie before I came to LHCF...and I tried everything. If it sounded like it would work, smelled good, or someone told me that it worked for them I had to have it.

Nothing REALLY worked for me until I grew my relaxer out. Now that the relaxer is out I only us a shampoo, hair oil, leave-in, I spritz on a heat protectant, and I deep condition when I need to. That's it!

If it REALLY doesn't work get rid of it.

At first, I was washing/rinsing my hair daily... too much stress on my hair. Now, I just started a simpler cheap regimen (but I've never used a lot of products to begin with, just tried different products here and there and would return them to the store if my hair didn't agree with it).

Here's my current routine: Shampoo, maybe conditioner, and grease... and I'm keeping my hair in two-strand twists... and that's it!
Keeping my hair in twists has drastically simplified my already simple routine. I wash my hair with any shampoo on hand and condition, shea butter and B&B Castor Oil Moisturizer. Thats it.
I definitely agree that simpler is better. I was becoming a PJ as well....but I am one who will throw something away quick if it doesn't work..

Sulphate free-shampoo - Jessicurl Hair Cleansing Creme
Protein free deep condtitioner - Jessicurl Too Shea/WDT
Leave in conditioner - Jessicurl Too Shea /Aloeba
Moisturizing styler- Blended Beauty Happy Nappy Styles
Refresher Mist- Jessicurl Awe Inspiraling mixed w/ Aloeba

I've been using these products for the past 2 weeks..and have had consistently bomb hair days...