Can your hair really mildew?


New Member
Well it's summer and I'm busy with work and school, so 3 - 4 times a week I'll be co-washing. Since I hate going to bed with a wet head, I cowash in the morning, apply con, slick into a bun and keep it that way until bed. Then I take out the pins and tie a silky scarf on.

Now, I'm wondering whether I should worry about mildewy hair with this regimen? My hair does not dry in 24 hours so in essence it will be damp - wet for 3 - 4 days straight. Has anyone experienced any problems with this type of regimen?
nah ur good. I think it can only mildew if you have a sopping wet ponytail and dont bother taking it out for a good month:perplexed
Yeah, I think you're fine. I co-wash everyday and have had no problems. But I do know what you're talking about...I had a curly weave once and i was fully wetting it everyday without letting it dry and that bad boy sure did start to mildew...needless to say I had to snatch that thing out of my head. You're fine on your real hair though.
Thanks so much ladies, I feel better now. :grin: I am loving this co-washing. When I do wash and roller set I have almost no tangles, and my hair feels so soft. :yep: It's better than steaming. :drunk: