"Your hair is going to mildew..."

Hair mildew? Ok, I'm gonna try and break this down. Mildew will grow only if the scalp and hair are dirty. The natural bacteria that live there will thrive in dirty moist conditions, As they feed, they also poop and that decomposing material (bacteria poop) will invite the growth of certain fungi and that makes the smell. I've smelled people with mildewey hair, but they also happened to be dirty people. For example, sweat alone doesn't have any sort of odor. Sweat on dirty skin does. Also a person who has clean skin but is wearing dirty clothes will smell if they sweat because the bacteria is feeding on something.

I'm a damp bunner. 98% of the time that I wash my hair (about twice a week), I'll put it in a bun afterward, so my hair will stay wet for a considerable amount of time (roughly 4 days out of the week). I have never had a mildew smell to my hair. If I did, I wouldn't damp bun.
Ignore the comment. I was told that I would get sick wearing my hair damp when I first started wearing my own hair. But that stopped when people notice my hair was growing. When they see your hair getting longer and longer they will stop with those comments and just tell you how nice your hair is.
Yeah I don't even bother anymore. When I try to help they say Oh, that olny works for you 'cause you go that 'nice' hair :rolleyes: