Can you Texturize Long Natural hair?


New Member
My daughter is 9 now her hair is natural after a long lengthy transistion from a relaxer thats someone else decided to put in her hair. Her hair is back to it's natural state. My mother gets her ready for school each morning and hates dealing with her natural hair. Her hair is 4a/4b and thicker than thick and past her shoulders. Before the awful relaxer incident it was past where her bra would be. Anyway, my mom now takes her w/ her to the salon to get her hair washed and flat ironed every other week and she wears it in two ponytails. After months of doing this her hair is now breaking where the ponytail holders are and I have told them we need a break from the salon on constant flat ironing. She has braids this week but I will be taking them down on Friday. I have been washing her hair w/ Paul Mitchell Super Skinney shampoo & conditioner and blow drying and styling. I saw that motions has a jar texturizer and I was wondering if this would help loosing her curl pattern some and make her hair a little bit more manageable? Any thoughts?
Yes it will loosen the texture, it's a weak perm from what I understand. If she had issues w/ perm before, why re-introduce perm back to her hair while in a damaged state? It might just make her hair even worse. Why not try to nurse her hair for 6 months. Doing a protein tx once every 3 months, deep condition every other week, and put into single braids(no hair added) so that her hair and rest from the constant heat from flat iron, hot comb, blow dryer ect. Plus since she's so young, and if you've never used that product, she might have an allergy. So much can happen. In the end, it's your child, if you decided to texturize, please do the patch test, to be sure of no allergic reaction. Good luck to you.
ITA with the previous poster. If it were my daughter, I would not texturize her hair. How will her hair be styled if she gets it texturized? Since she's only 9 years old, I don't imagine that you would allow her to wear it loose on a regular basis. May I suggest two french braids instead of ponytails? Changing the placement of her ponytails would help to avoid breakage, as well. There are plenty of non-chemical options available. Is doing her hair the night before an option?
Why don't you just braid her hair, and your mother won't have to deal with it? Her hair will come out long and healthy.
A texturizer would be the last result, I have pretty much already decided that. I would like for her to remain natural until at least 14. Therefore I am in no way looking to get her another relaxer, I was just curious as to what a texturizer actually does. I am looking for something that will loosing the curl pattern and make her hair a little bit more manageable. Do to the new baby and just having a houseful of things that only MOMMIE can handle my time is very limited. I'd like to be able to do her hair at night and I will try to make room for this in my schedule, its just hard right now but I'm trying to get organized. I can't braid AT ALL and so getting it braided professionally on a routine basis right now with a new baby and a house full is not really an option. The super skinny has helped as far as stretchening it out. She loves wearing it either in braids and or two ponytails so I am really left trying to figure out how to do the ponytails with the least amount of heat as possible.