Can you make a bad kisser good?


New Member
So I went out with a new guy Friday. We went bar hoping in this "high end" neighborhood. We meet up, and he's cuter than I remember so I already have the butterflies going on in my stomach. Bald head, big brown eyes, nice lips, megawatt smile. I was in trouble. I had never been in that area at night so he takes me on the tour (there are like 5 bars on the block) we just checked out the crowd at each venue. The conversation was good everything was flowing well. He kept me laughing the whole time.

So we get to place with a dance floor. He wants to show me his "moves" :lachen:. We're face to face and it happens he leans in for the kiss and it's... TONGUE CITY. I mean just tongue for no reason. He probably licked the foundation off my upper lip that's how much tongue there was. Very little lip action. In my mind I was like "AWWW HELL NO." I admit I was a bit spoiled before with my last bf who was a great kisser. With him I would forget where I was...too bad those lips were attached to a jackass.

Do you think a bad kisser can be reformed? Or do you think people just have their own style and it's better to find somebody you're compatible with? He seems nice otherwise and I'd like to go out again but I don't know how long he can keep my interest with kissing like that.
I dunno girl, i remember i once wrote about this guy i was dating and the fact that he couldnt kiss and it was grossing me out the ladies pointed out to me that there must be other things that are turning me off him other than his kissing due to the way i wrote about him and indeed it was true on the other hand are talking about him very warmly

so maybe it is something u could mention to him(that you are used to and like a different technique to his, not that hes an awful kisser) when hes now your bf or something then have fun trying different techniques that suit you best, Ive kissed loads of guys ( that wasnt to sound that slutty lol) and all except for that one guy were pretty good
I don't know about making a bad kisser good but I do think you can help a man be more in sync with your particular kissing style by giving him a little direction.
:lachen: I'm just laughing at the title. This is kinda cute...kinda

*after reading
I think you can work with him. During kissing, tell him to slow down a bit and you can take the lead by focusing on the lips and he'll follow. I think the tongue comes into play when things get out of control
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Jeez, i had a similar experience with a guy i used to see. He was so gorgeous and we hit it off great but when we finally kissed, he was just slobbering inside and around my mouth. It was DISGUSTING and such a turn off. I later talked to him about it and he said he prefers "Wet, sloppy kisses" yuck why?! we are not dogs! I would jokingly tell him "no sloppy kisses" and i'd take control in a way and it would be much better. I agree with what everyone else has said, either you can tell him how you prefer to kiss or just try to set the rhythm of your kisses. It can really be a mood killer when a guy is a bad kisser.
Jeez, i had a similar experience with a guy i used to see. He was so gorgeous and we hit it off great but when we finally kissed, he was just slobbering inside and around my mouth. It was DISGUSTING and such a turn off. I later talked to him about it and he said he prefers "Wet, sloppy kisses" yuck why?! we are not dogs! I would jokingly tell him "no sloppy kisses" and i'd take control in a way and it would be much better. I agree with what everyone else has said, either you can tell him how you prefer to kiss or just try to set the rhythm of your kisses. It can really be a mood killer when a guy is a bad kisser.

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.:barf:
I dunno - I think you can make a boring kisser better but I don't think you can make a BAD kisser GOOD.

...not to get all "romantic" about it, but I think kissing has a lot to do with mood and expectations. Tongue-All-Down-Your-Throat guys aren't bad kissers because they choose that route, but more because they don't realize that THAT particular moment is about all that....and the same type who do 5.5 minute jackrabbit sex.

Getting dudes to slow down isn't difficult - but turning a 1 into a 10 - damn near impossible...
:yep: Yes, if he's willing to learn.
I dunno - I think you can make a boring kisser better but I don't think you can make a BAD kisser GOOD.

...not to get all "romantic" about it, but I think kissing has a lot to do with mood and expectations. Tongue-All-Down-Your-Throat guys aren't bad kissers because they choose that route, but more because they don't realize that THAT particular moment is about all that....and the same type who do 5.5 minute jackrabbit sex.

Getting dudes to slow down isn't difficult - but turning a 1 into a 10 - damn near impossible...

ITA^^^. Is it a dealbreaker for you?