Can you last 1 YEAR without using direct heat?

I'm in ladies! I know I can definitely do this since it's been since December of 2003 since I've had any heat applied. It really isn't that hard. Once you've eliminated the appliances, or at least remove them from your direct vision, things become a lot easier. Good luck!
JetBlack said:
LorraineG: I'll come over this evening and get the flat irons and curling irons from you. LOL

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I know, right!!! I think she needs a twelve-step program.
Rollersetting is great, I find that it gets my hair straighter than when i used to use a flat iron. It makes the hair look as though it is naturally straight, this has definately conributed to the overall health of my hair, I would NEVER go back!!
Good luck!! I did it for 2-3+ years before I finally gave in on a bad hair day right before a night out.

You can do it!!!!
patticake said:
does she sit under a hood dryer for her roller sets? or is that considered "direct heat" as well?

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Good Question!? I want in too.
I was on the no heat challenge since December...but then I messed up and got my hair flat ironed in March. I know I can do it especially since I learned all of these new no heat techniques...Bantu Knots...braids outs ect.
I really want in on this one, but right now I haven't had a relaxer for 17 weeks, (issues) and I don't know if I can handle 2 textures without heat, but I'll try.
Im going on 3 years now without using direct heat. I strictly do rollersets and dry under a hood dryer. My hair looks completely different than when I used to use the flat iron. My hair has tons of elasticity.
I did, and my hair grew a lot, more than it ever did before. It was just about to the small of my back. but I did have a lot of split ends,a nd got 6" cut off. Plus those ends made my hair hard to comb out. I promised myself I won't go more than 3 months w/o getting my ends trimmed. Right now the girl I love uses direct heat. She is very good so I'm sure she know how to do a dominican blow out.
The last "blow dry to stretch" was done on Feb. 13, 2004
...I haven't used heat since
... I think I can hang
yeah, I can make it a year
Count me in!!!
I'm in. I cut my relaxed hair to a natural 2 in. length 12/29/03 & my hair has grown to 5 in. as of today-- due to no heat. I am in--& good luck to all.
i've done it already for over a year. no curling iron or flat iron for 14mths. Only the heat from an overhead dryer. It can be done.
I managed to cut down to three blow drys from March ot December last year. I backslid big time cos this year I've already had a press and have blow dried my hair about 3 times!
I am down for eschewing hear for at least 6 months. That shouldn't be too damaging...
Has anyone remeber or used paper too curl thier hair, when I was little we did not have curling iron or blow dryer, I dont remember a hot comb, but we did use it sometimes
(old times)
I would really love to do this, but I do want to have my hair curls or pressed for a event that should be coming next month or the month after that, but I will hold off till then, not using heat is not a big deal, its when I want to check lenght that is only time I use it after several months
I have done the no heat method for over a year back when I was relaxed. My hair stopped breaking and grew tremendously. I am a natural now, with absolutely no breakage at all!
LorraineG said:
Can you properly do a rollerset WITHOUT sitting under the dryer? Can someone look at my photo album for my hair type? My hair is very curly and I think I need to sit under the dryer.


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From your picture you look as thou you have 3b/3c hair (I'm 3c/4a relaxed). So yes you can do it, you would need a good setting lotion, example Lotta Body Full Strenth and 50/50 it with water. While your hair is wet saturate with the setting lotion then use Jumbo rollers and let dry. When you take out the rollers brush it straight or where it as a wrap.

I haven't used a curling iron since I started taking relaxers again a little over a year ago. I either use my Caurso Steam Rollers, or I do Bantu Knots. Actually I was using a blow drier from time to time, but I'm trying to phase out of it. So far doing to Bantu knots helps out a lot. It is funny LorraineG I put my hair into Bantu Knots to get the your natural look
and you are trying to to do the opposite, get it straight.
I haven't used direct heat on my hair for over a year. I had it in braids for 11 months then when I got it relaxed I always go under the dryer with rollers. At home I use Clairol's velvet steam rollers and a blow dryer once a week after I shampoo and condition. No direct heat and I can't tell you how that has helped my hair.

The back used to break off all the time and never grew past the nape of my neck, now it's to growing past my nape. Thank goodness, no direct heat is good.
Yeah I can last, I'm too lazy to use curling irons and blowdryers.
I'm even too lazy to rollerset, though I really want to try that one day, along with a flatiron.
I quit using heat cold turkey in Dec 03. Backslid a little in Feb 04 and used my flat iron. I am wearing braids now and will be thru the summer so I guess I can get in on this since I started doing this on my own.

The trick for me was giving away my Ion blow dryer (that I only used once) and my ceramic curling iron to my friend. I kept my ceramic flat iron because it was a gift from my husband but it is still in the box on a top shelf in the closet.

If I don't see it I don't miss using it. Count me in
I could go without heat for a year. My regime does not consist of curling irons, blow dryers or any type of heat to style my hair. This would be a breeze.
Sherrylove, 10 years is amazing!
And you have the beautiful, long healthy hair to prove it works!

It's been 10 months for me without heat.