Can you hear from spirits?


Well-Known Member
Something really weird has been going on. I didnt really want to bring it up on here because I didnt thin kanyone would understand but here goes.

Since oct I've been hearing the voice of my Uncle who passed away 2-3 yrs ago. We were extremely close. I was like a daughter to him and it was the first person I lost that I really felt pain for.

I had never dreamt of him in his life only after he died. He would always be comfortimg me and telling me I can't go where he is.(i was extremely suicidal)

At my worst I started hearing his voice and he would give me information about what to do. He would comfort me and pyush me to get past my anxieties. Also weird things are happening.

For instance I had this urge to talk to my aunt Verena( his wife) and tell her to get 3 rosaries. I told her I was hearing from uncle lee and he's pushing me to get better. I had no idea but I wrote to her on his birthday. She was in tears. She knew at that point that I was really hearing from him and told me to listen to him and god.

Then I had another incident where I really felt I needed to tell her something. So I wrote her another email and this is what it said.

God is telling me something. I'm coming out and he's using uncle lee to get to me. The devil has been trying to steal my soul. And god is using uncle lee to get to me. If this is unclee lee he wants to tell you someting. He loves you with all his heart. and he is with you and the kids. He will never leave you behind just like he never left me. I wrote you on his birthday i heard. I didnt know it was his birthday but everything happens for a reason. He was sending a message to you. To be strong. he is with you. and guides you still today. hes at peace and knows you will be too. When you dont know what to do go to him for reassurance. I just had to tell you that. If you dont get it just chalk it up to me being crazy. but i'm coming out. and my spiritual father is the one getting me there. You know you would hear from him again. and you know that you two were my second parents. I love you all. And died so i could be made whole. In the fathers name.

She called me in tears. She said she was just praying the rosary and asking for strength. She had been thinkning of Uncle Lee and then I wrote that to her. We talked for a long time.

What do you think? Can you hear from spirits of deceased loved ones?
That is an interesting question. I have been listening to Salt and Light radio they talk alot about question of spirits and the priests unanimously say spirits, clairvoyance and other supernatural powers almost never come from god.
If that's the case in your situation is hard to judge from the distance.
I'd recommend talking with your local priest immediately.
I definitely believe you. I never heard any spirits. Im glad he is stirring you in the right direction.

I hear of people saying that they hear from their deceased love ones.
I definitely believe you as well. I believe some of us can sense or actually hear from deceased loved ones. I never heard from one, but I believe I sensed my brother after he passed. I remember listening to a gospel song and then getting this deep sinking feeling that he was no longer alive. When I called my mother to ask if he was alive, she said he had passed. There have been relatives who said they've actually spoken to him after he passed. So yes, I believe you.
Dear BronxJazzy...

Because you mentioned the word 'suicide', I am being very careful to let you know that this is coming to you very gently. There is absolutely no harshness nor is there any ounce of criticism towards you.

I will not sugar coat the answer to your question. The answer is "NO" we cannot hear the voices of our 'passed' loved ones. The voices and/or visions of a passed loved one that one 'hears or sees' is that of a 'Familiar Spirit'.

These are demonic spirits who are 'familiar' with your life and the lives of loved ones passed. It does not matter how many times, these voices or visions refer to God, that is how they get 'you' to listen to them and to 'believe' them.

Note: When a 'stranger' wants to 'kidnap' a child, he will easily win their trust, by saying, 'Your Mommie sent me to take you home", or "Your Mommie says it's okay to come with me..."

satan uses these very same tactics...he originated them, for he is a 'Master Deceiver', knowing that when people hear 'God sent me' or God says', that they will listen and believe the deception.

The voices you hear are not from God. The Bible calls them 'familiar spirits'.

Jesus said, "My sheep know my voice and the voice of the 'stranger' they shall not follow.'

We do not communicate with the dead; their voices and visions are 'silenced' from the earth realm. We may have loving memories of them, however there is no further communication with them, as it is not coming from God.

There are mediums, witches, spirtual readers, who take full advantage of those grieving for passed loved ones. Anyone who has a loved one who has passed away, will go to almost any degree, to maintain contact with their loved one; they will fall prey to anything that eases the pain of being without them or anything to keep them in denial that the person has truly passed on.

A familiar spirit has been sending messages to your aunt knowing what she will respond to; a spirit that is familiar with each of you is able to deceive you with messages which relating to the life that once lived among you here on earth and still alive in your hearts.

You're going to have to deny this spirit further communications with you and your aunt. Go to your Pastor for prayer, stay in the Word of God and arm yourself with what the Bible teaches about familiar spirits and communication with the 'dead'. Do your research; there's no other way for you to 'believe' and learn and to know this for yourself.

No matter how much information I could post by way of links and Bible verses, YOU MUST STUDY this on your own, and in a serious Bible Study with your Church for you to 'get it' and to allow it to be exposed in your heart and to protect you from further deceptions.

Father in the name of Jesus... I thank you for protecting and setting Bronx Jazzy from all manner of deception and most of all, for healing her and her Aunt Verena's broken heart over the passing of their loved one... Uncle Lee.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.

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I have a few questions about this as well. I was having a discussion with my boyfriend and I stated that "I believe that spirits and demons are one in the same."

I continued to say that I believe there are angels and there are spirits (demons).

What's your take on this?

He didn't agree with me because he said he felt that there were "good spirits."

From what I have read in the bible, so far, once we die, our spirits are reunited with the Lord. Right?

Also, what happens when we meet a person that we feel has a kindred spirit but we later find out they are not a Christian but they are still a nice person?

Does this kinship still exist or do we end up forging a relationship?
Dear @BronxJazzy...

Because you mentioned the word 'suicide', I am being very careful to let you know that this is coming to you very gently. There is absolutely no harshness nor is there any ounce of criticism towards you.

I will not sugar coat the answer to your question. The answer is "NO" we cannot hear the voices of our 'passed' loved ones. The voices and/or visions of a passed loved one that one 'hears or sees' is that of a 'Familiar Spirit'.

These are demonic spirits who are 'familiar' with your life and the lives of loved ones passed. It does not matter how many times, these voices or visions refer to God, that is how they get 'you' to listen to them and to 'believe' them.

Note: When a 'stranger' wants to 'kidnap' a child, he will easily win their trust, by saying, 'Your Mommie sent me to take you home", or "Your Mommie says it's okay to come with me..."

satan uses these very same tactics...he originated them, for he is a 'Master Deceiver', knowing that when people hear 'God sent me' or God says', that they will listen and believe the deception.

The voices you hear are not from God. The Bible calls them 'familiar spirits'.

Jesus said, "My sheep know my voice and the voice of the 'stranger' they shall not follow.'

We do not communicate with the dead; their voices and visions are 'silenced' from the earth realm. We may have loving memories of them, however there is no further communication with them, as it is not coming from God.

There are mediums, witches, spirtual readers, who take full advantage of those grieving for passed loved ones. Anyone who has a loved one who has passed away, will go to almost any degree, to maintain contact with their loved one; they will fall prey to anything that eases the pain of being without them or anything to keep them in denial that the person has truly passed on.

A familiar spirit has been sending messages to your aunt knowing what she will respond to; a spirit that is familiar with each of you is able to deceive you with messages which relating to the life that once lived among you here on earth and still alive in your hearts.

You're going to have to deny this spirit further communications with you and your aunt. Go to your Pastor for prayer, stay in the Word of God and arm yourself with what the Bible teaches about familiar spirits and communication with the 'dead'. Do your research; there's no other way for you to 'believe' and learn and to know this for yourself.

No matter how much information I could post by way of links and Bible verses, YOU MUST STUDY this on your own, and in a serious Bible Study with your Church for you to 'get it' and to allow it to be exposed in your heart and to protect you from further deceptions.

Father in the name of Jesus... I thank you for protecting and setting Bronx Jazzy from all manner of deception and most of all, for healing her and her Aunt Verena's broken heart over the passing of their loved one... Uncle Lee.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.


Agree with this. OP this is wisdom.
I really dont think its demonic. I wanted to kill myself for the longest time and it was actually the voice that talked me out of it the last time i wanted to. The voice is exactly the same as my deceased uncle. Then the stuff with writing to my aunt on his birthday. I felt she needed rosaries and come to find out he died holding onto one. She also told me she sees him in her house sometimes. Its a very gentle and loving feeling I feel when I talk with him. He's the one that pushes me to get out and get past my fears. Never lied to me only told me the truth in love. I do think that you can choose to help a family member when you are gone. YOu dont just have to stay in heaven chit chatting it up with the other angels.

I have no idea why some believe there cant be good spirits. If you believe in god and the devil than you know there are two types of spirits. Or there would be no such thing as the holy spirit.
I have a few questions about this as well.

:wave: Hi delitefulmane. My answers are in blue:

delitefulmane's Question:

I was having a discussion with my boyfriend and I stated that "I believe that spirits and demons are one in the same." I continued to say that I believe there are angels and there are spirits (demons). What's your take on this?

Shimmie's Reply:

demons are evil spirits; spirits of wickedness.

The One true honourable spirit is the Holy Spirit.

delitefulmane's Question:

He didn't agree with me because he said he felt that there were "good spirits."

Shimmie's Reply:

A 'spirit' means ' to be without an earthen body. Our spirits are clothed with an earthen body (flesh and blood). One has to be very careful when they consider 'good spirits' versus bad spirits. While angels have been called 'spirits' the Word of God cautions us to 'Try the spririts to see if they be of God."

We have to be careful when making a comparison of good spirit vs a bad spirit, as it falls too closely to comparing a bad witch vs a good witch, where there is no such thing as a good witch. When it comes to the spiritual realm, we have to be in tune to God's Word and to the Holy Spirit to be extremely discerning of it's origin and it's intent and influence.

delitefulmane's Question: :

From what I have read in the bible, so far, once we die, our spirits are reunited with the Lord. Right?

Shimmie's Reply:

The Bible says, "... to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord..."

delitefulmane's Question:

Also, what happens when we meet a person that we feel has a kindred spirit but we later find out they are not a Christian but they are still a nice person? Does this kinship still exist or do we end up forging a relationship?

Shimmie's Reply:

There are many people in our lives that have good hearts and good and loving characters and are not serving Jesus. Before many of us were saved, we were still kind and loving people, we simply did not have a relationship with God.

Before I was 'saved', there were many people in my personal life (family, friends, etc.) who knew Jesus and were honouring Him as Lord, yet they still embraced me into their hearts and into their lives.

One of my best friends, stayed my friend through all of my sin, and when I was 'saved', she shared that she had known Jesus and had been praying for me all along.

The key is to not allow our lives to be 'lead into temptation', to not agree with the lives of those not in Christ Jesus. We are 'there' to serve as a love and as a 'light' to lead them to the Lord.

There are people in my life from all backgrounds, other religions, other races, other lifestyles, and they are just as kind and as loving as those who are Christians, and in many cases, even more caring and loving; yet, I live as a love and a Light to them. They know me and they respect that my life is different, they are not offended, by my difference because they know that I love them.

Our responsibility is to stay on the path of Jesus. Not participate in sin, and pray that they are lead to know and love Jesus with all of their hearts.

God will always speak to your heart about relationships. God also knows how to separate us from those who are not meant to be in our lives. :yep:

Hope this helps. I'm going to tag some other members who have excellent answers to share.

Ladies... I need your help to 'love' our sister [OP] through this. Each of you have so much wisdom to share. Please 'love' her through this. No lectures, just love and testimonies.

I'm drawing a blank with spelling names in the 'mentions', so please add anyone to the 'tag' list. I'm not leaving anyone out on purpose. I'm just drawing a blank. Please forgive me... Thanks so much.

Laela, Iwanthealthyhair67; Nice & Wavy, sidney, Health&hair28; TraciChanel, Sashaa08, mrselle, nicola.kirwan, mst1908, Prudent1; lissa08, GoddessMaker, kila82 .........
PinkPebbles, MSee, Nina_S, hanna_light, InVue, Choisie, BrandNew, Sharpened, LatterGlory, gn1g, Poohbear, SummerSolstice, nathansgirl, Spring, blazingthru, divya, humility1990

There are many, many more valuable responses from many more of our members here in our Christian Forum. So I'm literally calling for everyone especially those I haven't listed above.... to please post and share on this subject.
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I have a friend's experience to share...

My friend was dating a guy who says he heard a familiar voice telling him to come to God.

That same familiar voice told him to kill his father.

It started with positive suggestions then gently nudged him to kill is father. He was so confused, the voice sounded so credible, familiar and right. If coming to God was the right thing to do they why wasn't killing his father the right thing? This voice to advantage of him because it "knew" he had an EXTREMELY strained relationship with his dad and it also knew he wanted to get closer to God. The whole situation was surreal.
I really dont think its demonic. I wanted to kill myself for the longest time and it was actually the voice that talked me out of it the last time i wanted to. The voice is exactly the same as my deceased uncle. Then the stuff with writing to my aunt on his birthday. I felt she needed rosaries and come to find out he died holding onto one. She also told me she sees him in her house sometimes. Its a very gentle and loving feeling I feel when I talk with him. He's the one that pushes me to get out and get past my fears. Never lied to me only told me the truth in love. I do think that you can choose to help a family member when you are gone. YOu dont just have to stay in heaven chit chatting it up with the other angels.

I have no idea why some believe there cant be good spirits. If you believe in god and the devil than you know there are two types of spirits. Or there would be no such thing as the holy spirit.

Baby... this is how satan 'deceives'. he comes in as 'a friend', a family member; his intent is to comfort you with 'his' voice [in the form of your uncle's voice and manner], and once he has your 'trust', he'll be able to deceive you in other areas of your life.

It's like a man, who sets you up in a relationship to trust him, he knows the words and the 'voice' that you will listen to , that voice that you will 'yield' to; once he has your trust, he uses you for his advantage. satan's sole purpose is to mislead and misguide us 'away' from God.

The 'dead' do not speak. :nono: Precious one... the 'dead' do not speak. Only demons speak as imitators of those who have passed on.

I know it seems that a demon would not possibly prevent you from harming yourself. This is what satan wants you to think. he's playing 'yoyo' with folks. satan plants the spirit of suicide in one's mind, then he yanks it back up, putting in reserve...

I'm going to allow the other members to come in and minister more love to you on this matter. In the meantime, I am going to be in prayer for you. It is obvious that God has a special plan for your life and satan is trying to get in front of God's voice to prevent you from following the plan and destiny that God has for you. satan is jealous of what God has for you... we have to dispel his lies which have been whispered into your ears.

In Jesus' Name... Amen.
I have a friend's experience to share...

My friend was dating a guy who says he heard a familiar voice telling him to come to God.

That same familiar voice told him to kill his father.

It started with positive suggestions then gently nudged him to kill is father. He was so confused, the voice sounded so credible, familiar and right. If coming to God was the right thing to do they why wasn't killing his father the right thing? This voice to advantage of him because it "knew" he had an EXTREMELY strained relationship with his dad and it also knew he wanted to get closer to God. The whole situation was surreal.

Thanks so much kila82 ...

satan is a master of creating confusion and every evil work to follow...

BronxJazzy... 'we' love you. :love3:
BronxJazzy: I know sometimes it takes more than what others are saying to believe it for ourselves. Wisdom was shared above, but if you must believe it for yourself, then do as in John:

1 John 4
1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God

I found a link of Pastor John MacArthur talking about "How to Test the Spirits". Please listen to it:
@BronxJazzy: I know sometimes it takes more than what others are saying to believe it for ourselves. Wisdom was shared above, but if you must believe it for yourself, then do as in John:

I found a link of Pastor John MacArthur talking about "How to Test the Spirits". Please listen to it:
Thank you for posting that scripture. SO the bible does say some spirits come from god. Just test the spirit first.
Kinda of short on time I will add that Satan is a deceiver. He will masquerade as an angel of light to deceive. Causing people to believe things in which God is against. Just like in the garden.

For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 11:13-14 (KJV)

Scriptures in which God makes it clear that His people are not to deal with those that have communication with the dead or consulting the dead on behalf of the living. It is dangerous. It is demonic.

Deuteronomy 18:10-13
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any [thing] that is done under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 (KJV)

When they say to you, "Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter," should not a people consult their God? {Should they} {consult} the dead on behalf of the living?
Isaiah 8:19 (NAS)
@BronxJazzy: I know sometimes it takes more than what others are saying to believe it for ourselves. Wisdom was shared above, but if you must believe it for yourself, then do as in John:

I found a link of Pastor John MacArthur talking about "How to Test the Spirits". Please listen to it:

The only Spirit we should be in connection with is the Holy Spirit, which is God's Spirit. This is saying test the spirits to see if it is God's Spirit or evil spirits.

  • John 14:26
    But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (NIV)
  • John 15:26
    [Jesus speaking] When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. (NIV)
  • John 16:13
    But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. (NIV)
I really dont think its demonic. I wanted to kill myself for the longest time and it was actually the voice that talked me out of it the last time i wanted to. The voice is exactly the same as my deceased uncle. Then the stuff with writing to my aunt on his birthday. I felt she needed rosaries and come to find out he died holding onto one. She also told me she sees him in her house sometimes. Its a very gentle and loving feeling I feel when I talk with him. He's the one that pushes me to get out and get past my fears. Never lied to me only told me the truth in love. I do think that you can choose to help a family member when you are gone. YOu dont just have to stay in heaven chit chatting it up with the other angels.

I have no idea why some believe there cant be good spirits. If you believe in god and the devil than you know there are two types of spirits. Or there would be no such thing as the holy spirit.

I am very glad that you have gotten through your dark moments. I hope that your days only continue to get brighter and brighter.

I must agree with Shimmie's post wholeheartedly and also point you to the other thread that was recently bumped in the CF, called "Familiar Spirits". There is more information there. I know that it can seem like people are being reactionary to something they don't understand, but when we look at Scripture and really reflect on where the experience leads us, we have reason to be cautious.

I'll lay out a few principles that you can judge for yourself. You mentioned that you don’t believe the spirit is demonic. I would say that the Lord does not only forbid consulting with familiar (demonic) spirits, but also the spirits of those who have passed away. That is called “necromancy,” which Scripture speaks against. (Deuteronomy 18:10-11) There is also the example of Saul and the witch at Endor, where Saul asked the woman to call up Samuel. At that time, mediums and spiritists had been cast out of the land, because they were contrary to God. (1 Samuel 28:9) By listening to this spirit and communicating its messages, you are acting as a medium.

Ultimately, this will be an issue of obedience versus disobedience for you. God has been clear about not consulting with the dead, and it is up to us to obey. I know that you feel comforted by this spirit, but should also add what 2 Corinthians says, that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14) Truthfully, you cannot know what it is you are communicating with for sure. Because it is a spirit, you can only know how it is presenting itself to you, not what it really is. It is easier to believe the best because of the good feelings it has brought, but I think it’s important to reflect on where this is leading you. If you continued to open yourself up to spirits that speak comforting things, you would be a medium, someone who consults with familiar spirits and with the dead. If nothing else, I’d just encourage you to look at the verses that were mentioned and pray for sharpened discernment.
The only Spirit we should be in connection with is the Holy Spirit, which is God's Spirit. This is saying test the spirits to see if it is God's Spirit or evil spirits.

  • John 14:26
    But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (NIV)
  • John 15:26
    [Jesus speaking] When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. (NIV)
  • John 16:13
    But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. (NIV)

I understand. I'd prefer for her to heed what everyone has said, but if she doesn't, at the very least, she should test the spirit. I shared the link and Scripture to offer her that last option.

I found a link of Pastor John MacArthur talking about "How to Test the Spirits". Please listen to it: [url][/url][/QUOTE]
Thank you for sharing this link! This has helped my understanding greatly! :hug3:

:wave: Hi delitefulmane. My answers are in blue:

delitefulmane's Question:

I was having a discussion with my boyfriend and I stated that "I believe that spirits and demons are one in the same." I continued to say that I believe there are angels and there are spirits (demons). What's your take on this?

Shimmie's Reply:

demons are evil spirits; spirits of wickedness.

The One true honourable spirit is the Holy Spirit.

delitefulmane's Question:

He didn't agree with me because he said he felt that there were "good spirits."

Shimmie's Reply:

A 'spirit' means ' to be without an earthen body. Our spirits are clothed with an earthen body (flesh and blood). One has to be very careful when they consider 'good spirits' versus bad spirits. While angels have been called 'spirits' the Word of God cautions us to 'Try the spririts to see if they be of God."

We have to be careful when making a comparison of good spirit vs a bad spirit, as it falls too closely to comparing a bad witch vs a good witch, where there is no such thing as a good witch. When it comes to the spiritual realm, we have to be in tune to God's Word and to the Holy Spirit to be extremely discerning of it's origin and it's intent and influence.

delitefulmane's Question: :

From what I have read in the bible, so far, once we die, our spirits are reunited with the Lord. Right?

Shimmie's Reply:

The Bible says, "... to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord..."

delitefulmane's Question:

Also, what happens when we meet a person that we feel has a kindred spirit but we later find out they are not a Christian but they are still a nice person? Does this kinship still exist or do we end up forging a relationship?

Shimmie's Reply:

There are many people in our lives that have good hearts and good and loving characters and are not serving Jesus. Before many of us were saved, we were still kind and loving people, we simply did not have a relationship with God.

Before I was 'saved', there were many people in my personal life (family, friends, etc.) who knew Jesus and were honouring Him as Lord, yet they still embraced me into their hearts and into their lives.

One of my best friends, stayed my friend through all of my sin, and when I was 'saved', she shared that she had known Jesus and had been praying for me all along.

The key is to not allow our lives to be 'lead into temptation', to not agree with the lives of those not in Christ Jesus. We are 'there' to serve as a love and as a 'light' to lead them to the Lord.

There are people in my life from all backgrounds, other religions, other races, other lifestyles, and they are just as kind and as loving as those who are Christians, and in many cases, even more caring and loving; yet, I live as a love and a Light to them. They know me and they respect that my life is different, they are not offended, by my difference because they know that I love them.

Our responsibility is to stay on the path of Jesus. Not participate in sin, and pray that they are lead to know and love Jesus with all of their hearts.

God will always speak to your heart about relationships. God also knows how to separate us from those who are not meant to be in our lives. :yep:

Hope this helps. I'm going to tag some other members who have excellent answers to share.

:bighug: Thanks...sis! :grin:
I am going to share this thread and loolalooh's link with my boyfriend. Im sure it will open his eyes.
Thanks Shimmie for the love and support. Your prayers are more than welcomed. I know whenever I feel in fear I put my rosary on and pray our father. I feel like I'm in a good place. I just wanted some outside perspective. You all gave me alot to think about.
Thanks Shimmie for the love and support. Your prayers are more than welcomed. I know whenever I feel in fear I put my rosary on and pray our father. I feel like I'm in a good place. I just wanted some outside perspective. You all gave me alot to think about.

Anytime, sis. Anytime. I had to 'pull away' and ask for help from our other sisters here. I go hard on certain topics [this is one of them] and it ends up looking 'personal'.

I didn't want you to feel my 'wrath' against the devil. :fistshake: and think it was against you.

Come to our Prayer Line when you can. We're there for you.

Take care, Precious Bronx... I'm so glad you are still here with us upon this earth. Please don't ever leave. :love2:
This thread has been very enlightening. It is not unusual for certain Christians (including myself) to fall into this belief that we can hear from loved ones. All the more reason why should be studious of the Word. A couple of the Scriptures mentioned (the ones in Deut. and 2 Cor.) are some I had never read before. A few verses with such a big message and warning behind them.

After my brother's passing and getting that 'nudge' that he passed, my mother asked if I could hear from him. I felt bad that I couldn't, but reading all of this, I shouldn't have felt bad. You ladies have blessed me as well. Thank you all.
This thread has been very enlightening. It is not unusual for certain Christians (including myself) to fall into this belief that we can hear from loved ones. All the more reason why should be studious of the Word. A couple of the Scriptures mentioned (the ones in Deut. and 2 Cor.) are some I had never read before. A few verses with such a big message and warning behind them.

After my brother's passing and getting that 'nudge' that he passed, my mother asked if I could hear from him. I felt bad that I couldn't, but reading all of this, I shouldn't have felt bad. You ladies have blessed me as well. Thank you all.

I'm sorry about your brother's passing... :kiss: