I love to see the men dance. Sometimes the dance is prophetic, you have to pay attention to the movements.
I'm not much of a dancer spiritually or naturally. But I know that dance in the spirit is not of ones own accord.
This is true. One guy was reaching up and pulling down. It was WEIRD and he wouldn't stop and he was moving all in front of the church. I am doing my thing just PRESSING (Y'all ever have to press against something to get into God's presence..yea that was happening that night) the whole church is just pressing. The guy in front still reaching his hand up and pulling it down.
The praise and worship leader was quickened with the word from this guys action. And the whole church just started pulling down and made up some song and we just started singing..pulling down the walls that block us from getting to God and than we started pulling down blessings.
When those walls came down we went to church. God just MOVED!
All this off of that guy being weird up front. Pulling down.