Can We Try This Again?-- Christianity & The Law of Attraction

Divine Inspiration said:
Ok, well, it's safe for me to ASSUME then that these ladies are calling us "devils" or "evil" since we believe in the power of positive thinking? It could easily be taken that they're referring to me, but no one said my name so I'm not going to ASSUME that this group of loving, Christian women would say something ill-willed towards me. I've never knowingly wronged anyone on this board, and I'm seriously taken aback by this.

SD, thank you for starting this thread. I've enjoyed the discussion.

To anyone I may have offended, please understand that it was not intentional, and if you read my post objectively, I think you'll see that. Either way, I appreciate everyone's input in this thread as it was all enlightening, and I believe the OP got what she was after.

That's all you had to say. And I never said that your earlier comment was cause for me to close this thread. I said I would hate to have to close the thread, in other words, if it turns into an occasion for name calling, I'm shutting it down. Clearly, this is all a simple misunderstanding, and I don't think it merits for anyone to be so upset about it.
OT: Christians have you all noticed that a lot of witchcraft has crept into the forum lately? And not just LOA.
gn1g said:
OT: Christians have you all noticed that a lot of witchcraft has crept into the forum lately? And not just LOA.


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You weren't supposed to tell it. Just pray about it....:lol:

But you're right it has. But angel, it's always been here. It's very easy to spot. Even when it's 'quiet.' As Christians, you will be surrounded by witches and witchcraft. It comes with the territory.

I've been around witches all my life. So .... I know.
Hey ya'll. I'm not into the Secret or LOA but its really interesting hearing the thoughts and information coming from everyone here who believe, practice, agree, slightly agree or disagree with LOA.
I think positive thinking is a must no matter what.

Once someone voices their opinion on what is real or isn't real based on their faith or belief system thats great but there shouldn't be a need to attempt to force feed anyone. Agree to disagree. Whats up with feeling the need to be right:confused: If you do or don't believe in something why argue especially if your walking in God's light?
Everyone has the right to believe in what and whom they want.
Divine Inspiration said:
Ok, well, it's safe for me to ASSUME then that these ladies are calling us "devils" or "evil" since we believe in the power of positive thinking? It could easily be taken that they're referring to me, but no one said my name so I'm not going to ASSUME that this group of loving, Christian women would say something ill-willed towards me. I've never knowingly wronged anyone on this board, and I'm seriously taken aback by this.

SD, thank you for starting this thread. I've enjoyed the discussion.

To anyone I may have offended, please understand that it was not intentional, and if you read my post objectively, I think you'll see that. Either way, I appreciate everyone's input in this thread as it was all enlightening, and I believe the OP got what she was after.

I apologize for my misunderstanding your words, DI. It is very hard over the internet to see where someone is coming from sometimes.
firecracker said:
Hey ya'll. I'm not into the Secret or LOA but its really interesting hearing the thoughts and information coming from everyone here who believe, practice, agree, slightly agree or disagree with LOA.
I think positive thinking is a must no matter what.

Once someone voices their opinion on what is real or isn't real based on their faith or belief system thats great but there shouldn't be a need to attempt to force feed anyone. Agree to disagree. Whats up with feeling the need to be right:confused: If you do or don't believe in something why argue especially if your walking in God's light?
Everyone has the right to believe in what and whom they want.

Hey, Firecracker.... I'd like to respond to your question:

One of my favorite scriptures is Amos 3:3: "How can two walk together except they be agreed". At some point, there has to be a definitive meeting of the minds on the major things. This particular forum is the Christian Fellowship Forum and so while Christianity has a variety of ways that it is expressed/practiced, there are some fundamentals, very basic fundamentals, that must be in place (I humbly believe and advocate) in order for a person to call him/herself Christian.

One more thing: I don't think we should be so quick to call a disagreement an argument that automatically ends with two people disagreeing and that's it. I know for me, I appreciate processing time to think... so a "rigorous conversation" is good when it is done in a healthy and respectful way.

My humble thoughts....
RelaxerRehab said:
Hey, Firecracker.... I'd like to respond to your question:

One of my favorite scriptures is Amos 3:3: "How can two walk together except they be agreed". At some point, there has to be a definitive meeting of the minds on the major things. This particular forum is the Christian Fellowship Forum and so while Christianity has a variety of ways that it is expressed/practiced, there are some fundamentals, very basic fundamentals, that must be in place (I humbly believe and advocate) in order for a person to call him/herself Christian.

One more thing: I don't think we should be so quick to call a disagreement an argument that automatically ends with two people disagreeing and that's it. I know for me, I appreciate processing time to think... so a "rigorous conversation" is good when it is done in a healthy and respectful way.

My humble thoughts....
I agree with the bolded.
I won't touch that comment about the title or calling oneself a Chrisitian since I don't have the key to heaven or anyone elses key. :lol:
firecracker said:
I agree with the bolded.
I won't touch that comment about the title or calling oneself a Chrisitian since I don't have the key to heaven or anyone elses key. :lol:

But let's explore that. I didn't say anything about getting into heaven. I'm talking about what's going on right here on PLANET EARTH!:)

This is a criteria of debate amongst religious organizations. Everybody (even within Christianity/organized religion) says that their way is THE way. So who or what is right? Again, we gotta go back to the basics of what THE BIBLE says....

I'm not saying (necessarily;) ) that what I believe is the way is the RIGHT way, but it's the way that I understand at this moment in my life. And I gotta stand up for something or I could fall for anything... which wraps us back around to the core of this thread topic, and what some of these dear sisters are boldly saying: sometimes we gotta take the Word of God EXACTLY how it's laid out. Straight, no chaser. It is what it is.... Jesus is Lord of all and He will have no other gods before Him, even if some would say that the creation (humans) is equal to the Creator (Lord Jesus Christ).
That can and will never be....
Shimmie said:
Believe or not, I understand and admire you greatly. I have to be hard. It comes with the territory. When ever you have a chance, read the story about Nehemiah and how he refused to come off the wall that God has commanded him to rebuild. He was threatened, taunted, ridiculed, you name it. But he refused to come down off the wall.

Remember how Noah was taunted as well? Yet he continued to obey God and built the ark. As hard as it may seem, we cannot afford to compromise or allow our faith in God to be watered down. We can't. Otherwise we lose our power.

Look at this and you will love it. It keeps me.

"The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you."

Romans 8:11:

But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

We have the Holy Spirit within us. The same Holy Spirit that dwells in Jesus and raised Him from the dead. How much more do we ever need? You have it precious lady. You have it. God loves you just that much and more to dwell in you and along with no other god.

The positive thought here is simply that. God loves you too much to leave you. He's right there and has been all along.

The devil is a liar. That's why he keeps trying to bring in deceptions and distractions to blind us from the true love that dwells within us. All that we will ever need is in us and always will be. We just have to receive it and believe it. That's all. Receive and Believe.

What a love...what a love....Jesus and no other.

God bless you, dear one. ;)

I had no idea I could get so much inspiration from a hair forum, I usually come here a few times a year when I'm having a bad hair day, get some hair tips and bounce. However, I've been enjoying this forum alot more lately and learning about important issues beyond hair.

I appreciate your words and your testimonies, they are a sign for me to check myself. And all this discussion has truly inspired someone on this board today, even the tense words/misunderstandings somehow served a purpose.
I appreciate the discussions for tackling something that most of us have become numb to or choose to ignore.

I believe this is all extremely relevant. While I don't subscribe to LOA, I have to say all the chatter about is making me examine my spiritual life critically. I guess that's the only purpose it will serve in my life.
gn1g said:
OT: Christians have you all noticed that a lot of witchcraft has crept into the forum lately? And not just LOA.

yes I have, as a matter of fact I became curious and starting researching wicca and what I saw did not sit well with me however I think God is using that experience for good because learning about wicca just made me run closer to God and now I am more crazy about him than ever:lol:.

I wanted to say that I enjoy reading your posts shimmie and I'm glad you're back:)
longnapps said:
yes I have, as a matter of fact I became curious and starting researching wicca and what I saw did not sit well with me however I think God is using that experience for good because learning about wicca just made me run closer to God and now I am more crazy about him than ever:lol:.

I wanted to say that I enjoy reading your posts shimmie and I'm glad you're back:)

Thank you Longnapps. You are very precious to say such. Of course I had to come back and start trouble for the devil. :lol: However, I'm about to make a post regarding witchcraft. It's time to put our minds at ease about it.

Love and hugs to you...