Can We Speed Up Our Hair Growth?

Can We Speed Up Our "Natural" Growth Rate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 204 49.8%
  • No

    Votes: 65 15.9%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 135 32.9%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 6 1.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
I've been reading a lot of articles lately saying that we can't speed up our natural growth rate. I'm starting to believe that this is true, however I don't know???

I believe that products such as MTG, BT, MN work because they get us back to our "original" growth rate... therefore it's not really speeding it up more than what it would be naturally if we were completely healthy. I believe our growth rate slows down due to poor diets, circulation and lack of exercise etc. What do you ladies think?
I've been reading a lot of articles lately saying that we can't speed up our natural growth rate. I'm starting to believe that this is true, however I don't know???

I believe that products such as MTG, BT, MN work because they get us back to our "original" growth rate... therefore it's not really speeding it up more than what it would be naturally if we were completely healthy. I believe our growth rate slows down due to poor diets, circulation and lack of exercise etc. What do you ladies think?

I agree.

I can't speak about the growth aids though.
Hmm. Don't know about "speeding up" growth rate, but I absolutely believe we can optimize our growth rate. There are soooo many factors affecting our hair growth, but I think we can optimize it by taking care of the following:

1. exercise
2. nutrients/supplements
3. scalp health (includes application of growth aids)
4. water intake
5. blood ph more neutral to alkaline

Optimized hair growth can easily reach 1 inch per month, IMO.
No. But I agree with the OP when she said that by taking supplements and other "growth aids" help us get back to the rate we're supposed to be at.

I know that I have growth spurts during the year. I just had one cause I just got 1 and 1/2 inches between now and septmeber 07. Normally I have about half of that:ohwell:

I have been watching my protein intake (i.e. eating more, from healthy sources) so maybe that's the same as taking a supplement (and better, I think)
Hmm. Don't know about "speeding up" growth rate, but I absolutely believe we can optimize our growth rate. There are soooo many factors affecting our hair growth, but I think we can optimize it by taking care of the following:

1. exercise
2. nutrients/supplements
3. scalp health (includes application of growth aids)
4. water intake
5. blood ph more neutral to alkaline

Optimized hair growth can easily reach 1 inch per month, IMO.

man if I could get an inch an month I'd be sooo happy.

I'm doing 3 out of the 5 above so hopefully I'll see results.
I agree with many of the ladies above. I think that we have a preset, natural growth rate. I also don't think that most of us are growing at that rate - due to overall body health, nutrition (esp. the trace minerals), and the generally polluted environment that we live in.

I believe that all growth aids work by nudging us a tiny bit closer to that natural growth rate.

So, no you can't speed up your hair growth, but yes, growth aids do sometimes work, at the same time....
I've been reading a lot of articles lately saying that we can't speed up our natural growth rate. I'm starting to believe that this is true, however I don't know???

I believe that products such as MTG, BT, MN work because they get us back to our "original" growth rate... therefore it's not really speeding it up more than what it would be naturally if we were completely healthy. I believe our growth rate slows down due to poor diets, circulation and lack of exercise etc. What do you ladies think?

I dont think we can. I have used lenzi's request and bt and i havent seen accelaration in growth.
Hmm. Don't know about "speeding up" growth rate, but I absolutely believe we can optimize our growth rate. There are soooo many factors affecting our hair growth, but I think we can optimize it by taking care of the following:

1. exercise
2. nutrients/supplements
3. scalp health (includes application of growth aids)
4. water intake
5. blood ph more neutral to alkaline

Optimized hair growth can easily reach 1 inch per month, IMO.

ITA! And Ayuredic methods work too. I believe we can all push 1 inch a month, IMO.
I tend to agree that we can optimize our hair growth rate...meaning that if we're doing all the right things we will get the best growth rate for us. Not too sure about getting hair to grow any faster than it was meant to grow.
I believe we can speed up our growth. When I stopped flat ironing my hair and started rollersetting my hair started growing at a rapid pace. Also when I started deep conditioning my hair and using quality hair stopped breaking and started growing. Of course eating and exericising is imperative...which I do also.
I agree with the ladies I think you can improve your personnel hair growth with taking better care of your hair with products, hair maintenaces , and prayer. (thought I throw in the prayer, been doing alot lately :lachen:)
Im not sure that we can speed up our growth rate. But Im trying with MN cream. The jury is still out on this. What we can do is RETAIN the growth better. Thats tried true and proven on this and other boards.
Im not sure that we can speed up our growth rate. But Im trying with MN cream. The jury is still out on this. What we can do is RETAIN the growth better. Thats tried true and proven on this and other boards.
that's what I was thinking. like no one complains about NOT havin new growth. and we know relaxed hair STAYS relaxed, so you know the "nappy" hair has to be fresh from the scalp. its just about KEEPING all you grow ON your head and off the floor, in the shower drain, in your brush, etc
I think scalp stimulation can speed hair growth
if it was lagging... but that about it...
then again... anything is possible.
Retention is more important for curly/kinky hair
because it's prone to dryness which can cause breakage.
I don't care if it's speeding my growth or getting my hair to the growth rate it's supposed to be... all I know is that MTG works:yep:
I tend to agree that we can optimize our hair growth rate...meaning that if we're doing all the right things we will get the best growth rate for us. Not too sure about getting hair to grow any faster than it was meant to grow.

I agree with this. Doing all the right things for OUR own hair is where I would add anything to this statement.
I said yes, but topical application of products designed for external use never did help me.

Internal supplements, however, did. Only ONE did though, and I tried about a a million. So there's that.
I personally think that topical growth aids create an ideal environment for healthy hair to grow, they can exfoliate, cleanse, and stimulate the scalp. I think those 3 components are key for healthy hair growth.

Retaining growth is much different than actually growing healthy hair. This requires lots of moisture and just overall maintenance of the length from the bottom of the ear to the ends.
I think scalp stimulation can speed hair growth
if it was lagging... but that about it...
then again... anything is possible.
Retention is more important for curly/kinky hair
because it's prone to dryness which can cause breakage.

I totally agree with you!

I used MN last year and I did get faster hair growth. I guess "optimized hair growth" is more adequate. But I realized that the growth was all due to scalp stimulation by MN ! I really think that the active ingredient in MN caused the hair growth by stimulating the scalp. In that same line, sulphur, cayenne pepper, menthol and scalp massages all have the same purpose.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think stimulation of the scalp is the key to optimized hair growth.

But of course, retention is still the most important part...
At first I thought not BUT after seeing the results of my own products, the answer is a definate YES! If what I created can make a bald man grow his hair back, then speeding up hair growth is definately possible.
I think that it' s depend on our genetic héritage . We can optimize our growth and I saw that some of us speed up their hair growth with growth aids but not the same for all and the growth aids are not efficients for everybody .
Cécile .
I've been reading a lot of articles lately saying that we can't speed up our natural growth rate. I'm starting to believe that this is true, however I don't know???

I believe that products such as MTG, BT, MN work because they get us back to our "original" growth rate... therefore it's not really speeding it up more than what it would be naturally if we were completely healthy. I believe our growth rate slows down due to poor diets, circulation and lack of exercise etc. What do you ladies think?

I totally agree:yep:
I feel my hair is so short. I just want it to flow down my back. My hair does grow but I need to work on retaining the lenght better.
i don't think we can. i think many of us aren't getting the maximum inches our hair can naturally grow per month. i think many things such as lack of exercise, poor diet, the environment, lack of certain nutrients and poor haircare practices means we do not achieve our maximum natural growth.

basically, i think there is a natural limit we all have; if we use growth aids we can get more growth than we usually do but it doesn't get past our natural limit. i believe this because i've yet to hear someone leading a "perfect" lifestyle getting way beyond the average growth per month (e.g - 2 inches +).