Can u See me???


New Member
Hello, I'm new to the board and just trying to navigate with my 2 pitiful pics, and I was wondering the 3 times that I have posted responses, I haven't seen my pic on the screen like I can see evryone elses:perplexed. I hope this makes sense.
Hello, I'm new to the board and just trying to navigate with my 2 pitiful pics, and I was wondering the 3 times that I have posted responses, I haven't seen my pic on the screen like I can see evryone elses:perplexed. I hope this makes sense.
I see it!

You may need to clear your cookies.
:grin::grin::grin::grin:Thank You ladies!! I finally figured it out:kiss:and I look forward to learning and sharing my journey as you have done with me(was on tatal lurking mode for 2 months):sekret: