Can overprocessing cause excessive shedding?


New Member
I think I may have overprocessed I am having excessive shedding / breakage after my last relaxer. Although most have bulbs on them it happened right after the relaxer therefore it must be something wrong..Does anyone have more knowledge on this and care to share tips?

Please help :)
I think it is because of the relaxer this has recently happen to me and i tried everything in the world to stop the shedding every conditioner and garlic treatment you can think of even apohogee wouldn't stop it my hair just laughed at it so i jus co washed daily and kept my hair pinned up for a couple months and recently my hair has dramatically stopped shedding but during this time my thickness still remained and my hair hair growth was great thank god.. its just the shedding was horrible so jus keep your hair moisturized, co wash,take vitamins, drink water and you should be fine and be careful with your next touch up and coat them relaxed ends when you do it
did you comb your hair in the days prior to relaxing? The bulbs are indicative of shedding hair not breakage, so if you hadn't combed in a while, maybe that's just the build up of shedded hair.

Also, how long are the strands that are actually breaking? If they are near the level where you just relaxed then it may be due to the relaxer.