BC pills and EXCESSIVE shedding....


Active Member
hi everyone, about 2 months ago i stopped the pill (it was causing horrible shedding and other nasty side effects). The first month was okay, i noticed my body started to regulate and my hair felt soooo much better, softer, my scalp wasn't as sore. This monthi've been loosing clumpds of hair at the touch, and this is very discouraging. I know i'm doing mostly the right things to my hair and i can't poin tot anything else that would be causing this except the pill.
I FINALLY wet to the dermatologist (a younger white male) and he was ok. I'm looking to get a second opinion though. He looked at alll th areas in my scalp and told me my hair was thick and whatever shedding i wwas having was probably due to my rough combing or chemical usage.
/images/graemlins/confused.gif he said there is nothing wrong with my hair, when in fact i KNOW there is. So i called my nurse practitioner and asked her about the effects of stopping birth control, she said EXCESSIVE shedding was very common and usually took about 2-6 months to stop!!!! At the rate im going, i'll be bald in 6 months if i keep loosing hair like this.
I'm going to meet with her and discuss a new BC pill option. This is why i really want to try out the patch... but i'll have to waitat least unitl next year to know how it affected others. Its like your damned if you do damned if you dont. My hait is conseideravly much thinnerthan it usually is, and the thickness i've gained from proper care has been obliterated and now i have to start over again.... very discouraging
beana sorry about your problems. are u on vitamins at all. i know that MSM will help u retain more hair and make the roots stronger.
Hi Beana. I haven't experienced this (or haven't noticed) and I've been on BC pills for a while. Maybe it's the brands you use? /images/graemlins/confused.gif I take Orthotricyclene ('scuse the spelling) and it doesn't seem to be having any adverse effects. It even clears up my skin some. I'm not so sure the patch would be a better idea. Doesn't it basically put the same chemicals into your system as taking the pill orally? Plus I think they stay in your system longer even if you stop taking them. I'm no doctor but maybe just a different pill might work better for you.
There are some things you can do. I know that as a college student you are probably stressed out beyond belief right now - which is also contributing to the shedding along with the changes in weather causing seasonal shedding. What I have noticed about college students (from having been one and working with them on a daily basis) is that most of them do not get enough sleep, water, excercise, and healthy food.

How are you doing on these things? If you are having problems affording vitamins, then you need to get your nutrients from the foods you are eating. When you are stressed you need to have a way to get it out even if its doing nothing but taking a walk around campus. If you are on a large enough campus there should be a gym that offers students membership either free or at a super discount (that's if you would rather work out in a gym environment with equipment). Most of those type places also offer classes, I highly recommend a beginning yoga class. They are the perfect way to detox from a stressful day. (It really helped me calm down yesterday after having to cut my hair off- maybe it will help you calm your mind). I still suggest you take a multivitamin even if you have to hold off on adding any others for the time being. I know that during the summer I tend to lay off my vitamins and only take my multi and ultranourish hair. The thing with vitamins is really consistency over quantity. Make sure you are getting enough water. Especially if they have turned on the heat in any of the buildings you spend a lot of time in. Fall and Winter are the worst seasons for me in terms of dryness, because not only is it dry and cold out side it is dry and hot inside. Make a home made humidifier by putting a big pot of water near your heating vent. The water will evaporate in the air and it will help a lot ( the college I went to still had radiators in the dorm which were wonder ful because the heat was coming from steam)

I really can't remark on the birth control becuase I have also been using ortho tricyclene with no negative effects. I have been taking it for 3 years and never noticed a change in my hair (except the improvements from better care).

The biggest thing you need is to relax- believe me I know how much easier it is to say that than it is to do it. But it really is the best thing for you.

One other thing: have you tried the Aphogee Deep treatment or something like it? It helped me a whole lot with seasonal shedding.
beana, i've been plagued by shedding because of the BC pill. it was worst though with the depo provera shot. since it was only once every three months, it was much more concentrated. i'd expect that the patch will be more concentrated as well. so i don't know that that's the way to go either.

i just tossed my Yasmin yesterday. i'll just have to find another way because i WANT MY HAIR!!!


p.s. too frustrated right now to go into more detail, but don't listen to that doctor. they told me the same thing, but you KNOW your body and your hair. trust your instincts...
Dear Beana
When you are on the pill. Your zinc levels drop and your B-vitamins drop also, please take your B-vitamins, vitamin c and zinc, now and then when you are at home or indoors studying, have hot water with lemon, which is very good, it acts as a detox, you will go to the toilet more often, but your skin and hair will be so much better. Also change to another brand of pill if you need to.