Can I Stick Around?

Welcome! You can trust most of the information here...except for 90% of the threads in Off Topics. Just go ahead and skip over that particular forum :look:. Otherwise, us casa es su casa :)
Great hair great colour and I have met more than a few curly haired Irish women with the SAMMMMEEEEE hair issues

Thank you for the warm welcome and quick reply!

I'm looking forward to having better hair! It's tied in a knot right now... I've got some crazy, self-willed hair! Here's a pic to introduce myself, since I'll be hanging out with you all. This is with mucho product to tame the mop, and it's about 2/3 way down my back now.


Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy yourself here but as others have already warned, I will warn you of the info addiction that you may get lol! But hey it's all good.
Welcome to the forum and jump in anytime. When I was doingir I worked with a young lady who had your hair type. She had many of the same problems I did because of the curl pattern - dryness, puff up in humidity and a witch to keep straight. :D I think you will find many tecniques helpfull. Again welcome.
Welcome!! Agree with 1babydimple- lot of the curl issues could be the same.
It will be great to learn from you as well.:yep:
sure can. i know for a fact that there is another white female on this board. she's sicilian though. she had trouble bc she was doing alot of dye jobs but i haven't seen her around lately. i guess she's fixed her problem. but anyways, welcome
No, get lost! :nono:

Of course you can hon. The more the merrier. I hope you can take a joke, because I was messing with ya. Please get a Fotki so we can see your progress. Also, come and join us on the Off Topic forum. It's a laugh a minute over there!!! :grin:
oh I'm so happy to see this -- I was wondering if it was okay for me to stick around, too! but I can see now that it is :couple:
I got a link here from TLHC, it seems like people over there get some good info from people over here, and I thought well, why not?