Can I ask a DUMB question

I'm getting a retouch wednesday but i wanna shampoo my hair tomorrow morning. What do you think, should i be okay?
I'm getting a retouch wednesday but i wanna shampoo my hair tomorrow morning. What do you think, should i be okay?

It should be ok. Just do not scrub you scalp to hard.
Make sure to condition well tomorrow, I would use proteing and f/u with Moisture.

Make sure to add moisture the day of before you get there.
Can I repair my split ends -- very minor damage.

Once ends are split, they can't truly be mended, but they can be temporarily made to lay flat/smooth. The only thing you can really do about split ends, is to trim them off. They have a tendency to get worse over time, if ignored.
^^ I agree, snip those split ends off ASAP. The sooner you do it, the more length you're likely to keep. Hold onto them for a spell and you will lose length and appear not to have made any progress. I've shared pics of my own experience with not trimming ends as soon as possible. Ended up needing to cut off 2 inches of length just to get my hair back to normal. But regular trimming gave me good retention and growth. :yep:
It should be ok. Just do not scrub you scalp to hard.
Make sure to condition well tomorrow, I would use proteing and f/u with Moisture.

Make sure to add moisture the day of before you get there.

I too am getting a relaxer either Thur or Fri..pending my schedule.
I haven't washed since Saturday....not sure if I'm going to do so before the end of the week due to the relaxer.

you say add moisture the day before...what kind and how much moisture?
shouldn't my hair be completely dry when getting a touch up?? My hair holds moisture :look:

what kind of protein should I use

:yep:, Make sure you use a clarifying poo because it will allow the relaxer to work better on your hair.

How soon before the relaxer should one clarify??? I last clarified on this past Saturday.

One more question....I've should've quoted but...a few previous post state that you should use protein treatment (?) after you rinse relaxer but before neutralizing...suggestions on the protein treatment??
How soon before the relaxer should one clarify??? I last clarified on this past Saturday.

Anywhere from 3- days before a relaxer should be okay. Try not to put a lot of products on the hair after clarifying. You may still moisturize but try not to overdo it.

One more question....I've should've quoted but...a few previous post state that you should use protein treatment (?) after you rinse relaxer but before neutralizing...suggestions on the protein treatment??
Examples of protein treatments you may use are Aphogee 2 minute Keratin Reconstructor, Nexxus Emergencee, ION Reconstructor, Affirm 5 in 1 reconstructor, etc. HTH!
I always read about people complaining that their hair gets drier and drier as they stretch. What does stretching have to do with dry hair? I mean the only difference in hair is more NG.
^^^ Usually the relaxed portion of my hair is soft, but because of the texture difference I have to moisture/condition twice as much to keep the ng as soft.
I always read about people complaining that their hair gets drier and drier as they stretch. What does stretching have to do with dry hair? I mean the only difference in hair is more NG.

Well....think about it, kinky hair is naturally drier because of all the curl pattern in the strands. The natural sebum/oil of the scalp does not have any problems travelling down straighter hair textures of caucasian and asian hair types (1a-3b and some 3c hair types) but when it comes to natural ethnic hair (mostly 4a/b/z hair types) that has so many curls in a single strand, the sebum takes a lot longer to travel around and down the strand to the ends, hence more dryness. When this dryness occur, breakage results.

That is why it is critical to always keep ethnic hair (especially paying more attention to the ends), moisturized. So as you stretch your relaxer longer and longer, the harder it is for natural scalp oils to travel down the strand to the end. I hope this makes a little sense. Although bare in mind, ethnic hair alone is already naturally drier than other hair types.
Ok I have some:
1) How do I know if my DC is working? Do I just let my hair dry with nothing on it after I rinse the DC out?
2) Furthermore, how do I know any conditioner is working? My hair feels GREAT wet regardless of what I put in it but when it dries it's a whole 'nother story! Am I supposed to be looking for soft hair after it dries with no product?
3) Are you supposed to use your moisturizers under curl activator gel? Does this prevent it from drying crunchy?
Ok I have some:
1) How do I know if my DC is working? Do I just let my hair dry with nothing on it after I rinse the DC out?
2) Furthermore, how do I know any conditioner is working? My hair feels GREAT wet regardless of what I put in it but when it dries it's a whole 'nother story! Am I supposed to be looking for soft hair after it dries with no product?
3) Are you supposed to use your moisturizers under curl activator gel? Does this prevent it from drying crunchy?

I guess you can tell by the strength and flexibility of your hair strands and it's ability to retain the moisture you use on it. If it has a balance of protein and moisture, your hair would have a degree of flexibility but still remain strong especially when you stretch it. Hair has a bit of elasticity which gives it the ability to stretch to a degree.

A good way to know this is take a strand of your hair and pull it firm but gently into a stretch. If it snaps without any stretch, then it needs more elasticity therefore more moisture but if it stretches a while before snapping then it needs more strength so therefore some protein would be needed to strengthen it a bit. When you pull it, it should stretch a little bit before it snaps and that's how you know it's healthy having both strength and enough elasticity.

The feeling of your hair after a DC treatment would depend on what kind of leave-in treatment and moisturizer you are adding to it. Also are you sealing in the moisture with some type of natural oil? leave-ins and Moisturizers act like a type of sunscreen, so you would want to use one after you deep condition your hair.

Ethnic hair needs moisturizers. I don't think there any way around this if you want your hair to grow long and healthy. Moisturizers help to retain length too among other healthy hair practices.

As far as the curl activator, I can't help with that one as I am relaxed. I would imagine that you would moisturize your hair before the gel though but I couldn't be sure. Perhaps someone that wears their hair natural will chime in with a correct response.
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^^^ Usually the relaxed portion of my hair is soft, but because of the texture difference I have to moisture/condition twice as much to keep the ng as soft.

Well....think about it, kinky hair is naturally drier because of all the curl pattern in the strands. The natural sebum/oil of the scalp does not have any problems travelling down straighter hair textures of caucasian and asian hair types (1a-3b and some 3c hair types) but when it comes to natural ethnic hair (mostly 4a/b/z hair types) that has so many curls in a single strand, the sebum takes a lot longer to travel around and down the strand to the ends, hence more dryness. When this dryness occur, breakage results.

That is why it is critical to always keep ethnic hair (especially paying more attention to the ends), moisturized. So as you stretch your relaxer longer and longer, the harder it is for natural scalp oils to travel down the strand to the end. I hope this makes a little sense. Although bare in mind, ethnic hair alone is already naturally drier than other hair types.

Thanks for clearing this up Ladies. I guess it makes more sense now. I am on my first stretch and will def moisturize the NG and ends very well.
Thanks Gypsy... does it have to whipped with oils? I ask because I want to be able to use it on my face and body as well as my hair.

Yes you can whip it by itself- I just prefer to add a little oil (or aloe) for the extra moisture benefit. I think Nasabb sells plain shea butter whipped so you can just make it yourself! That's the beauty of making your own products- you can customize every batch. HHG
Not everyone uses it the same way, so there is no one best way. I apply my shea based products to damp hair.

What is a reconstructor?

I thought it was a protein treatment that temporarily repairs damaged hair. Some people use them regularly, like the Aphogee 2-min reconstructor, so I presume it can also be used to strengthen hair (by adding protein to your strands) as well as repair.