Can I ask a dumb question? (Part II)

I have a very dumb question. It's not hair related though. If someone farts while taking a bath and it's a reall deadly make the water stink fart, while it evaporate or will the person taking the bath smell like like stinky water when they get out?
I have a very dumb question. It's not hair related though. If someone farts while taking a bath and it's a reall deadly make the water stink fart, while it evaporate or will the person taking the bath smell like like stinky water when they get out?

Girl why did my coworkers and I spend like 2 HOURS laughing at your signature block. We were even imitating that dance.
This may be a dumb question, but is it wise to use glycerin if you're going to spend all day in an air conditioned building? what really is a detangler? I mean I know it's to detangle your hair, but what kind of product is it? Is it one you put in your hair and rinse ou and follow up with something else or something you keep in your hair until the next wash?
I've seen some people say they use conditioners as a detangler and other people talking about an actual detangling product.

So I'm just wondering what it is exactly...
Dumb Question:

I know Cowashing helps retain length...but does it help GROW hair quicker?

I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't help your hair grow quicker, it's more beneficial for retaining length. Your hair is growing from your scalp/roots...and I've also seen people mention you shouldn't put conditioner on your scalp anyway, so I can't see how it would help it grow. Unless you're talking about Megatek(the protein conditioner), which some people apply to their scalp to increase hair growth....

This may be a dumb question, but is it wise to use glycerin if you're going to spend all day in an air conditioned building?

Not sure...bumping for you...
Where do you get coconut oil and jojoba?

How do I get my ends to lay down (without flat ironing) and how do I avoid Darth Vader hair?
you can get coconut oil online, or in the natural/organic section of the supermarket. that's where i got mine. i got my jojoba oil from the vitamin shoppe.

put some aloe vera gel on the edges and tie it down with a scarf for 20-30 mins.
I use VO5 and White Rain with no ill effects but then again my hair always seems to need moisture so it depends on the person.

My question...why is it that you can only have normal cornrolls (with or w/o extensions) for 3 weeks or so but with weaves or tree braids that involve cornrolls it can be 3 months? Is it because it's not as exposed to the elements? Just curious.
What does moisturized hair feel like? I know what dry hair feels like. My hair always feels dry. But I don't know what it feels like when it is moisturized. :perplexed

I like this thread. Its LCHF for "dummies" :look:
It's not really a "dumb" question, but more a curious one: has anyone ever used Just for Me Hair Milk? I've been using it for about a week or so along with NTM Leave In. I was just wondering if any other relaxed heads are using it or tried it and what are the experiences? Thanks!
My Dumb Question:

I have done some research of Megatek and OCT.

I want to know how these products have worked for those who have used it, or if anyone has gotten any setbacks because of using this product.

I am right at mid ear length and I am interested in the product, but I am scared straight because homegirl doesn't want to welcome any balding.
What exactly is meant by coarse hair? I've always heard black hair as being coarse. But then recently I've heard people describing asian hair as coarse. And I would never think to describe there hair that way.
What does WSL mean? I know it's waist length hair but what exactly does the 's' stand for?
My Dumb Question:

I have done some research of Megatek and OCT.

I want to know how these products have worked for those who have used it, or if anyone has gotten any setbacks because of using this product.

I am right at mid ear length and I am interested in the product, but I am scared straight because homegirl doesn't want to welcome any balding.

I think the only setback that I have read about regarding these products is that some ladies report having "protein overload". I suggest that if you use these products, increase your use of a good moisturizer. These products contain alot of protein.
I stopped buying whatever random conditioner I could find at the BSS (you know the kind--big 'ol jar for like $4). I've since began making my own conditioners with natural ingredients. :grin: Any suggestions on what I can do with the 3 BSS jars or conditsh I have stashed away to make them "better" before I give or throw them away?
How do you get the ends of your hair to stay on a magnetic roller when you are rollersetting? Does the length of hair and size of the roller effect how well the roller stays in your hair?

How do you pin the side rollers in to keep them from falling out?

Yes, dumb questions, I know....:look:
How do you get the ends of your hair to stay on a magnetic roller when you are rollersetting? Does the length of hair and size of the roller effect how well the roller stays in your hair?

How do you pin the side rollers in to keep them from falling out?

Yes, dumb questions, I know....:look:

Hey BamaBeauty,

Make sure that your hair is wet not damp, use smaller rollers for shorter hair, and look for double pronged slide-in clips.

Oh and using the anchor method (attaching the rollers to one another) also helps to secure the rollers. hth :)