Can daily washing/rinsing stress out hair ends?


New Member
I would like to hear your experience with daily washing/Co-washes etc.

does this not stress out your ends?? i haven't trimmed in a long time, and i'm looking to co-wash daily next month whilst on holiday to get the most out of the humid heat.

i wash often as it is (5 days) but sometimes i'll wash every 2 depending on how i feel. my ends r happy, but they are 11 months old now, i'm wondering will this daily co-wash thing trigger them to crumble n split?

also, i'm not a person who likes to comb my hair wet, so how on earth would i be able to detangle when i co wash daily? will i have to resort to combing thru with conditioner? (i'm not even much of a comber :( :confused: )

I'm excited by the prospect of co-washing once in a good climate - i would never attempt it in England...but have u guys experienced any drawbacks with your ends?
I do co wash pretty much daily and i absolutly love it. I do detangle only in the shower or as soon as I get out with lots of conditioner. That is the ONLY time I comb my hair. and I always make sure that I put extra moisture on my ends every day. It is sometime alot of work to do daily cowashes but you get used to it and I have found for myself that it has made my hair much thicker and stronger. you just have to find whats going for you.:ohwell:
Candy_C said:
I would like to hear your experience with daily washing/Co-washes etc.

does this not stress out your ends?? i haven't trimmed in a long time, and i'm looking to co-wash daily next month whilst on holiday to get the most out of the humid heat.

i wash often as it is (5 days) but sometimes i'll wash every 2 depending on how i feel. my ends r happy, but they are 11 months old now, i'm wondering will this daily co-wash thing trigger them to crumble n split?

also, i'm not a person who likes to comb my hair wet, so how on earth would i be able to detangle when i co wash daily? will i have to resort to combing thru with conditioner? (i'm not even much of a comber :( :confused: )

I'm excited by the prospect of co-washing once in a good climate - i would never attempt it in England...but have u guys experienced any drawbacks with your ends?

If you airdry w/ twists, plaits/braids and leave in a bit of cond, seal w. oil it should be fine, If you're shampooing daily-def. yes that will cause damage, also heat tools stay away from them too then you can max the benefits of the CW's. I have gotten good results w/ my ends, I still have to do S&D missions but they're aren't as many splits and my ends are thicker and healthier. I also wait for spring/summer to do this. hth
I recently started the conditoner washes and I don't think my ends have suffered. I detangle in the shower while my hair is completely saturated with conditoner. I do the majority of my "combing" with my fingers, I think I lose less hair that way. I finish the detangling with my wide tooth comb.

I keep my ends coated with avocado butter or hemp seed butter so lock in the moisture, and I air dry, otherwise they look frizzy and really awful.
I cowash daily. I have been doing it now for about 6 months consistently. I have no issues with my ends...but I am careful with how I handle my hair. Like others here, I only comb it when it is saturated with conditioner. I use either my fingers or a wide tooth comb and I do it very gently. After cowashing, I use hemp butter on the whole length. Sometimes I use avocado, shea or shealoe as alternatives. I never use heat, only air dry...and if I don't put it up, I try not to touch it while it is drying.