Can As I Am Co-wash take the place of Shampoo completely?


Well-Known Member
I am toying with the idea of using co-washing cleaners only to clean my hair. Can a co-washing cleanser really clean your hair, or must you shampoo sometimes as well? Does it make your hair feel clean? It does not have to be As I am, but any cleanser, so let me know if it makes your hair feel clean.
Seems like most people I have seen shampoo occasionally (maybe once a month/every six weeks) as a clarifying wash. Just to remove build up.

But it also depends on what other products you use on your hair (silicones, etc)
Seems like most people I have seen shampoo occasionally (maybe once a month/every six weeks) as a clarifying wash. Just to remove build up.

But it also depends on what other products you use on your hair (silicones, etc)

Maybe a poo every 6 weeks. How do you create low poo shampoo? Is a conditioning cleanser as cleansing as shampoo without stripping? Sorry for so many questions.
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Maybe a poo every 6 weeks. How do you create low poo shampoo? Sorry for so many questions.

I'm not sure what you are asking, but for cowashers shampoo is mainly to remove residue from heavy products. The co washing cleans sufficiently.
I'm not sure what you are asking, but for cowashers shampoo is mainly to remove residue from heavy products. The co washing cleans sufficiently.

Okay thanks. I was just seeing if a cleansing conditioner like Wen, As I am etc. is as effective as a low poo shampoo at cleaning the hair. I want to take my hair growth to new levels and using non-sulfate shampoos seem to dry out my hair, so looking for an alternative.

I wouldn't totally abandon cleansing your scalp with a good poo or cleansing conditioner, such as, AIA Cleansing Pudding every once in awhile.

A lot of ladies received feedback from their Komaza Analysis that only co washing was clogging their follicles, creating excess shedding, and shrinking their hair bulbs. I too lazy to find the specific posts but here's the thread. Here's one of the posts, but there's others that speak to co washing exclusively.

So maybe, you can co-wash and set up a schedule to cleanse your scalp with poo every so often to avoid the potential issue of clogged hair follicles.