Can Anyone Just *NOT* Use Cheapie Co-Washes?

Priss Pot

Makeup + Bench Pressing
I've been using cheapie (Suave, V05, Herbal Essences) conditioners for my co-washes since I went natural.

A few months ago, I decided to use up one of my regular conditioners (DevaCurl OneC) so I started using it for co-washes. WOW. After co-washing and applying my leave-in and gel, my hair would still feel so moisturized after air drying....I didn't have that dry feeling anymore. Well, eventually I ran out of the OneC, and had to go back to a cheapie (Herbal Essences). After doing my usual routine, the dryness came back that day after my hair dried.

I tested my hair again in May when I wanted to use up one of my Nature's Gate conditioners. I used that for co-washing, and my moisture level increased, but when I ran out and went back to HE, it decreased....again.

I've never had a problem with cheapie conditioners when not using a gel/lotion styler (no matter the kind/brand), but when I do use that type of styler, I can tell the difference in my hair depending on the type of conditioner I use.

I'm sorta in a rut now. I have alllllllll of these Herbal Essences conditioners (LTR and Hello Hydration) and not sure if I want to even use them up. Don't want to waste my money. I love the smells, but they aren't just giving me the moisture I would need.
I've been using cheapie (Suave, V05, Herbal Essences) conditioners for my co-washes since I went natural.

A few months ago, I decided to use up one of my regular conditioners (DevaCurl OneC) so I started using it for co-washes. WOW. After co-washing and applying my leave-in and gel, my hair would still feel so moisturized after air drying....I didn't have that dry feeling anymore. Well, eventually I ran out of the OneC, and had to go back to a cheapie (Herbal Essences). After doing my usual routine, the dryness came back that day after my hair dried.

I tested my hair again in May when I wanted to use up one of my Nature's Gate conditioners. I used that for co-washing, and my moisture level increased, but when I ran out and went back to HE, it decreased....again.

I've never had a problem with cheapie conditioners when not using a gel/lotion styler (no matter the kind/brand), but when I do use that type of styler, I can tell the difference in my hair depending on the type of conditioner I use.

I'm sorta in a rut now. I have alllllllll of these Herbal Essences conditioners (LTR and Hello Hydration) and not sure if I want to even use them up. Don't want to waste my money. I love the smells, but they aren't just giving me the moisture I would need.

I know how you feel....:yep:. I purchased the joico mr co that I have been using for cw and so far I like it. The problem is the stylers that I use after(sof n' free curl activator lotion and/or care free curl gold instant activator) my hair feels extremely gummy/ooey gooey like and only stays moist for a split second. So of course I go and add more(I am heavy handed :look:) and there goes my juiced up hair all over again. I have got to find a better moisturizer b/c I can not take this much longer.
They work for me but I have to be more diligent with shampooing & dc'ing everyweek. I mean, every 7 or 8 days I HAVE to use my shampoo with a sulfate and deep condition or my hair is a pure mess. That's the main gripe I have with the cheapie conditioners, whether they have cones or not.
I know how you feel....:yep:. I purchased the joico mr co that I have been using for cw and so far I like it. The problem is the stylers that I use after(sof n' free curl activator lotion and/or care free curl gold instant activator) my hair feels extremely gummy/ooey gooey like and only stays moist for a split second. So of course I go and add more(I am heavy handed :look:) and there goes my juiced up hair all over again. I have got to find a better moisturizer b/c I can not take this much longer.

Thats the glycerine!
I know how you feel....:yep:. I purchased the joico mr co that I have been using for cw and so far I like it. The problem is the stylers that I use after(sof n' free curl activator lotion and/or care free curl gold instant activator) my hair feels extremely gummy/ooey gooey like and only stays moist for a split second. So of course I go and add more(I am heavy handed :look:) and there goes my juiced up hair all over again. I have got to find a better moisturizer b/c I can not take this much longer.

On glycerine
I have the same problem. They leave my hair feeling dry/rough once it's totally dry. I stopped cowashing for that reason.
What did you switch to doing after you stopped co-washing?

I just wash and deep condition once a week. That's it. Sometimes if my hair is full of product I might wash it again midweek but conditioner alone doesn't leave my hair feeling clean afterward. Cowashing didn't really do anything for me.
when doing this and it doesnt provide moisture for your hair and your hair is not liking it then I'm thinking (and this is what I do) is view this more of a wash/clean step, then rely on other products after for moisture
I've actually thought of this... instead of using HE or Suave I've considered using Redken or Joico... the only thing stopping me from doing this is cost... I can't afford to constantly pay $10-20 for a small bottle of high end condishes in comparison to $1-$2 on a cheapie that moderately works
I've actually thought of this... instead of using HE or Suave I've considered using Redken or Joico... the only thing stopping me from doing this is cost... I can't afford to constantly pay $10-20 for a small bottle of high end condishes in comparison to $1-$2 on a cheapie that moderately works

The way I started working this is rinse/condtion/leave it in/add other products as needed/ until rinse again,

so its like you get to use the higher end products, your leaving them in, not wasting them then your rinsing again with them in your hair, so its its 'extended co washing' or something

or you could do the cheapie one for the wash, then do a better one for the leave in etc
I've actually thought of this... instead of using HE or Suave I've considered using Redken or Joico... the only thing stopping me from doing this is cost... I can't afford to constantly pay $10-20 for a small bottle of high end condishes in comparison to $1-$2 on a cheapie that moderately works

That'd be my issue too. I liked using the DevaCurl OneC, but the cost is keeping me from using it right now. Luckily, my Nature's Gate conditioners (at about 5.99 a pop) yield the same good results.
The way I started working this is rinse/condtion/leave it in/add other products as needed/ until rinse again,

so its like you get to use the higher end products, your leaving them in, not wasting them then your rinsing again with them in your hair, so its its 'extended co washing' or something

or you could do the cheapie one for the wash, then do a better one for the leave in etc

That's a good idea too....
The only cheapies that I had a problem with were vo5 and tresseme. HE has been a godsend so far. I'm happy for this b/c I'm broke...:lachen:
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HH and LTR has all those cones. So I only use them sparingly. I mainly co wash with Kenra, Elucence, or Suave Coconut. I have no prob with dryness.
You of all people have yet to try this? :blush: Get some!!!! what are you waiting for. It has 3 purposes :rofl: wash, leave in, and deep conditioner. I buy the gallon jugs :look:

I dunno girl I kept meaning to and never did

But I AM NOW FOR SURE! :yep:

Thats just the kind of conditioner I need!

where to buy mama? lead me there :grin:
I dunno girl I kept meaning to and never did

But I AM NOW FOR SURE! :yep:

Thats just the kind of conditioner I need!

where to buy mama? lead me there :grin: or curly has cheaper prices I think. But if you like it and decide you want the larger container like the gallon size or want to try out the rest of the porduct line, then order from pleasant image:yep: Naturally curly only has the 8oz and the 33oz size of shampoo and conditioner. or curly has cheaper prices I think. But if you like it and decide you want the larger container like the gallon size or want to try out the rest of the porduct line, then order from pleasant image:yep: Naturally curly only has the 8oz and the 33oz size of shampoo and conditioner.

Just ordered 2 64oz from pleasantimage , it was almost the same shipping for one as it was for two (my logic) lol

o/t did you see the thread where someone included a bunch of pics of members , someone was saying it was you in one of the pics!
Just ordered 2 64oz from pleasantimage , it was almost the same shipping for one as it was for two (my logic) lol

o/t did you see the thread where someone included a bunch of pics of members , someone was saying it was you in one of the pics!

I gotta get me one of those 64oz conditioners before I move to Knoxville. I'll order sometime this month.
I gotta get me one of those 64oz conditioners before I move to Knoxville. I'll order sometime this month.

This stuff has to be good I aint never heard not one thing bad about it over YEARS thats why I just took the big plunge so easily

but this buying conditioners lately! its gotta stop! :lol:
I use Joico MR conditioner and love it! It doesn't seem to affect my leave ins, gels, or moisturizers.
Since I co-wash twice a day now, I use my Suave coconut in the morning and then my Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose at night, or sometimes I switch, but that has been working pretty good so far.