Can A Relationship Survive Cheating?


New Member
Had a nice long convo with an older friend of mine, I'll summarize because it's a very long story. Basically, she started dating this guy who approached her a month or two after he broke up with his gf of two years. She was skeptical of him so they weren't intimate until they dated for 4 months, and it was an intense four months might I add(like hanging out all the time, movies, and ect) and two months after that he brought her home to meet his mother for the fourth of july. She went on a cruise with her family the following week, turns out while she was gone he had sex with his ex. He did this twice. Over a two month span.

They're both in college at this point and she doesn't know this but she snoops and basically finds out but doesnt want to believe they were actually intimate and believes his story that they just hung out. So they had a rocky first year to say the least because of a lot of mistrust. Then she finds out later on that he was trying to get her to break up with him at one point and was talking to his ex about breaking up with her so they could be together again. He also told his ex, that he wasnt going to do that.

Now after that first year and another rocky year, they finally have a great relationship. Like he treats her with respect and everything is great and shes sure theres no more cheating. And he's even talked about how he wants to marry her. But they had an argument and some of that stuff was brought back up and now she's in a little funk because those feelings of betrayal are coming back up.

So my question is, can a relationship really survive cheating? Like wont that always happen? You'll remember something or something will come up that will bring back those painful memories and cause you to look at that person differently? I read that like 36% of marriages can survive infedelity, but is that really a healthy marriage or will you always have those scars?
Did your friend's boyfriend actually admit that he cheated or did he stick to lie that they just hung out?
I'm interested in knowing people's responses. Marriages surviving infidelity are one thing, but cheating in a relationship...idk. How do you marry a cheater?

It seems though, that the question in the op is really whether someone can genuinely change. If she's honestly convinced that he's changed and isn't cheating, then it makes sense that they could move on. But now that they've fought she's thinking of all the bad things he did. It could be her anger or her underlying intuition.
he admitted it after being together for a lil over a year, n she felt like she was already a year into it and he hasn't done it since so stick it thru. they did break up tho but they got back together a few months later. sorry for the late reply :)
For me personally, cheating is a deal breaker. I could not tolerate that from any man. But generally speaking, yes I do believe some relationships can survive cheating. The couple has to be commited to working things out and building back trust. I definately don't think it's an easy process by any means but it can be done if that's what they both really want.
Not mine (when I get me one, that is :giggle:)
I have like a feminine form of machismo. I would be offended more than anything else.
I think a relationship can survive it if the cheatee is not torn to bits by it.
For some people infidelity is not the worst possibility in a relationship.
When you decide to work through infidelity you gotta ask yourself if this ish happens again, will I be able to get through it and walk away without my world being flipped upside down.
If not, then the risk is too high to reconcile.
I think a relationship can survive it if the cheatee is not torn to bits by it.
For some people infidelity is not the worst possibility in a relationship.
When you decide to work through infidelity you gotta ask yourself if this ish happens again, will I be able to get through it and walk away without my world being flipped upside down.
If not, then the risk is too high to reconcile.

I totally agree with this
idk...some say once a cheater always a cheater...

i think if you do forgive a cheater and try to make it work, you have to put your foot down and make sure they know that this is their last chance...fool you once, shame on him...fool you twice, shame on you...if you continually take him back after cheating, then he'll figure he can do what he wants and you'll always take him back. i know each relationship is different and several factors need to be taken into consideration on whether or not cheating is a deal breaker...also admission to cheating should be because its weighing on a persons conscience and they feel bad about hurting their mate, even if they dont know about it...not just because they got caught...
a really good freind of mines rlp has survived cheating and it changed my view son rlps yes they can

could my personal rlp survive cheating--no it couldnt
I'm interested in knowing people's responses. Marriages surviving infidelity are one thing, but cheating in a relationship...idk. How do you marry a cheater?

It seems though, that the question in the op is really whether someone can genuinely change. If she's honestly convinced that he's changed and isn't cheating, then it makes sense that they could move on. But now that they've fought she's thinking of all the bad things he did. It could be her anger or her underlying intuition.

I think that's the key. She can't get mad if he does it while they're married. He's shown her that it's in his nature.
I think a relationship can survive it if the cheatee is not torn to bits by it.
For some people infidelity is not the worst possibility in a relationship.
When you decide to work through infidelity you gotta ask yourself if this ish happens again, will I be able to get through it and walk away without my world being flipped upside down.
If not, then the risk is too high to reconcile.

I so agree for some its not the end of the world for them to find out that there SO is cheating...also I think that one may take into account the degree of the cheating...whether or not they can address the issue and move on...

Was it a look...
Just a Kiss...
Watching Poronography...
With a Good Friend/Family Member...
Was it emotional exchanges...
Was it more than once...
Was oral sex involve...

I think also that again when SO's ask the ? of why did you cheat? 85% aren't able to handle the real answer, think its a bunch of b.s. and address the real issues and move past it and get on with life. Also some women know their man cheat but don't want to be alone...

If you are a person who likes to throw what someone has done to you or what you have done for them constantly in their face...Then NO this won't work. But, I definitely believe that with prayer, some counseling, and dedication it can be worked out. You just don't get in a relationship and think that its gonna be just a fairy tale cause your dreaming and which is why your expectations are never met...A relationship takes dedication and hard work, whether long-time BF, SO or married.
I believe that some people automatically say no, they would leave if they are cheated on. But most times, people really dont know what they would do until they are in that situation. It may not be that easy to just give up and walk away. I dont know if I agree with the motto that once a cheater always a cheater:perplexed. I think someone can make a mistake, and I am not condoning cheating in no way shape or form, but I think if you really truly love someone, and they are really truly sorry, than you can forgive and move on. But like someone said in the earlier post, you have to put your foot down and let them know that this behavior is totally unacceptable. Do a cost benefit analysis, if the costs of being in that relationship is greater than the benefits, then it is time to roll. If not, then I believe you can get through, pray on the situation, discuss it, make that man prove his worthy of your time, love, and loyalty, and move on.

But if the person is a serial cheater, i saw hellz naw, cut your loses!
I've heard that a marriage can survive cheating in the sense that the couple does stay together. They may not necessarily be happy & may never have sex with each other again though.

I am not interested in testing the theory in my own marriage.
Taleah really summed it up imo. You never know what you will do unless you are in a situation. I think a lot of peopel automatically say no because they are concerned about what other people will say or how they will appear to other DH has never cheated on my knowledge, but in all honesty, i don't know if we would or would not be able to survive
I never understand young women with infinite options take so much crap from men. Any ways, a marriage possibly can survive it, depending on the circumstances. But a plain relationship? Even if it could it's not worth the effort. To many trust issues, lies, deception, the disrespect, not to mention the std factor.
But maybe it's just me. For some people the pros outweigh the cons and they make it work. I sure can't figure out how though.