Can A Man Loves You if He Cheats On You?


New Member
I got something interesting last night. An email from this guy claiming that he has the best girl in the world and that she is perfect for him. He even claims he wants to marry her one day. But he cheats on her and saids it's just sex and he is just having fun:nono::wallbash: You can peep the entire email below by clicking the link.

My question is how can you truly love someone if you are disrespecting them by sleeping around? He also claims that he doesn't fully trust her so he has to protect himself:sad: To me it just sounds like he is insecure.:ohwell:
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Then dont' love me and I won't love you this is not love at all this is just an excuse for TOM FOOLERY because he WILL cheat again

My question is how can you truly love someone if you are disrespecting them by sleeping around? He also claims that he doesn't fully trust her so he has to protect himself:sad: To me it just sounds like he is insecure.:ohwell:

I'm sorry but it's not about love, it's about self control and full committment. He may love you, but he's not committed to you enought to keep his pants on. It sounds crazy but as a reformed cheater...I know. :blush:

You couldn't tell me I didn't love that man, but he wasn't ready to commit the way I needed him to so I strayed. I was not fully committed to him whether he knew it or not.

And a piece of paper or a ring what dominate what is in someones mind.
yea I think its very possible for him to love her but he's missing loyalty and respect..and his reasoning does make him sound insecure
You can't love someone and consciously disrespect them at the same time. that's an oxymoron.

love respects and honors. love cares and uplifts. cheating does none of those things. so I say no, you can't cheat on someone and love them.

If you think someone who's cheating on you loves you, you're in denial. you're fooling yourself.

I certainly wouldn't want anyone calling themselves loving me like that! He would get his loving a$$ kicked.
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I'm gonna say what I say every time this topic comes up. Maybe he loves you, just not as much as he loves himself. Love ain't really love when respect, loyalty and consideration are all missing.
Cheating is the most selfish act. That person loves themself more than they love you. Their desires/wants are more of a priority than your relationship with them. True love is not selfish, true love cant bare to see their SO hurt and in pain. True love puts the needs and wants of the other first. Just my opinion.