Camilla oil


New Member
"Composed mainly of Oleic acid (almost 82%, the highest among all natural oils), camellia oil is the most penetrative of all natural oils, capable of permeating deeply into the lower layers of the skin to greatly enhance the beneficial effects of our natural collagen and elastin."

"Camellia oil is the beauty secret of East Asian women. It has been used by women in Japan and other East Asian countries for skin and hair care for centuries."

"I even applied a few drops on my hair ... and it feels great, much much LESS greasy than jojoba on the hair"

"keeps your hair or skin velvety for a long time because camellia oil can keep moisture in your hair or skin."

Anyone heard of or use this?

I use this. I got it from
I use it in my dc's and to seal my hair daily. I love it! It really smooths and moisturizes my hair! It provides a lot of slip also. The only downside is that it's kind of costly for an oil. But it's really the best oil to me because it provides so much moisture.
I buy this in the 32 oz size from www/ They've been out for 6 months:nono: It's a good thing I tend to overstock:yep: This is great for hair and makeup removal.
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I use camellia kissi oil by anita grant. I think its the same as plain camellia oil? Anyway its very moisturising. But pricey! I love that you can use it on hair, skin, nails, stretch marks, etc. Any good multitasking product gets my vote.
I buy this in the 32 oz size from www/ They've been out for 6 months:nono: It's a good thing I tend to overstock:yep: This is great for hair and makeup removal.

It's been out this whole year. Before I bought 32 ounces a few weeks ago from Miss Ashtyns, I bought the 32 ounces from oilsbynature, but they have been out the whole year, so I had to go looking for another source. I was lucky to get it from MA's for $10.00 per 16 ounce bottle because the price has increased dramatically at FNWL and Garden of Wisdom. It is going to last me a good long time because I mixed the 32 ounces with sweet almond oil, so that 48 ounces will last a good 18 months. Maybe by that time oilsbynature will have in back in stock, but they told me that they were having difficulties securing more.

Auburn: I just take two softgels in the morning. I cannot use it in my hair because the softgels are too small to puncture, but I sure would love to. It is supposed to give mad shine and strength to hair...
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It's been out this whole year. Before I bought 32 ounces a few weeks ago from Miss Ashtyns, I bought the 32 ounces from oilsbynature, but they have been out the whole year, so I had to go looking for another source. I was lucky to get it from MA's for $10.00 per 16 ounce bottle because the price has increased dramatically at FNWL and Garden of Wisdom. It is going to last me a good long time because I mixed the 32 ounces with sweet almond oil, so that 48 ounces will last a good 18 months. Maybe by that time oilsbynature will have in back in stock, but they told me that they were having difficulties securing more.

Auburn: I just take two softgels in the morning. I cannot use it in my hair because the softgels are too small to puncture, but I sure would love to. It is supposed to give mad shine and strength to hair...

Thank you for the info.
I bet you've tried bentonite clay too huh?
Rhaussoul clay. I haven't tried the bentonite, but it is in my cart at this very minute at It might get deleted though because my total is pretty high and I want the wild cherry bark powder and irish moss more than the clay. I digress....I first tried RC when I read that it is the clay that absorbs the least amount of oil from hair when one uses it. RC mixed with irish moss is just the best for soft, detangled hair and it take the kinks out to boot...
Rhaussoul clay. I haven't tried the bentonite, but it is in my cart at this very minute at It might get deleted though because my total is pretty high and I want the wild cherry bark powder and irish moss more than the clay. I digress....I first tried RC when I read that it is the clay that absorbs the least amount of oil from hair when one uses it. RC mixed with irish moss is just the best for soft, detangled hair and it take the kinks out to boot...

OMFG I was JUST thinking about irish moss. I did it once when I was transitioning. I want to do it again soon and make more of a hair mask with it.

I want to try marshmellow root too. :look:
Lawd I done hijacked my own thread. lol Oh well.
Auburn, girl, I was racking my brain last night trying to think of the other herb powder I needed and it was marshmallow. Thank you, thank you, thank you:grin:. I am so glad that I did not complete my order last night. Ooooh, I'll bet RC, marshmallow and irish moss would be so great together. Both IM and MR are mucilaginous.
Auburn, girl, I was racking my brain last night trying to think of the other herb powder I needed and it was marshmallow. Thank you, thank you, thank you:grin:. I am so glad that I did not complete my order last night. Ooooh, I'll bet RC, marshmallow and irish moss would be so great together. Both IM and MR are mucilaginous.

You're welcome
(off to look up the word mucilaginous :user: )
I am anxiously waiting for my camellia kissi oil from anitagrant hoping it will help my acne scars. I couldnt find this type of camellia il anywhere else. I have also just realized I am an ingredient junkie...
"Composed mainly of Oleic acid (almost 82%, the highest among all natural oils), camellia oil is the most penetrative of all natural oils, capable of permeating deeply into the lower layers of the skin to greatly enhance the beneficial effects of our natural collagen and elastin."

"Camellia oil is the beauty secret of East Asian women. It has been used by women in Japan and other East Asian countries for skin and hair care for centuries."

"I even applied a few drops on my hair ... and it feels great, much much LESS greasy than jojoba on the hair"

"keeps your hair or skin velvety for a long time because camellia oil can keep moisture in your hair or skin."

Anyone heard of or use this?

I have a couple of big bottles of this oil at the house, one is the seed oil and the other, I'm not sure... I need to check...

ETA: I use it to massage my scalp and I add it to my DCs weekly! I lurve it! :love3:
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Camellia oil is the best!!!!! its one of the ingredients in my hair growth oil:look:....I use camellia and emu religiously,both have great penetrative properties:yep:
this is one of my favorite oils. when i was in Japan i use to buy it in the mall. it's called tsubaki over there. it is a little expensive but worth it. it's very light and has no odor and moisturizes very well. i sometimes use it on my face too.