Calling on the Ayurveda Experts!


Well-Known Member
So in spite of all the Ayurveda threads, I find myself needing help with how to use these products I bought from FNWL...mainly because many of the posts have the powder when I have the oils or vice versa. So I'm hoping some experts on Ayurveda who have these specific products can advise on a specific recipe using all or some of what I have-the simpler the better. I have Skikakai Powder, Bhringraj Powder, Amla Oil, & Brahmi Oil.

I tried using something similar to what I found on FNWL's website for the Shikakai. I combined a tablespoon of all of the above mixed with a cup of boiling water. It said to let it cool and then wash the hair with. I can not understand how you wash your hair with something that has no consistency and I was so worried I'd get it in my eyes. I assumed the powders would dissolve, but they didn't so that felt really strange in my hair. I rinsed and rinsed, thought I got it all out, but am still brushing out little pits of powder.
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Well, first off oil and water don't mix. Shikakai and Maka/Bhringraj are my 2 fave powders!!

This is how I use the powders/oils:

1. Pre Oil/Pre-Poo hair with the oils overnight or at least 2hrs.
2. (paste) 2-3TBS shikakai with boiling water. Enough to make a semi thick paste. Like yogurt. I like mine a bit more watery.
3. Apply focusing on the scalp only. Apply in small sections and massage in with a light touch. Whatever is left over, you can apply to hair (mix in extra water if you chose)
4. Shower cap and leave in from 20min - 45min (to see how ur hair responds)
5. Rinse out! Rinse out, Rinse Out, then cowash, rinse, cowash, rinse. While I'm rinsing, I use the tub or sink and rinse my hair with it stopped up. So I'm basically focusing on loosening up the powders from my scalp. After swishing around in the sink/tub for 5-10min then it's time to cowash.

Step 2:
While the shikakai is in my hair, I bring 1C of water to a boil, pour in 1-2 tsp of bhringaraj powder to a cup. I stir and allow to cool. I filter as much of the grit out as possible. So, after all the cowashing of the shikakai is out, I pour the maka/Bhringraj over my hair and scalp.

In the past, many would mix using a 1:2 ratio. So, let's say 1tsp shikakai: 2tsp bhringraj. For me, I now get the most from the powders by doing it seperately! The oils added to my hair before the cleansing with shikakai is what keeps my hair cleansed yet not dried out in the process. I hope this helps!

Keep in mind you can use these in the form of tea or paste.
After you make your paste, mix with conditioner of your choice and co-wash with it. I make large batches every 2-3 months and keep in the fridge. I remove from the fridge in the morning before work and co-wash at night. I usually use Suave or VO5.
I've used 2-3 tbsp of shakaki, brahmi and Alma and I would just get 1 cup hot hot water.. Never been boiling but it was pretty hot.. I might try boiling next.. Let that steep.. Then I would also oil my hair and scalp.. I would just pour the mixture over my head.. Focusing on the scalp and I wouldn't touch my hair too much.. Then I would rinse and co-wash.. I never made a paste I only made teas. I would add some in my conditioner and do a pre-poo also but I still oiled my hair 1st..